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Paul Burney Johnson, Jr

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Paul B. Johnson
Johnson, Paul Burney, Jr. (1916-1985) Son of Paul Burney Johnson. Born in Hattiesburg, Miss., January 23, 1916. Served in the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II; Lieutenant Governor of Mississippi, 1960-64; Governor of Mississippi, 1964-68. Died October 14, 1985. Burial location unknown

Paul Burney Johnson, Jr. was born on 23 January 1916 in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. He attended Columbia Military Academy and distinguished himself as an outstanding student and athlete. On graduation he entered University of Mississippi where he became the first President of the Student Body as a sophomore. While there he was named to the Ole Miss Hall of Fame, the Blue Key Honor Society, and Omricon Delta Kappa Honor Society.

Johnson became a member of the Mississippi State Bar Association in 1940. With the outbreak of World War II he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps. There he rose from private to captain and earned the Distinguished Service Medal.

Following the War, Johnson became Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District, Mississippi from 1948 to 1951. His superb political record brought his election as Lieutenant Governor of Mississippi in 1959.

In 1964 Paul B. Johnson was elected the 43rd Governor of the State of Mississippi

[from http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/johnson7.html#R9M0J26CJ and http://www.cmaaa.com/hallofhonor/johnson.htm]


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