Welcome to my Guestbook! I would really appreciate you letting me know what you thought of my website...or anyways you think it could be improved...Please leave your message here...thanks..O:o)

Claribel Muneton - 12/07/00 20:10:29
My Email:Clary562@yahoo.com

Your poems are really pretty, and make me think and I appreciate important things in life.

Coleen - 10/16/00 23:46:35
My URL:http://continue.to/Coleen
My Email:cpatrick@look.ca

What a beautiful site! So much inspiration!

HHH-2001 - 09/28/00 05:14:20
My Email:Mastermind47_2001@yahoo.com

I like this page, it is very well put together and had alot of uplifting stuff in it. Read the things she has put here, they will help when you are down and lift your spirits.

Coleen - 03/21/00 07:22:58
My Email:coleens@earthlink.net


Rob - 03/20/00 15:49:20
My URL:http://homepages.at.the.net.nz/~cinnaman/
My Email:cinnaman@the.net.nz

Kia Ora Lynn, OMG I can't believe this is the first time I have signed you guestbook :( I visit often hehe guess the boredom of nightshift makes ya read more than normal huh. It's a totally inspirational site hun and having known you for a few yrs now know why :) ka pai wahineiti, ake ake kia kaha arohanui Robbie :))

Roger - 02/23/00 06:32:46
My URL:http:// you oughta know silly **smile**
My Email:you know that too :-)

what can i say honey, you have really outdone yourself with this page, and you have quite a few awards too...great job! thank you for being you, and allowing me to see a side of myself, that i didnt think existed......i thought love was only true in fairy tales, and for someone else, but not for me.....thank you honey, for loving me back, as much as i love you..... heres o our future together....to life, love, and happiness.

Angelia Udechukwu-Kurtz - 02/14/00 23:32:11
My URL:http://www.gte.net
My Email:res02e3l@gte.net

Well, your site is very nice, however, I found it very disturbing that your site was not diversified. There are Angels of all Nationalities, not just White. I guess I will have to get a Website of my own to show that!!

Art - 01/23/00 19:48:51
My URL:http://ALM4Ever.tripod.com/index.html
My Email:arthur@trib.com

Hi.....I found your site as I was checking my wife's guest book (Art of Romance Expressions)...you have done a wonderful job here, and I even sent her two of your pages. Thank you....and God Bless~Art

JEANNE - 01/03/00 00:50:54
My Email:snooter@bellsouth.net


Donna - 01/01/00 09:20:01
My Email:cajuncha@mindspring.com

I love your website. I love angels.

Selenia - 12/09/99 18:59:48
My Email:steve@chestnet.com

Dear Friend! Thank you for sharing your spiritual love with us. By accident I stumble into your Beautiful webpage and I said by accident although I know that their are no accidents everything has a meaning and a purpose. Anyhow I hope we can become email pals. Please keep in touch. Your Spiritual Friend Selenia

Paul Knightly - 11/30/99 20:34:07
My URL:http://homepage.eircom.net/~pknightly/add.htm
My Email:cyberknight@eircom.net

you're site just keeps getting bigger and better keep up the good life and be strong Big HUGGG xKISSx

11/09/99 19:14:57

~San *LoveSong* - 11/02/99 14:26:37
My URL:http://www.sanmarc.freeservers.com
My Email:emeraldeyes11@hotmail.com

Hello my dear, loving sister! It had been a while since I took the *tour* of your lovely website, and let me say, it's just getting better and better all the time...but of course...what else did we expect from such a Phenominal Woman??? I love you, sis, heart and soul. *hugs* Take good care.

Mikey_ - 10/29/99 17:59:58
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~M_I_K_E_Y/index.htmlhttp://
My Email:mzoubek@msn.com

Thanks for signing my guest book!! Only fair to return the favor, don't ya think?? Hummmm clicked on my handle in "the" chatroom huh?? lol. Mikey_<-----------has to think about WHICH chatroom, lol. Nice site, and nice to meet you!!

loverbee - 08/21/99 13:25:19
My URL:http://homepages.msn.com/Timesquare/KNKM56
My Email:knkmenon@hotmail.com

You are an Agenl - I love you. Your site is beutiful. Congratulations.

