John E. Shannon
  John E. Shannon, a resident of Sigourney, passed away at his home Monday 
  morning, November 19, 1934 at 1:20 o'clock.  
  John Edward Shannon, son of the late Patrick Shannon and Julia (Lucey) 
  Shannon, was born near Charlotte, Iowa, on May 10, 1859, and spent the  
  early part of his life in Clinton county, residing in Keokuk county the 
  past 14 years.
  On April 25, 1893, he was united  in marriage to Teresa Farrell. He is  
  survived by  his  wife  and seven  children.  They  are;  Mrs. Loretta  
  Flander, Joseph,  Urban,  and  Mrs. Regina  Smith,  all  of Sigourney:  
  William and Francis A. of Keota: and Mrs Teresa Morrison of Webster. He 
  also leaves 17 grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs.H. M. Smith of DeWitt and 
  Mrs. P.S. Farrell of Waterloo; Two brothers,  Will of Chicago and Jere 
  of Savannah, Mo.
  The funeral  services were  held on  Wednesday  morning at  St. Mary's  
  church, under the direction of Rev. J. G. Hauser, pastor of the church. 
  Interment was made in the Catholic cemetery.
  The pallbearers  were  Dallas  Paull,  Tom  Kelly,  Ed  Morrison, Will  
  Helscher, Earl Tremmell and John Cooney.
  Relatives from a distance attending were; Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Farrell of 
  Waterloo, Vincent Farrell  of Newton, Mr.  and Mrs. Harry  Smith of De  
  Witt, Mrs. Margaret Shannon, Mr. and  Mrs. Clarence Smith, Charles and  
  Frances Kenney, Mrs. T. L. Shannon and  Irene, all of Clinton, Mr. and  
  Mrs. Geo. Shannon,  John &  Joe Showalter of  Elma; Mr  and Mrs. Roger  
  Torpey, Mrs.  W. J.  Torpey and  Catherine, and  James Farrell  all of  
  Delmar; John and Leonard Shannon, Mary, Luke, Cleo and James McDermott, 
  all of Charlotte and Will J. Shannon of Chicago.
  Sigourney Review
  December 26, 1934
                       Mrs. Teresa Bridget Shannon
  Teresa Bridget  Shannon, 90,  of Sigourney,  passed  away at  12 noon,  
  Monday, September 11 at the Rest Haven Home in Sigourney, where she has 
  been a patient for a year. For the past 30 years she had made her home  
  in Sigourney.
  She was born in Clinton county August 22, 1871, the daughter of George  
  and Catherine Farrell.
  On April 25, 1893, she was married to John E, Shannon, who passed away 
  on November 19, 1934.
  She is survived by three daughters, Loretta,  Mrs. Leo Flander of Iowa 
  City, Teresa, Mrs. Forrest Morrison, and Regina, Mrs Raynold Smith, both 
  of Sigourney, William Shannon of Keota, Francis A. Shannon of Delta, and 
  Urban  Shannon  of   Miami,  Florida;   27  grandchildren;   62  great   
  Funeral services were held at 10 am Wednesday, September 13 at the St.  
  Mary's Catholic church in Sigourney, with the Rev. J. M. Mackin saying 
  the mass and burial was in Pleasant Grove cemetery.
  The Rev. Norbert Showalter, a nephew  celebrated the Requiem Mass. The  
  Rev Adrian Kempfer of What Cheer and the  Rev J. M. Mackin were in the 
  sanctuary. Pallbearers were all grandsons.  They were Francis Shannon,  
  James Shannon, Merle Morrison, Mervin Flander, Eugene Shannon and Robert 
  The Rosary  service  was said  Tuesday  evening, September  12  in the  
  Reynolds Funeral home.
  Keokuk County News
  October 20, 1961 
  Out of town relatives attended the funeral of Mrs. Teresa Shannon, which 
  was held Wednesday, September 13 at St. Marys.
  Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connell of Cedar Falls, Urban 
  Farrell of Mason City, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Farrell of Davenport, Eugene 
  Farrell of Chicago, Mrs. Bernita VanHecke of Moline (Uncle Pat Farrell's 
  family), John Shannon  of Davenport, Mr.  and Mrs.  Leonard Shannon of  
  Charlotte, Mrs. Clarence (Alberta) Smith of Clinton, (Uncle Michael S. 
  and Aunt Maggie), Rev Norbert Showalter of  Lamont, Mr and Mrs. Harold 
  Showalter, Mrs. John  Showalter of  Elma, (Aunt  Lizzie) Mr.  and Mrs.  
  George Shannon of Elma, Irene Shannon,  Mrs. Ruth Bledsoe, Mrs. Evelyn  
  Weinbeck (Uncle Tom and Aunt Annie Shannon's family of Clinton) Mr and 
  Mrs Jack (Rosemary) Burke of Delmar, Mr and Mrs. Tad Farrell of Delmar, 
  Mr. and Mrs.  Bill Torpey  of Vinton,  Roger Torpey  of Charlotte, Mrs  
  Everett (Mildred) Leonard of Clinton (Aunt Gert's and Uncle Will's), Mr. 
  and Mrs. James McDermott and son Charles  of Delmar, Luke McDermott of 
  Charlotte (Aunt Mary's), Mr and Mrs.  Herbert Smith of DeWitt, Francis  
  Kenney, DeWitt, Charles Kenney of Clinton, Dr. and Mrs. James Shannon of 
  Ottumwa, Dr. and Mrs.  Donald Shannon of Houghton,  Mr. and Mrs. Lyman  
  Morrison of Knoxville, Mr.  and Mrs. Francis  Shannon of Peoria, Ill.,  
  Leonard and Eugene  Flander of  Des Moines  Mervin Flander,  Mrs. Lois  
  Herb Smith is Aunt Frances boy and Kenney's is another of dads sister's 
  boys. this is a shortcut if you can  figure it out. I tried to let you  
  know who some belonged to if any names were ever heard.
  From Aunt Regina Shannon Smith
  typed 1994 by Lyman Morrison
  At St. Patrick's church, Villa Nova on Tuesday April 25, 1893, Mr John  
  E. Shannon and Miss  Tessie Farrell were  united in the  holy bonds of  
  matrimony by Rev. Fr.  Doherty. the bride was  attended by her sister,  
  Miss Annie and Mr. T. L. Shannon, brother of the groom was best man. At 
  the conclusion  of  the ceremony  the  bridal party  proceeded  to the  
  residence of the brides mother where a sumptuous repast was served. In 
  the evening the young folks assembled  and tripped the light fantastic  
  until the domestic  bird gave warning  of the  approaching morrow. The  
  young couple were recipients of a large  number of valuable and useful 
  presents. Mr. and Mrs. Shannon have commenced housekeeping in their home 
  just south of Villa Nova. They have the best wishes of many friends.
  Publication unknown
  Retyped 1994 by Lyman Morrison  


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