Do you like to party with the Captain? Dolphins, Dolphins and more Dolphins.

Click here for the South Park Web Site

My name is...? Craig Apel
Do you have any nicknames? Big Dawgg, Mac Daddy, Big Daddy Craig, OS Mac
What is your email address and/or web page address?
For mailing reasons (Christmas, Weddings) what is your mailing address? 1013 N Country Ln
Palatine, IL 60067
How many times have you attended the Marak Family Canoe Trip? Virgin 2004
How would your rate your drunkenness on the last Canoe Trip?
1-slightly buzzed or underage
2-slightly confused and or disoriented
3-stumbling and handing out your "peanuts"
4-Well liquored and comfortably numb
5-snookered and passing out around the fire or just randomly on the campground
6-Finding yourself somehow 22 blocks north of the campground
7-I really just don't remember
What was your favorite Canoe Trip Story?
What is the best story about one of your friends? Rich Daddy - Night of the Yager…
Name five of your favorite movies... 1. Friday
2. Office Space
3. Old School
4. Dumb & Dumber
5. American Pie
This will sound morbid but, if you died today...what one thinkg would you have regretted that you did not do while you were on earth? Make sweet love to Dan Marino… Just kidding!
What is the most embarassing thing that has ever happened to you? puked while drunk - yes, it actually happened to me…
What is something that nobody knows about you? I'm a rebel at heart.
Taken from the LJ/Huntley Police Inquiry...I will need some extra space for LJ here...What is your worst habbit? Drinking
Who is a better guitarist?
(Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Joe F'n Perry, Chuck Berry, B.B. King)
Jimi Hendrix
Who would be the last man standing after a night of just drinking regular good ole' beer? (Gumby, Marshall, Tommy, Ken, JR, LJ, Todd, Gary "the Freak" Frear, Kathleen) Marshall
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage and how do you make it? Captain with a splash of Coke… You all know what I mean!
What is your favorite shot? Ingredients? Jager
The Deserted Island Question: What three things would you want if you were stranded on an Island...alone? Captain & Coke
NFL Football
What is the most pain you have ever felt? Getting drilled by a LARGE MAN in football.
Jackson Five...(dig'em or Are you kidding?) Are you kidding?
What one person do you look up to the most? Why? My friend Tom. Because he got me where I am today.
Name a drinking game that you wish you could never play again. Circle of Death. It's banned!
What is your best feature? (it can be a personality or a physical trait) My Humor
What major decision in your life do you wish you could change and why? Working in Corporate America because it sucks ballz…
Mark Metzelov needs some more story ideas. What would be a good topic/idea for him to write about? Night of the Train or Night of the Jager at ISU…
What question was not asked that should have been asked? Who's Your Daddy?
And now...something that you would like to say, comments, thoughts, views and or questions. Any expression can be made in music, not words…

Click the Booblehead to see Craig's favorite ALL TIME COACH! University of Michigan Football Homepage

Corporate America Brings the Man Down! Go here to fight the suits!