What concept was occult under ‘HORNA ‘name ?
To create Black Metal inspired by myths, satanism, witchcraft, superstitions etc… with Finnish poetry and possession…

I can say today,which HORNA is the best Black Metal band from FINLAND.What do you believe is the different of another FINLAND bands ?
I cannot say really. We all have our paths but we are devoted to this since 10 years and I feel the flame burning as strong as ever before…

I’ve heard five albums form HORNA and I believe which the ‘SUDDENTAIVAL’ is the best ! ! ! I listen BEHERIT,IMPALET NAZARENE & IMMORTAL sound,but always the HORNA sound it’s alive.Do you believe which technically it’s your best album ?
I personally hate the sound we made on Sudentaival, it is too compact, too much alive… too technical… Our music will “die” in sound again. We have now our own studio and everything will be recorded there to guarantee a necro production. I hate polished sound and production and in my eyes (ears) it has never fit HORNA at all…

I think what exist an NORWEGIAN sound but also FINLAND sound,both withe ancestral VIKING past,but in the BLACK METAL music is different, WHY ?
Finnish heritage and pride has always been more tribal, more into honoring the nature and alliance with wisdom… Finnish blood is depressed, in solitude and raging… To honor this blood, our music is more rooted in our own ways. No VIKING gods or their way of life.

How do you feel the played at your gig with BRAZILIAN BLACK METAL GODS ‘MURDER RAPE’ ? Do you think which Southamerican bands are competity ?
MURDER RAPE are a good band and Evil Horde records have our support. They will release Sudentaival for South-America soon with two bonus tracks EXCLUSIVE for this version. We salute the maniac South-American scene with this offering!

Why you decided sold your first until fourth album in only one ?I’ve had prefer listen an live album ! ! ! is for marketing or label decisition ?
The albums were indeed sold out and we wanted them to be spread in a cheaper way, gathering something from the past and making it available once and for all. It was the label´s idea but we supported it, of course. I hate live albums but there will be one someday…

I saw that your used your own language,is for nationalism ?
Both that and because of a more poetic approach nowadays. I am content at writing in English as well but with HORNA we made the decision to remain entirely Finnish. It is also to honor our blood and heritage, the Finnish courage that stood through time thriving under many difficulties and still prevailing…

How can can wait to see an HORNA show in my Country or an South american tour ?with what bands do you like played ?
Ah, we would gladly come over there to play. It would be excellent to to do this with MURDER RAPE again…

When I can see your next CD ?Musically is different from anothers ?
Next full lenght - next year. We have nearly everything for this album written but not rehearsed or put together completely. I think we will remain on the path shown on Sudentaival but also bring out some new elements again. It will still be Black Metal…

How do you see the FINLAND black metal movement ?your scene is ideology & acts or simply a musical movement ?
The “scene” here is fucking harmless… nobody does anything to hurt the christian dogs except when they´re drunk or high… We need to have more satanic terror spread like cancer…

I appreciate a lot your time,I hope can listen very soon your next release,and thanx again for your time.Do you have any last comments for the readers of this Magazine ?
Hails to all. Expect the unexpected. Anyone interested can also make inquiry about my label Grievantee Productions. First EP should be out when you´re reading this…

E-mail: fornicator88@hotmail.com