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My name is...? Laura Clesen
Do you have any nicknames? I don't really have any
What is your email address and/or web page address?
For mailing reasons (Christmas, Weddings) what is your mailing address? 214 Travis Court #106
Schaumburg, IL 60195
How many times have you attended the Marak Family Canoe Trip? 7-10 Years
How would your rate your drunkenness on the last Canoe Trip?
1-slightly buzzed or underage
2-slightly confused and or disoriented
3-stumbling and handing out your "peanuts"
4-Well liquored and comfortably numb
5-snookered and passing out around the fire or just randomly on the campground
6-Finding yourself somehow 22 blocks north of the campground
7-I really just don't remember
2-slightly confused and or disoriented
What was your favorite Canoe Trip Story? Wow, it's hard to pick just one. I guess I'd have to go with waking up last year to find Tommy STILL drinking by the campfire, and something about him talking to the birds?? Or maybe it was talking about birds? I don't know, I just couldn't believe he was still drinking!!
What is the best story about one of your friends? Christina is called gecko for a reason. Ask her for the story, then after she lies about it, come ask me and I'll let you know the real story!
Name five of your favorite movies... 1. Pretty Woman
2. Ocean's 11
3. Grease
4. Thomas Crown Affair
5. Breakfast Club
This will sound morbid but, if you died today...what one thinkg would you have regretted that you did not do while you were on earth? Have children
What is the most embarassing thing that has ever happened to you? Flipper Stripper is all I have to say.
What is something that nobody knows about you? If I tell you than everyone will know, so I wouldn't really be answering your question.
Taken from the LJ/Huntley Police Inquiry...I will need some extra space for LJ here...What is your worst habbit? Smoking
Who is a better guitarist?
(Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Joe F'n Perry, Chuck Berry, B.B. King)
Stevie Ray Vaughn
Who would be the last man standing after a night of just drinking regular good ole' beer? (Gumby, Marshall, Tommy, Ken, JR, LJ, Todd, Gary "the Freak" Frear, Kathleen) Tommy
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage and how do you make it? Raspberry vodka and lemonade
What is your favorite shot? Ingredients? August moon (thank you Gumby!) It's half amaretto, half baileys chilled.
The Deserted Island Question: What three things would you want if you were stranded on an Island...alone? a working cell phone
What is the most pain you have ever felt? I don't really know how to answer this one.
Jackson Five...(dig'em or Are you kidding?) dig'em
What one person do you look up to the most? Why? My Dad. He's always been there for me.
Name a drinking game that you wish you could never play again. Circle of death - (the old way) The way Nick plays is pretty fun!
What is your best feature? (it can be a personality or a physical trait) Being a Good Listener.
What major decision in your life do you wish you could change and why? I didn't go away to college and get a degree.
Mark Metzelov needs some more story ideas. What would be a good topic/idea for him to write about? how about the story of his ever changing hair cut!
What question was not asked that should have been asked? I don't know.
And now...something that you would like to say, comments, thoughts, views and or questions. The canoe trip is the best. We get to meet new people every year. So, who's in charge of warning these new people about Tommy?
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Do you need to rent a car?.