Northeast Working Equipment Group

Labor Day 1998 Working Equipment Rally

Willow Springs Quarry - Richland, Pennsylvania

PAGE 3 - Sunday Afternoon

BILL MEDFORD of Downingtown, Penn., made his MkV dive (left) on Sunday afternoon.
STEFAN DETERS from New Brunswick, Canada, (right) tried out Jim Boyd's recently acquired Yokohama "Jap suit"
on Ray Butts' MkV and found the suit had quite a number of sleeve holes from welding burns by its previous owner.
"Patches, we don't need no stinking patches!" exclaimed the wet Canadian when he emerged.

BILL EUBANKS had much better luck with his recently acquired Japanese TOA helmet (below),
finding a perfect match with Boyd's Converse dress
and demonstrating its seaworthiness with numerous buoyant ascents.

STEFAN DETERS had posed in Jim Boyd's Chinese commercial rig
at the July 4, 1998, Midwest Working Equipment Rally in Joliet, Illinois,
with his soon-bride-to-be Emily, who gave him a good luck kiss (Tim Tranter photo).
On their honeymoon, Stefan surprised Em by shaving his head (below), much to her delight.

ERICA DRYDEN, at age 16, is an experienced MkV tender and assisted Stefan Deters
(displaying his recently discovered scalp) in dressing Raymond Tucker in the MkV.
Erica's sister, 12-year-old Valerie (below), was diving with a vintage double-hose scuba.

SERGEANT HARMON fulfilled his mission to dive the MkV (left) on Sunday.
VINCE GAMBAL (right), a volunteer diver at the New Jersey State Aquarium in Camden,
made his first surface-supplied dive in Jim Wright's SuperLite 27.

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