Standerton Sabbath School
Bassonia Church Mother's Day Program Sedaven Sabbath School Program
Hart Beate
The Group, Hart Beate has been singing for nearly one year now. We started singing together in December 2001. The Lord has blessed us immensely this year. We have done numerous programmes in many different churches in Gauteng and Mpumalanga, South Africa.

A new bass has joined us recently. This has helped a lot as Maxine does not have to sing tenor anymore.

It is our dream to record a CD. We are not able to do it at the moment as we have no funds. We do believe that the Lord will help us attain this goal in His good time.
Pretoria Central Church
Friday night item at the Tvl Conference Campmeeting 2002
Campmeeting main service in the youth hall - 2002
Rushan (leader), the tenor and bass, and Darlene, second soprano and alto.
Lynette, first soprano and Maxine, Alto and soprano.
If you want to book the group for a programme in South Africa contact Rushan Mew at +27 83 231 6949 or

Darlene Mew at  +27 83 603 1418 or