
You Are Unique

Be yourself.

This is the best person

And the only true person

You can be.

Don’t take away from your uniqueness

By trying to change it.

Being yourself leads to success and happiness.

Trying to be someone you aren't

Leads only to unhappiness and failure.

Use your time and energy to make the most of who you are.

To build yourself up,

Not to tear yourself down.

Be yourself.

Care about and consider the feelings

Of those closest to you,

But don’t allow others

To tell you how to think, feel, be, or live.

Only you have the right

To make these important decisions.

Only you have to live your life.

Be yourself.

If others reject you

Don’t be too hard on yourself.

Remember their rejection has nothing to do

With who your are,

But with who they are.

Be yourself.

Accept yourself as being imperfect,

But not unlovable

For your strengths far exceed any weaknessess.

Embrace the goodness and beauty in you.

There is more there

Than you see or appreciate.

Be yourself.

You are a part of the universe.

Not by accident

But by design.

You have a special place and purpose.

Trust in your great Creator.

There is a star in the sky

With your name on it.

Claim that star

And let it shine….

For the whole world to see

Let it shine…

Let it shine….

- By Nancye Sims -

Copyright © 1999 Nancye Sims

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