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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Frequently Asked Questions?
Frequently Asked Questions- or F.A.Q. as it is commonly refered to- provides answers to questions that have been, or are likely to be asked.
What is animé?
In the United States and other countries, the term, animé, is used to indicate Japanese animation. In Japan the term, anime, isn't specific to one country or region, but instead refers to all animation.
How do I submit fanart/fanfics/fanreviews/fansites?
Click the submit button on the left navigation bar, next, click the link for what you intend to submit, then completely fill out the form and click submit.
I just submitted the coolest fanart/fanfic/fanreview/fansite, how come it hasn't been posted yet?
Time is needed to review your submission and make sure it follows the guidelines. You will be e-mailed before your submission is posted, if you recieve no e-mail within two weeks, please try again.
How do I contact you?
Use the contact buttons provided on the left navigation bar or above and fill out the form.
The fanfic and fanreview submission pages says that you may edit my work. Why?
I feel it is best to correct punctuation and spelling errors before others read your work. Misuse of punctuation or improper spelling can confuse people or even convey a different meaning than which was intended. Also, if you are shown your errors, you are more likely to learn from your mistakes.
I signed up for the newsletter but I haven't received it yet, what's up?
I try to send out the newsletter once a month at the beggining of the month. If you sign-up in the middle or end of the month you may have to wait a bit. Also be sure to add to your contacts list or address book, some e-mail providers might filter out the newsletter as a "junk-e-mail." Anime 100 Roberts Anime Corner Store

Site created April 2003. Version 2 revealed April 2004. All characters depicted in writing or picture are owned by their respective companies and I claim no ownership whole or partial.