Just-a-Girl - 08/19/99 15:40:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/az/kilcherskabin/index.html
My Email:Just-a-Girl@lycosmail.com

Hi...I saw you in the chatroom and as you had a great handle I thought I would click on your name and check out your site. It's really original and inspirational and you seem like a really special, selfless person. Plus you love to play guitar and sing hich is what I love to do myself! *thumbs up* *lol* Keep up the great work. Catch ya later Rach xxxx

Jenny - 07/29/99 03:59:20
My URL:http://www.coolchat.com/coolpages/paris/3918.html
My Email:sundance1234@hotmail.com

i realy enjoyed your site i wish i could find more like it.you did a wonderful job :-)

conrad - 07/14/99 21:20:59
My Email:conrad63@hotmail.com

Hi Lyn I love your pic. you are pretty. Keep a smile and share it to me

George - 06/29/99 22:06:17
My URL:http://struct.kth.se
My Email:george.racutanu@vv.se

Thanks for helping me out! George/Bridge builder

tanya - 06/12/99 03:43:48
My URL:http://i.am/morose
My Email:often.astray@canada.com

hello, this is a beautiful site. it looks like you spent a lot of time on it, i especially like your backgrounds.. they're nice... bye, tanya

Hans Pettersson - 05/31/99 08:48:57
My Email:Hans.r.Pettersson@ncc.se

I enjoyed chatting with you 31-05-99 (ippkiss) bye from Stockholm, Sweden

- 05/24/99 16:40:45


Gwendolyn Ganzo - 05/22/99 14:51:43
My Email:g_ganzo@i-cebu.com.ph

Dear Angel, hi, im charie's niece. i really, really like your page and i've already saved some of the wave songs and poems. keep on making new poems and i hope you'll have more wonderful wave songs in your page. thank you...

Ruth (Honeybee) - 05/22/99 00:40:48
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Ridge/7363
My Email:sgrmtn@moaccess.com

Angel, you have done a wonderful job with this! I told you it was easier to write your own html! LOL I love what you have done with your web site. It looks simply gorgeous now! Great work!

charie buenaobra - 05/16/99 10:02:00
My Email:charie@i-cebu. com.ph

its tremendous, no wonder you won an award for it congratulation by way,i'm looking for a racetrack but cant find it, i guess i need a glass, cuz all i say was blurr, hehe, more power to you, and GOD BLESS YOU,

Robert Roeser - 05/10/99 06:01:17
My Email:rwrj6969@yahoo.com

Glad to see ya. Soon I will have a page too.

Mel - 05/10/99 01:00:14
My Email:chchch@telebot.net

This is the most beautiful website I have ever come across and I am not just saying that because were buddies... I honestly mean it honey Keep up the great work, *SQUISHYHUGS* Love Mel aka Chchch

Amanda - 05/09/99 23:29:02
My URL:http://www.harpwro.com/users/Ashley791/index.html
My Email:Mandi791@theglobe.com

Hi, I really like your page. I is does really good in the wars. It is well designed and formatted. You are doing great keep up the good work.

Elena Bowman - 05/09/99 19:05:01
My URL:http://people.ne.mediaone.net/elenab/index.html
My Email:elenab@ne.mediaone.net

Your site is absolutely exquisite and inspiring. I have bookmarked it so I can return often. Thank you for your beautiful poetry and angels.

Snideley - 05/09/99 14:10:30
My Email:bottomfeeder@juno.com

Very creative and thoughtful.

"Nottabit" Lynde Mendoza - 05/09/99 03:59:06
My Email:earlynda@shtc.net

I love your site Angel... you have really got it going on girl!!!!!!!

BigVet - 05/09/99 01:28:51
My URL:http://www.sony.inergy.com/BIG_VET

Angel you did a very nice job on your webpage keep up the good work.I will have to return several more times to view all of it. Thank you for shareing your webpage with me.

