Click on a picture to get a larger verson of it!

Click on the name under the picture to read a quick bio in the character

SSJ Gokou
Super Sayian Gokou
Future Trunks
Future Trunks
Chi Chi
Chi Chi
Gotenks SSJ3
Master Roshi
Master Roshi
Gokou as a kid
Gokou as a kid
King Kai
King Kai
The Great Saiyan Man
The Great Saiyan Man
Super Saiyan Vegeta
Super Saiyan Vegeta
Who it is
Picture 17
Who it is
Picture 18
Who it is
Picture 19
Who it is
Picture 20


Gokou is a Saiya-jin (Pronounced Say-an (At least thats how I say it)).
He is one of the main characters. This shot is from the Sony
Playstation Game. He is the strongest of all the Z fighter (I

Super Saiyan Gokou

This is Gokou too. When he gets really mad his power level
jumps by huge amounts, and the angryer he gets the higher his
power level goes.

When he does this he is then a super Saiya-jin. There are 3
levels for Super Saiya-jin. I'm not sure if any Saiya-jins ever
make it to Super Saiya-jin level 5.

All Saiya-jins can do this, even half Saiya-jins. I'm not sure
if quater Saiya-jins can go Super Saiya-jin. SSJ mean Super
Saiya-jin. It's used alot to save space on web pages. :)

Future Trunks

This is Trunks... Well actually its Future Trunks.
He comes back into the past to destroy Freeza and cure Gokou of a
deadly heart problem that he got on another planet.

Trunks is a half Saiya-jin. His father is Vegeta and his mother
is Bulma, how these 2 ever gettogether I haven't got a clue, but
they do.


Bulma has a controling attitude but it gets better with time.
She has no special powers or fighting skills but she is very smart.


Gozita is a fusion of 2 other people, Gokou and Vegeta.
Characters can fuse together with the help of special earings.
When characters fuse their powers combine and increase, and
their personalities merge into one person. The person who
started the fusion is the one whos personality is controling.

Chi Chi

Chi Chi smashs heads but only when her son (Gohan) is in danger.
She is not all that strong but she is smart, but if she ever
tried to fight the weakest villan from DBZ she would be

Gotenks SSJ3

This is Gotenks in SSJ3 form all powered up and ready to kick
butt. From what I know he is a fusion between 2 other
characters, Goten and Trunks. Goten is the 2nd son of Gokou and
ChiChi, Trunks is the son of Vegeta and Bulma (figure that one

Master Roshi

Master Roshi is strong but not that strong. Most of
the villans in DBZ and DBGT would defeat him in minutes if not


Picture nine is Krilin. This is an interesting character. Hes
almost always part of the action and comic relief. At least once
per fight he gets it in the head. In one movie he get hit in the
head 4 times in about 10 minuts. He starts off bald but
eventually gets hair. He falls in love with #18, a robot that
tries to kill him and the group.


Tenchanhan is a master of split form fighting. He can split
into 3 and from what I know all 3 have the same power. The
third eye on his head is where is powers are focused at. He
also has another trick up his sleave, it's called solar flare.
It is a blinding light that comes from his hands and can blind
temporarily so that he can make some distance and/or gather
some power to use against his adversary.

Gokou as a kid

Gokou was a very strong kid, he could easyly lift a car.
He knew even less of how the world works then when he is
an adult and even as an adult he doesn't know that much.
When an old man found him as a baby, he was wild and out
of control. The old man took him in as his grandson and
tried to teach him to behave but to no avail. Then one
day they were out walking and Gokou fell off a cliff, the
old man thought that he would be killed but as it turns out
he wasen't, all he did was bump his head. After that bump
in the head Gokou calmed down and became a good boy. The
old man figured that the bump on the head caused Gokou to
lose his memory and become the good boy that he is.

King Kai

King Kai likes to crack alot of jokes, but he is a good
teacher. When Gokou is killed the first time, he goes
to King Kai for traning to beat a new threat that was
comming to earth. He starts training him and eventually
Gokou become more powerful then King Kai.


I don't know too much about Kami execpt that he is the
guardian of the earth and is the creater of the Dragon
Balls. He is also a the good half of someone (not sure who
right now) Piccilo is the other half (at least from what I

The Great Saiyan Man

Gohan is The Great Saiyan Man. He took this identity
so that he would not be bothered by fans. He is now a
pretty good fighter with a high power level. He is the First son
of Gokou and ChiChi.


Vegeta is a villan at first (tries to destroy earth) but after
he is defeated by Gokou the first time he joins the good guys
(well sort of). He does fight for good but only because he want
to kill Gokou.

Super Saiyan Vegeta

Vegeta can also go super saiyan. Since he is the Prince of the
saiyan home planet he figures he should be the first to do
everything and gets very steamed when Gokou goes super saiyan

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