The band is the brainchild of Adeel - the lead guitarist, composer, songwriter. Adeel started playing guitar in his late teens. His penchant for the instrument dates back to his early childhood. His immense interest in literature ensured the deep understanding he has of music. Beginning his musical odyssey as a session player for Rock Attack, alieNation, and Hades.

Shoaib is the man handling the lead vocals. This man started off as a pop/folk singer. Then spent some years as a student of classical vocals, and finally ended up blaring his vocals chords in rock outfits. He teamed up with Adeel in the 98 and since then has been handling the lead vocals.

The smooth vocals and bass riffs, forming the base line of the mellifluous quality of the bands sound are the domain of Muaz. The man has been a music freak since times' immemorial’. Then he started to play bass with underground rock acts and soon carved a niche for himself. But his unending pursuit for perfection led him to AnestheziA in 2003. Working as a DJ at FM101 the man skills himself through to new heights of extravagance.
And so formed AnestheziA.