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South Mississippi's weather scopes a full range from the occasional below freezing temperature in the winter to our famous scorching summers. What Hattiesburg residents look forward to most is the coming of each Fall and Spring. What seem to be longer portions of the year, these seasons are full of days of short-sleeve temperatures and nights cool enough for a sweater.

For someone used to blustery, below freezing January's, South Mississippi's occasional 70 degree temperatures are a welcome sight. It's not uncommon to see South Mississippian's wearing T-shirts and shorts while mowing their lawns on New Year's Day. Snow falls are so uncommon that schools and many businesses close at a first glimpse of the smallest flakes.

South Mississippi's tropical temperatures are a gardener's delight. With low temperatures rarely remaining below freezing during daylight hours, gardeners take advantage of a longer growing season than most of the country and lawns are typically green year round.

Average Temperature (Fahrenheit) January 48 June 80
Average High (Fahrenheit) January 73 June 94
Average Low (Fahrenheit) January 18 June 66
Average Humidity (percent) Annually 74  
Average Precipitation (inches) Annually 60  

[from http://www.hattiesburgms.com/cl.html]