Harry and Draco
¤.¤ Love Comes Softly ¤.¤

Draco sighed as he thought about the last week. He had told his Slytherin goonies the reason why he had to live in the Tower with Potter, he had even managed to say it in a voice filled with disdain, but the truth was living with Harry wasn't so bad. The Gryffindor was usually good with sharing the bathroom, if he had friends over most of the time they were in his room, but most importantly Draco had come to realize just exactly how handsome the boy was.

Hogwarts knew that Draco Malfoy was bisexual, but the Slytherin didn't know what Harry's preference was so he kept to himself. As much as he tried to be civil to Harry the Gryffindor always seemed to put up a cold wall, causing Draco to be his usually snarky self.

When Draco walked into the small Common Room that he and Harry shared he was surprised to find the boy sitting on the couch reading. He was doing something productive, not that Draco ever did, but Harry was usually in his room with Granger and Weasley.

"Where's the gang, Potter?" came his usual drawl.

"Ron stole my flapjack so I killed him," he said sarcastically, only looking up when he finished his sentence, "...Do YOU think that was wrong?" Draco threw an unimpressed smirk at him and raised an elegant gold eyebrow.

"They're off doing trans work in the library....I'm offended that they would insult my IQ like that. 'Doing trans work', yeah right."

Harry wasn't sure how to act around Draco. Making slight banter was alright, but this was basically a one off. Usually he'd throw an uncaring reply at Draco and a spat would ensue.

It didn't help in the slightest that Hermione had dropped the news on Harry about mid week that Draco was Bi and proud. After that Harry had sat and wandered what he was.

I mean, I've been out with girls...albeit not successfully but I have, plus I've never really thought 'Whoa, look at that guy', but then I've never gone 'Ah no guys EVIL!

So Harry both upset about his breakdown in front of Draco (which had actually helped Harry be at peace a bit more, although he did still occasionally mourn Sirius) and he was pissed because Draco knew where his sexuality lay.

Bloody Slytherin.

Draco raised an eyebrow at the Grryffindor's words, but kept a chuckle at bay. Shaking his head slightly and turning away from Harry, Draco went to stand infront of the fireplace. Even though Draco was a Slytherin,and used to the dungeons the Tower was cold, and he knew that the 'other occupant' felt the same, because Harry usually dressed in something warm. The Slytherin remarked mournfully to himself.

Stupid Gryffindor. After a minute Draco came to sit in a chair facing Harry with his usual smirk in place, "So, Potter, why aren't you with Granger and Weasley? I thought you three did_everything_together?"

Harry glowered at Draco, Right! He wants to play, then fine!Fixing a smirk upon his face he replied.

"Why Draco if I was with them then I would be shattered, what with them being them, and so I decided to stay with you because even if you did try something on me you'd be so_terrible_ that I wouldn't be affected at all."

With that he stood up and went into the bedroom compartment with the biggest smirk on his face, knowing that Draco had momentarily lost his cool visiage and was gaping at him, and it was with immense satisfaction that he set down at the desk and pulled out his own Tranfigurations work.

When Harry left the room Draco softly smiled Two can play at that game. The Slytherin rose from his chair and walked into Harry's bedroom, lithely moving over to the Gryffindor's desk Draco sat down atop the desk, and looked down at Harry. Who was staring up at Draco, eyebrow raised.

"Now, Potter, you know that you want me." The blonde smirked, but for a reason unknown to him his heart pounded in his chest as he waited for Harry's response.

Hmm intersting. Still with his eyebrow cocked and a suggestive half smile Harry raised himself so that his hands rested on the desk either side of Draco's thighs, leaned in so that his mouth was mere inches from Draco's own and so that his eyes bored into the Slytherins, green to silver. Then he husikly whispered, "Want?," He didn't blink, never looked away," Do you know what that feels like?"

He moved his lips towards Draco's ear, silently celebrating as he heard Malfoy's breathe quicken slightly, his eyes watching Harry's every movement. "Want...it consummes you like fire dancing in your blood," Here he moved his lips down, grazing Draco's neck slightly, touching but not touching,"It burns, you want it to stop but at the same time you hope it never ends," He felt Malfoy's pulse quicken against his lips, before slowly moving to Draco's collar bone where he sucked very lightly before moving his lips back to the close proximity of Draco's mouth.

"It tears you apart until you don't know if your engulfed in a brillaint warmth, like a phoenix being reborn, or if your simply burning away." The blonde's eyes, that had shut when Harry had sucked on his neck, opened again, a smolten mercury colour, and stared at Harry's own which had turned a dark evergreen colour.

Harry pulled away then with the playful smirk still upon his face.Merlin this is fun.

"So tell me, _Slytherin prince_, have you burned? Do you think that_I_ am your flame?"

With that he walked towards his own bed in the similar manner to that of a panther. He then led provocatively on his bed, shut his eyes and in the same clarity of voice that one would say 'sweet dreams' he said "Wet dreams."

Draco watched Harry closely. His body was aflame as he watched the boy he admired. The Slytherin had quickly put his smirk back on when Harry went to the bed, but lost his cool when the Gryffindor said in a mockingly sweet voice, "Wet dreams."

For the first time in the life of Draco Mafloy a truley innocent laugh escaped him. Not the hissing laughter that most Slytherins gave whenever somebody was in trouble, or the Headmaster got up to speak. No this laugh came from something else.

Harry, although he didn't know it, was slowly melting Draco's heart. With a shake of his head and a genuine smile, Draco stood from the desk and headed towards the door, when he was there he turned around and said in an 'innocent' voice, "And wet dreams to you too, Harry."

When Draco left the room and closed the door behind him, he mentally berated himself.

Great, you big slytherin idiot, you called him Harry. His name is POTTER! Grumbling to himself Draco went to his own bedroom, and tried to forget the memory of Harry being so close, Harry's lips on his neck, and Harry's lips so close to his own.

When he heard the click of the door Harry's eyes flew open.

He called me Harry...he used my first name...huh, guess I affected him more than I thought .

He smiled again as he recalled the genuine laugh Draco had released. It sounded better then he could've hoped, like an innocent child having a playful tease with a friend......with a friend.

A faint crease formed between his eyebrows as he frowned. What are we now? Enemies that occasionally tease one another, friends bantering playfully or... or what he didnt't know.

Obviously Draco had enjoyed Harry's flirting, he likes boys, but what got Harry was the fact that he _too_enjoyed what he just did, and he noticied he was a _lot_ more confident flirting with Draco then Cho.

With Cho it was all 'should I or shouldn't I' but with Malfoy its a fight to see who comes out on top.

Harry smirked again at the idea of being the one on 'top' of things and with that he pulled off his shirt, climbed under his covers and snuggled into his bed, happy with the fact that he may have just accepted that he too is

Bisexual. And for the first time since the loss of his beloved godfather he slept soundly and had pleasent dreams.

¤.¤ Chapters ¤.¤

¤.¤ Random Quote ¤.¤


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Feb.12, 2004
Callie turns 17! Happy Birthday to a wonderful writer and a wondeful person!
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