Peace On Earth

When the lamb lies down next to the lion

Then real peace will prevail on the earth.

When not even one child will be cryin'

Then all people will value their worth.

As all predudice dies and is buried

With a vision of hate laid to rest

When our hearts let love's banner be carried

Then as humans we've passed a great test.

It takes courage for strength to be gentle

Or the gentle to trust who are strong

Yet to live with a fear mostly mental

Could confuse what is right from what's wrong

But its time to let go of hurt feelings

And release what you don't understand

Now's the time for old wounds to be healing

And acknowledge ALL people as grand.

Thus the message the Angels are bringing

"It takes courage to be who you are"

Can be heard in the songs they are singing

To assure you that peace can't be far.

~Author Unknown~

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