Some of the cases mentioned in this web site are based on the evidence of our own eyes, or on documentation and or first hand accounts from the people involved. However as it is possible that we have been misled, lied to or drawn the wrong conclusions,
under no circumstances whatsoever, should anything on this web site should be taken as fact,unless stated otherwise. Any material on this site, shown to be inaccurate or misleading, will be removed immediately on request and  apology given.
We have made some small insignificant changes to the facts to protect the (allegedly) guilty and innocent alike.

Or in other words, everything on this site is bullshit and should be considered as such.
In the unlikely event that someone considers taking legal action against Mad-As-Hell.Com, we would strongly advise against it. The three persons who are collectively known as 'Howard Beale' are physicaly or mentaly disabled to various extents and without the financial status to either fight or settle any such actions.
All opinions on this and mirror sites are ours and ours alone. They have nothing whatsoever to do with our ISPs or web hosts.

Mad-As-Hell.Com is a non-profit organisation run for entertainment, educational and masturbatory purposes only. However, financial donations are welcome, provided that they are in cash. (Brown envelopes not required)
All original material on this site
© Copyright, The Howard Beale Center/Mad-As-Hell.Com 1999-2002. All rights reserved.

We reserve the right to arm bears