Words! (Who can say more?)

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aesthetician: A skin care specialist. (Why didn't they talk about this when I studied aesthetics?)
bluey: Australian slang for a redhead. (No wonder they call it down under. . .)
breastsummer: A girder or beam set over a doorway or other opening to support the superstructure. (No comment. . .)
equivoque: A pun that uses two words or phrases in such a way that they have equal weight/importance. (Okay, fellow pun fans, here's something new. Or, maybe you already knew.)
fasgrolia: FASt GROing Language of Initialisms and Acronyms. (This one's just FYI.)
fiancé: The man to whom a woman is engaged. ( This is a personal fetish of mine. It's no big deal. . .unless you're talking to me. I hate hearing a man being called a fiancée.)
hirsutorufous: Red-haired. (Pant, pant!)
mykiss: The Kamchatka salmon or the cutthroat trout. (They aren't going to get my kiss, I'll tell you!)
nybble: A four-bit section of a byte. Each byte has two nybbles. These are useful because the have a range of zero to fifteen and so translate into single hexadecimal numbers, i.e. 0-F. Thus, the eight bits in a byte can be stated as two single numbers: 1001, 1101 = 9, D. (Try to drop this one into conversation at your next MENSA meeting.)
onanism: Masterbation. (From Onan of Biblical fame [Genesis 38:6-10]. Interestingly, Onan is not recorded to have masterbated. . .)
podobromhidrosis: Stinky feet. (Tell 'em, then make 'em look it up.)
pogonotrophy: Growing a beard. (I consider mine a trophy, but I'm not sure about that pogono thing.)
pulchritudinous: Possessing physical beauty. ("You're so pulchritudinous." Try that one on the man or woman of your dreams. . . then keep on dreaming.)
remontado: A person who has renounced civilization. Often, they have moved to the mountains. (They could move to my neighborhood. We seem to have renounced civilization.)
shillelagh: Named for the town in Ireland in which they were first produced, a shillalagh is a walking staff, strong club or cudgel carried by some Irish. (I once heard a radio station spend some 20 minutes trying to find the spelling for this. Here it is. Enjoy.)
syzygy: In astronomy, the nearly-straight alignment of three celestrial bodies in a single gravitational system. In astrology, any alignment of celestial bodies. (There are other meanings, too, but these are the fun ones to me. Just imagine getting this lousy hand of letters in Scrabble® and then remembering this wonderful word. Especially if you're playing with your big brother or mother-in-law.)
three: Pi. (Yes, pi, as in 3.14159265359 etc., etc., etc. However, this is pi in hexadecimal [base 16]. In binary [base 2], it's 11. If we'd quit counting with our fingers, pi could be a nice whole number. )