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Learning Disabilities: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

The cause of the problems has been identified as a disorder called Attention Deficit Disorder .

However, not many people globally, are aware of this disorder or that possibly they might have it, because it is an internal problem, a problem in inner workings of the brain.

It is a known fact, their brains are wired differently from other people.





Unfortunately, this disorder cannot be cured, however their problems can tackled one by one. Like most disorders, there is treatment for it.

But, before they can be treated, they must learn to accept themselves for who they really are, because it is a fact that cannot change and the obstacles in life are many, but then those obstacles can be overcome.

Over time these people will start to develop special traits. As many are known to possess a unique creativeness in problem solving, kind of like the TV character MacGyver perhaps. In fact the profile of MacGyver, an underachiever who could solves problems creatively, does yeild an interesting possibility.

As many have characteristic to never give up, an outgoing personality, strong skills in areas not many people have, an ability to very be understanding and supportive of people in need.

Nevertheless, despite of what people say or think about them, a large majority of them are highly intelligent, as they mostly possess high I.Q levels.

But before they can fully ultilize their special potential, they must learn how to live correctly. Specifically, they need to know more about themselves and how they can live correctly. In fact the earlier they start to take action and get treatment for their disorder, the sooner they'll overcome the obstacles and lead a normal, healthy and be successful lifestyle.



