Ode of a Prophet

From his home to the mountain,
Friend Ibrahim trod,
With his beloved son in tow,
Long was the trip or so it seemed.
You see, his heart ached so.

And yet, tho' his heart,
Was heavy and sad,
He never gave up his resolve.
He believed the promise,
Of God above,
Whatever it would involve.

A rope and some wood?
An altar to build?
From where would the sacrifice come?
For the son in tow,
Not just from below,
Was a promise from God above,
To produce the blessing,
For all the world,
That God had said, he would love!

So what is the answer,
But life from the dead?
"Yes, that is the answer," said he.
"Believing that God will raise my son,
I'll pass the test set for me."

With courage renewed,
He picked up the knife.
Nothing would stand in his way.
He'd trust in the promise of God Most High.
His son on the altar he'd slay.

And then from the heavens,
A familiar voice,
"My Friend, put down the knife.
You've passed the test.
I've spared your son.
You'll have him the rest of your life!"

"But as for my Word,
If one life go free,
Another must die in its stead.
I've provided a sheep,
For the sacrifice.
Not your son, but the sheep will be dead."

"Yes, as We have said,
Since your son went free,
Another must die at your hand.
We've provided a sheep,
For the substitute.
The sheep will fulfill Our command."

And so it was,
On that very day,
That this heavenly gift we applaud,
Was a ransom great,
To spare the son,
As a sign for the honour of God.

Was the sacrifice,
So great, we may ask?
Of it's meaning, can we be sure?
Does it's greatness come,
'Cause it saved the son,
Does it point to a greater cure?

Was the sheep not a sign?
And who is the son?
Why does he have us so awed?
Has he come to light,
Revealing himself,
Upholding the honour of God?

Yes, the sheep points to Him,
Of whom Yahya said,
"Behold the Lamb of God".
The son points to man,
For whom He came,
All for the honour of God.

So the sheep came to Him,
The promised son.
Indeed will the earth blest be!
His descendant--The Lamb,
In turn gave His life.
The Ransom of ransoms is He.

The ransom He gave,
Was out of love,
A need so great He met,
"To take away the sin of the world"
Rescuing man from death.

So let us not fear,
Our God is near,
He'll take us to His perfect state,
If we humble ourselves,
And believe His Word,
And trust in His plan so great.

The Ransom of ransoms,
Came back to life,
In the resurrection, did He.
He has the prize,
The favour of God,
O'er death, has the Victory!

Ó 2001 Tandoori Ministries

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