Please remember your Iguana needs VARIETY every day.
Greens (40%-50% of the daily mixture):
Mustard Greens - Collard Greens - Dandelion Greens - Turnip Greens -Endivine(red)
Grape Leaves - Hibiscus - Parsley

Vegetables (40%):
Green Beans - Peas - Turnip - Lima beans - Parsnip -Yellow Squash - Acorn Squash - Sweet Potato - Zucchini - Carrot - Peelings of carrots(thin)

Fruit and Flowers(10-20%):
Papaya - Pear - Strawberries - Raspberries - Mango - Grapes - Apricot - Peach - Cantaloupe - Casaba and Honeydew Melon - Kiwi - Figs - Nasturtium - Hibiscus - Rose Petals (no pesticides)

Occasional Foods and Treats (10%):
Banana - Apple - Rose Petals - Spinach - Cheese every once in awhile(GRATED FINE)

Tear, chop and grate food into very small pieces and mix together. Sprinkle a pinch of reptile vitamin and calcium on a small amount of chopped veggies and mix well.Spray with mist bottle of water, stir then put the supplemented food on top to ensure your pet eats thier vitamins. Do not over-supplement (twice a week for young iguanas - hatchlings to 2 years old, once a week for juveniles and adults - 2 years and older). Your Iguana must be feed every day and in a clean container. Do not forget the fresh water everyday.

General Care of the Iguana