Fluffnstuff - 05/05/99 10:12:53
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/BlabWay/fluffnstuff
My Email:fluffnnstuff@hotmail.com

Wow - very inspiring words on your profile at beseen - was cruising rooms, and happened upon you at MND - I live by a lot of the same philosophies you do. Amazing webpage wonder where you found the time. Your sons and your man are very lucky to have you. T. Fluff

wgb - 04/11/99 22:12:39
My URL:http://www.wgbcreations.com
My Email:wgb1@iname.com

I really liked your poems. They are great! I still need to read alot more of them so I will be back!

Eledol - 04/11/99 21:53:09
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Shores/5373
My Email:eledol_@hotmail.com

I have realy enjoyed your site. It is well done, and shows a lot of time and effort involved. The color schemes are lovely, and I plan on returning whenever I need some inspiration, which is quite often. Keep up the great work!!!

woody36 - 03/27/99 00:19:27
My Email:woody@netbci.com

hi angel love your home page ,wish i was this computer literate,trying to learn maybe one day i will be as literate about pcs as you are with a little luck.sending you my picture hopefully if i do it right,maybe you can send it to your gallery.well thats t sending it with love to you my beautiful angel,i wish you love and happiness always.

Bill - 03/15/99 06:35:56

Loved your page , Excellent work :o) HUGS

Y_not - 03/01/99 08:38:17
My URL:http://www.mpoli.fi/bbs/Tapio.Ahomaki
My Email:msf@webbs.net

Returned here again... very nice site Angel! Many familiar names on the netfriends page, nice to see the faces too.

Donni - 02/25/99 07:18:43
My Email:martelle@baytreegolf.com

Angel, Totally Awesome is what I think of your web-page.. Thank's for being a wonderful friend and a great Sister :) Happiness Today, Tomorrow, and Always.. Luv Ya Bunches !

Xena32 - 02/20/99 23:13:30
My Email:payne@ionsys.com

I loved your page. Havn't seen it all yet. It was great seeing pictures of the people I talk to! You've put a lot of work into it!! Keep it up!

tom matherly - 02/12/99 02:57:51
My Email:rtmath@hotmail.com

very nice... especailly since i'm in it!! thanks a lot for this page. i do talk to most of theses people. it is nice to see faces to the words they say.again thanks, all chat rooms should do this sort of page! tom

sgrmtndrone aka lee - 01/27/99 11:49:09
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/heartland/ridge/7363/
My Email:sgrmtn@midmo.net

looking good girl ! havent been here for a bit . i realy like it . talk to ya later :)

Jocko42 [Bob] - 01/17/99 03:11:08


jock42 - 01/10/99 09:45:23
My URL:http://Btrg go@aol.com

YOUR GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sandra Dittmer - 01/09/99 23:02:21
My Email:sandrad@navix.net

I absolutely love your page, sis....it's wonderful...thank you for giving all of us the chance to share your life...and each other's smiles through your page...I love you... Your sister.........................LoveSong

Zephyroth - 01/06/99 04:27:33
My Email:Ragnarok21@hotmail.com

you are a unique person angel. your name fits you perfectly. your love links made me reassert myself. thank you.

kansasmustang - 12/24/98 10:19:20
My Email:mustang27@ hotmail.com

Your page is very nice hun. Couldn't see all your net friends the page wouldn't open fully. Loved it tho', and you're a very sweet caring person. Love ya'- Mustang

Petersv - 12/24/98 05:41:59
My Email:pvaccaro@dallas.net

Hey Angel, just figured i would follow your links around... *KISS*

doggie - 12/21/98 21:41:59
My Email:the_porch_pooch@yahoo.com

Angels in the heavens, Angels in the skies... Who is the lucky man to find love in Angel's eyes?

CHERBEAR - 12/20/98 08:26:54
My Email:akasha_60@hotmail.com

really nice page!!! enjoyed my visit very much!! Keep up the good work....love all the pics

Peter - 12/17/98 12:14:58
My Email:peter.johansson@iuc-olofstrom.se

Hi! Now I have seen your homepage, but I'm not among the other pictured people. Well I think I'm going to send you a new pic on me, a better one. This is a fine and good page, I think. Is like you can never stop looking(at your pic) and all the other. I h pe to here from you soon, you will here from me soon anyway. See you, huggs and kiss.

