Michelle - 03/28/00 23:44:08
My Email:mwhitehead@widewaters.com
I'm from...: Syracuse
How I got here...: DUH!

Ingrid Martinez - 02/01/00 00:18:35
My URL:don't have one
My Email:IGODSPROPERTY99@aol.com
I'm from...: Maryland

Andy Teal - 01/06/00 04:10:11
My Email:drforeman@hotmail.com
I'm from...: Carrollton, GA
How I got here...: Aw, c'mon... :)
Howdy howdy howdy! Erm... howdy! I can officially say, without a doubt, that this is the very finest website at all, of any kind, that has ever existed, ever. Yup! It's true. So, sit back and bask in the coolness that is this site. Thank you. :)

Michelle - 01/04/00 18:51:44
My Email:pooh-buzz@juno.com
I'm from...: City and state?
How I got here...: Duh!
And this one time, at band camp......JUST KIDDING! Sorry, I couldn't help it. Sharon...very cool! I wish we could have all seen it. Very soon! Hey! You need to put pics from here on there too! Woo-Hoo!

Audrey, your cousin - 12/23/99 21:56:53
My Email:You know lah!!
I'm from...: Malaysia lah!!
Awsome. Will constantly check your updates!!

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