"Gravestone Inscriptions, County Down", comp. by R.S.J. Clarke,
Whyte Church Cemetery, Ballywalter, Co. Down:

    Erected by William Morrison of Ballyferris.  Also his wife Mary
Jane Morrison who departed this life the 11th of February 1879 age 72
years.  Also the above named William Morrison who departed this life
the 8th of July , 1879, aged 74 years.  In memory of his children,
Mary Jane, Jane, John who all died young.  Also his daughter Mary
Morrison, who departed this life the 28th of November 1863, aged 28
years.  Also his son John Morrison who departed this life the 11th of
September 1910, aged 71 years.

 Vol 15, p. 23., Ballyhalbert reads:


 [white limestone].  In memory of Hugh Galbraith, died 11th Nov. 1889
 and his wife Eliza Galbraith, died 1st Jan 1900.  Also their children,
 Sarah died 20th July 1902, Mary Jane died 23rd Jan. 1930,
 Elizabeth died 8th Dec. 1949. Hugh David died 25 Feb. 1951. Also
 Margaret Galbraith died 16th May 1967.

    Source: geocities.com/grandmashannon/articles/morrison

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