Gerald - 12/14/98 15:55:10
My Email:gcubed_723@yahoo.com

Hi Lynn, very, very nice site.... You're gonna have to show me how to do all that neat stuff.. Love Ya, Slow_Hand

John aka BigVet - 12/02/98 13:27:06
My URL:http://inergy.com/BIG-VET
My Email:BIGVET@webtv.net

Hello, As you know Im new to the chat room and I enjoy talking with you.Your web page is Real Good and I'll be back to visit from time to time. Keep up the good work that you are doing. I'l talk to you soon in the chat room. Take care, Your friend , John aka BigVet....

FUZZYBOY - 11/30/98 09:06:17

Lovely website I enjoyed it a great deal

Charlie - 11/30/98 08:25:54
My Email:Charles.D.Brown@worldnet.att.com


Tater's Marine - 11/28/98 06:35:47
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Chacco/index-2.html
My Email:rchio@hotmail.com

You have a very nice page. I found your page through my high school alumni page and decided to check yours out. Ironically, I hang out the NZ Chat room. Oi!!!!!!!!! You guys are cool!

witchywoo - 11/27/98 11:19:40
My Email:ccmlb@thehub.com.au

Nice chatting to a kiwi, have just viewed your pages and I share some of your views. My eldest child is named Joshua too! Too many coincedents I reckon!!! Would like to keep in touch. Trina

Unbelievable - 11/15/98 21:45:18
My Email:toni@pl.net

Very interesting and really well set out! Especially liked the pictures of you and your net friends. Will definitely visit again. xxx

Michelle - 11/13/98 14:26:43
My Email:shiralee23@hotmail.com

Lynn your page is really good, i like the way you have set it out

Mike - 11/02/98 00:51:21
My URL:http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~tfdevts
My Email:tfdevts@ihug.co.nz

hi its Mike

Bridget(Gwen) - 11/01/98 08:40:26
My Email:Gwen17@webtv.net

Just wanted to say what's up

Sugar Mountain Honeybee - 10/30/98 23:29:08
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Ridge/7363
My Email:sgrmtn@midmo.net

I love your page, darlin. You have done a wonderful job with your pages. You have been such a wonderful friend too. Hope we will be friends for a LOOONNNNGGGG time. Ruth

Midnight Rider - 10/30/98 06:09:24
My Email:midnightrider44@hotmail.com

Nice site Angel....its nice to finally see some of the people Ive been talking to.....take care...

Tammy - 10/25/98 23:25:55
My Email:qt98@hotmail.com

Angel, your site has given me a different outlook to life that I never had before. You have shown me a new way to look at life, to overcome lifes obstacles, to live each day as it comes. To love, and enjoy life, friends, and family, for life is indeed too short to miss out on all these important things by keeping our eyes closed. Keep up the great work, i'll be back to see what else I have yet to learn from you. Thankyou, You are indeed an Angel.

Sam - 10/25/98 01:38:55

Brits pointed me your way. My wife loves this h p. I'll be back to enjoy.

Mark Stokes (Leo) - 10/24/98 10:08:50
My Email:megacityfour@hotmail.com

Nice one Angel - I haven't had a good look round - will do soon - by the way, Papabear looks remarkably like Jason McAteer of Liverpool and Ireland - spooky! *big hugs* for you!

Mayflower - 10/22/98 10:28:17
My Email:mayflower41@hotmail.com

Thanks a million for including me among your net friends, and thanks for the compliment even if I think you're exaggerating a bit, lol. Great job on the homepage, keep up the good work, Glad I met you and thanks for being such a great friend. Before I have a book wrote here bye for now and hugs to you and all your other net friends

Ruth - 10/15/98 23:57:06
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Ridge/7363
My Email:sgrmtn@midmo.net

I love your page. It is so very beautiful. I love the angels, and the poems. You have made it look great! You are such a special Angel to us! Keep up the good work, it is looking fantastic!

Teddybear - 10/12/98 12:32:02
My Email:teddybearsmail@hotmail.com

You seem to be putting alot of effort into this site Angel,and its all paying off. Keep it coming..

Windblown - 10/12/98 11:53:42

Hey girl, great site. Keep up the good work :)

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