January 7, 2002              Posted By: Hatchet Luver

suup juggalos, im back with a fat spliff. Yo, i got some news for ya'll, this site is doing pretty good on the account of the lack of content right now,, but thats cool. I have a good idea, when this site hits 1000 hits, the first 10 people to send me a E-Mail about it....will be able to win anything from videos, un-sceen pictues, music files, and more.

Make sure to check back on the site, so YOU can win the Big Prize!! When twiztidslim volume 2 comes out, its yours. Plus all the other shit. Anyways, ninjas i gotta ride, my ho is wanting some attention!!
Peace, MCL

January 6, 2002             
Posted By: Hatchet Luver

Suup ninjas, sorry i havent updated in a few days, been kinda busy, but im not anymore, i have plans for this site. Also, last time i checked we were ranked #16 on the top 50. keep votin. And news on Twiztidslim Volume 2. We go back in the studio to finish up a few track with in the week.

Oh, and also, i added some new pages, and links to the site. One page for instance, the
FAQ page. The link to that page is located on the Main page. And on the cd info page, theres a new link to request a sample of a new, unrealeased song.  make sure to spread the word about Hatchet Luvers, and sign the Guestbook. MCL!!

I've been thinkin about adding a page for either games,icons or ugly bitch of the day. which do you think i should add? Make sure to tell me so you get what you want. Submit Suggestion

January 2, 2002
            Posted By: Hatchet Luver

Welcome to the new layout of Hatchet Luvers. 2002 style!
I think its a big step up from the other one i had. Let's see how this works out.

Anyways, what up ninjas? Ive been workin on this site, and ive got some mad changes in mind. Basically, just keep checkin back to see what i've updated.

January 1, 2002            Posted By: Hatchet Luver

What up Muthafuckas? Happy New Year. Me and Slim Set off a mad selection of fireworks. Look around  the site... See anything different? Well, i made some updates to the Welcome Page, and.. well, a few updates to every page to make it easier to view and to my hachet likings. Once again, im out. Keep Voting. OH! And before you leave, Sign the Guestbook. Juggalo Style!!
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