Ok, I finally found a few minutes to mess with this page. Now, if Geocities will just stay up long enough for me to finish it I will. I have found a little menu that will work for now. But it is not exactly what I wanted. I will continue to look for the one I want but in the meantime this one will work.

Here is another page I have set up. Arctic Mirage I did this because on this long journey throught the Valley of The Shadow of Death..... you need to find a little fun, a little hope and a little distraction. It is too easy to live, breath and think of therapy when you are going through it. Enjoy, use your browsers BACK button to come back to this page.

I am managing a web ring for a friend of mine. It's purpose is to link Christian Web pages that deal in MPD/DID together in a ring. This Ring allows easy access to web-surfers that desire to view similar pages. If you or someone you know has a site like this please direct them here. If you would like to browse this webring click here.

My Story. This what brought me to GSM in the first place.  Just a little glimpse to get to know me better. 

Poetry and other Inspriring Things. This page is poetry, works of art, and songs that people have submitted to me.  Please share yours with me and I will put it on this page.

The Silent Scream A few thoughts about self-abuse.

Sexual Abuse What is it like to be or live with someone that has been sexual abused.

Boundaries.  The powerful use of boundaries.  What are they and how do I start?

The Church.  It was one of the hardest things for me to over come.  Why is it that in a place that offers peace, love and hope; they couldnt touch the overwhelming pain I was feeling.  Worse than that I felt shoved away.

Am I crazy??  Then why do I feel this way?

Alters or Parts... a look at my therapy.. There is a contraversy about how to go about therapy with a person with DID/MPD. My Therapist has had such success with her method I thought I would put some of it here.

Faith ??? I think Jesus taught that sometimes we need to 'borrow' the faith of those around us, until we are able to 'walk' on our own.

Rainydays...  We all need to learn to 'play' to find some fun and laughter in life.  This page is intended for that use.

Webrings are icons that link similar pages together.  I have found quite a few connecting Christian and DID/MPD sites together. Remember if at anytime you do not feel safe to leave a site.

Here are a few of the awards I have been blessed with.   Thank you

This page is comforting to know that someone out there 'sees' what I see.

Another short story about me. My struggle with the elusive problem.  

Me? An addict?... Ha Ha... Journaling!!?!? My ramblings about being an alcolholic. Who knows where the ramblings will lead. Starting April 2002, I will keep a diary of my recovery. The thoughts and feelings that I have. I feel it will be more for me, for my own well-being, (write, write, write... )than a benefit to anyone else.

So, if you would like to peruse my ramblings you have come to right place.

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I have had reports that the guestbook link was broken. I deleted the old one and replaced it. Please sign it so that I know that it is working. Thank you!