I would like to share some information about my pet Iguanas. I have four, Zor a two year old female that is 5 ft. in length, Baby a year and 6 months old, Senerita(beasty) 8 months old, and critter the newest addition to our Iguana family is two years old. I am not a vet and do not claim to have answers to all questions. I just get asked for my advise by friends who have purchased Iguanas on how to care for their new Iguana in general. Consult a vet if you have any medical questions or on the general care of your Iguana. I am just going to tell you about my personal strategy for keeping them and some background information on the Iguana.

The green Iguana can be found in the wild from mexico, central America to Columbia and Brazil in South America. Usally in the wild , they live in trees and close to the water. The Green Iguana can grow up to 6 feet in length and can live up to twenty years even in captivety if correctly given the right conditions.


Children seem to be fasinated by them. Grown ups seem to like them because of their attachment to humans, the fact that they are emotional and have personality. A bonding characteristic that last a life time. If seperated from there family they have been known to become depressed. They require attention and seem to thrive on it.


Some pet stores recamend fish aquariums mainly because that is the only type of cage they sale. It does not supply the Iguana with the proper ventilation that is required for the Iquana to breath. I perfer a cage that has screen such as a window. Cages with chicken wire will do for very large Iguanas, but if they rub their noses against the screen a condition could arise if not treated with an antibiotic such as mouth rot.Consult your VET.


Do NOT feed an Iguana Iceburg lettuce it causes digestive problems and diareia that is life threating. Your Iguana requires 95% vegetables 5% meat. Your Iguana should not eat any broccoli,cabbage or cauliflower it also causes digestive problems. Good things for them to eat are Romaine and Endivine Lettuce, Mustard greens, Green leave lettuce all seperated from the stem. Spinach should be giving in very small amounts. Fuits are a good source of food but should not replace green vegetables for feedings. Iguanas love strawberries,apples chopped finaly, grapes minced, and bananas. Yellow squash is my lizards favorite, finally chopped. They also like kiwi and peaches when in season. Do not feed your Iguanas citrus fuit it is also not good for their digestive system. 5% of their diet should be meat. It can come from baked chicken with no seasoning torn to pieces. Hard boiled egg chopped.


You need to put a water container in the cage. The Iguana will lay in the water and drink from it. It needs to be freshened daily. Do not surprised if your Iguana uses it for a toilet. You need to mist your Iguana every day a squirt bottle will do fine, it helps them in sheading their skin.


Your Iguana needs to have a vitamin supplement added to his food for extra calcium. This is very important. Go to your local pet store or vet for a brand that is carried in your area.


Your Iquana needs effiecent lighting to replace the sun that he is not going get inside a cage. A full spectrum light will supply warmth and will simulate natural photo-enviroment of the reptiles habitat. I supply a heating pad covered on low for them to lay on for the digestion of their food.


Your Iguana will need to exercise to stay healthy. They can swim well and it is good for them. Place about 2" of water in your tub (no soap) and let your Iguana swim for his exercise. They will for the first few times run toward the sides of the tub and try to climb out. Keep shower curtaians pulled away and out of reach from them, there fast critters.


Iguanas love to eat Red Hibiscus plants try one in the cage Put a log or branch in the cage under the light they love to climb. They love to have hiding place in their cage. I put the top of a cat domb in mine for the larger ones. The smaller ones like paper towel rolls.


They are being breed in captivity to keep the Iguana population from becoming an endangered Species. In some countries the Iguana is a food resource. They are eaten for the chicken like flavor. The wild Iguana will become extinct if man persues them for the wealth they give. Not all types of Iguanas are legal to have. Fuji iguanas are an example.