God is Light

God is light--Noor ﺭﻭﻧ . Jesus is also called the light of God ﷲ ﺭﻭﻧ . Light has a source--electrons--but those electrons simply exist. Light is the movement and revelation of the electrons. Light in our houses comes from a light bulb. We say that light falls on the furniture. But what really is the light? The sun shines and the sunshine lights our earth. We turn on a light switch and immediately there is light. We turn off the light switch and immediately the light bulb stops burning and there is no light in the room. Even though we think the light that falls on the furniture appears to be separate from the light bulb, actually they are one. They cannot be separated. If anything comes between the bulb and the furniture, the light is cut off. If it is totally cut off, the light bulb still shines and the light still exists, it simply does not light the furniture. Because we don't see the light doesn't mean the light doesn't exist; it just isn't falling on us. We can look at the light in the room but we may not be able to look directly at the bulb. The light in the bulb is much more intense. Yet it is still the same light. The benefit of the bulb is not from gazing at it, but looking on the light that comes from it to light our path and work. Yet to refuse to acknowledge where it came from is utter foolishness. Jesus Christ revealed himself as the light of the world. He said he was from God and is One with God. Many people have no problem understanding the connection between a light bulb and the light in a room, the sun and the sunshine, because they have seen them in action. Yet they refuse to take God at his word that Jesus Christ is the light that has shined from God, as part of God, into the world. Their refusal to acknowledge his origin is like someone refusing to use the light because it doesn't look like the bulb. Furthermore, they have never seen the work and character of God in Jesus Christ because they refuse to ask him to reveal himself to them. They do so because they either don't understand or they refuse to understand. But since when do we claim to fully understand God? We must not refuse to believe what God has revealed to us about himself. The Holy Bible is the Word of God, communicating his message to us as human beings.

We see this further in the example of light. The way we can see different colours and different objects is that different substances reflect light in different ways. We use black ink to write with because black ink absorbs light and therefore very little light is reflected from those lines. This is put on white paper because the white paper reflects light very well. This contrast causes us to see writing on a page. This writing is helpful to us and actually communicates to us. But actually it is simply light coming to our eyes at different rates. The ink does not come to our eyes, the light does. Yet the light is useless to us without the ink. The two are one in purpose to communicate to us. At first glance light seems colourless; only when light is reflected from a material substance do we realise the colour that exists in light. Everything we see demostrates things, including every rainbow in the sky. This is a very helpful example to show to us that God does not think it wrong to be joined with human flesh as long as through that flesh God is revealed, glorified, remembered and worshipped according to truth and spirit. In the case of black ink on a white page, most people don't even know what is actually happening. They are unaware that light is being reflected at different rates to their eyes, and even if they are aware of that fact, they rarely think of it. Yet God chose Jesus Christ to faithfully display himself to the world and he did that faithfully and honourablely as a help to mankind. As a result we understand the love of God in a way we never would have before. This love is the purifying factor in the lives of those who follow Jesus Christ. (Injil, John 13:34-35; 1 John 4) Many times it is simply our lack of knowledge and lack of faith that causes us to refuse what God clearly reveals. Let us experience the wonderful light of God!

1 John 1:5-7 to 2:11 -- God is light, light is in him and he is in light.

John 8:12 -- Jesus said, "I am the light of the world."

Revelation 21:23 -- Heaven is illuminated by the Light of God and of the Lamb

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