"Watch, Gaze, and Marke": The Poetry of Mary Wroth Gary F. Waller
Edmund Waller, English Precieux Thomas Kaminski
Saul and the Social Contract: Constructions of 1 Samuel 8-11 in Cowley's 'Davideis' and Defoe's 'Jure Divino.' Michael Austin
Epic warfare in Cowley and Milton D.M. Rosenberg
Truth Is Truest Poetry: The Influence of the New Philosophy on Abraham Cowley Robert B. Hinman
Discordia Concors, Decorum, and Cowley Harvey D. Goldstein
The Epic Reticence of Abraham Cowley Timothy Dykstal
Cowley's 'Pindarique Odes' and the politics of the inter-regnum Stella P. Revard
The Sapphic-Platonics of Katherine Philips, 1632-1664 Harriette Andreadis
Matching the 'Matchless Orinda' to Her Times Kathleen M. Swaim
The Forgotten Legacy of the 'Matchless Orinda' Lucy Brashear
The Matchless Orinda Elinor M. Buckingham
Introduction to Poems: 1667 Travis DuPriest
Two Poems and a Prose Receipt: The Unpublished Juvenalia of Katherine Philips Claudia Limbert
Manly Sweetness: Katherine Philips among the Neoclassicals Paula Loscocco
Katherine Philips, Aphra Behn, and the Female Pindaric Stella P. Revard
Subversive Sexuality: Masking the Erotic in Poems by Katherine Philips and Aphra Behn Arlene Stiebel
Margaret Cavendish and the female satirist Mihoko Suzuki
Warrior Women in the Plays of Cavendish and Killigrew Karen L. Raber
Surface and Interiority: Self-Creation in Margaret Cavendish's The Claspe Jennifer Low
"Plain arid Vulgarly Express'd": Margaret Cavendish and the Discourse of the New Science Richard Nate
The mechanist-vitalist soul of Margaret Cavendish Jay Stevenson
Reading the stage: Margaret Cavendish and Commonwealth closet drama Marta Stranznicky
Margaret Cavendish and the romance of contract Victoria Kahn
The Distinctive Voice of Massinger Anne Barton
Contemporary Politics in Massinger Allen Gross
Massinger the Censor Philip Edwards
Massinger's Men and Women Philip Edwards
Verbal Formulae in the Plays of Philip Massinger Cyrus Hoy
The Significance of Massinger's Social Comedies, with a Note on 'Decadence' L. C. Knights
A New Way to Pay Old Debts: Massinger's Grim Comedy
The Moral Tone of Massinger's Dramas A. L. Bennett
Giving and taking in Massinger's tragicomedies Robert Y. Turner
Massinger's Political Tragedies Douglas Howard
The Roman Actor, censorship, and dramatic autonomy David A. Reinheimer
The Theme and Structure of The Roman Actor Peter H. Davidson
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