This Is Me

Let me see...where to start.I guess
since I am the one building this page..
I thought I would let you know a
little bit about me.
Guess we already got the name thing
out of the way!!!*S*
I have lived in a little town
in Arkansas all of my life..
(boring but home).
I was adopted
at 4 months old by a wonderful couple.
They are the best!!!
I got married at 17 and had two
wonderful childrenMICHELLE and KEITH.
I can say that I did live somewhere
other than Arkansas..I moved to Kansas
for awhile..but hated it there..
too big of a city for me.
I was married to him for 7 years
and we divorced in 1991.
Then I met my Prince Charming
PETE.We have been
for 8 years.
I have worked as a CNA
(Certified Nurse Aide)
for the past 5 years which almost three
have been in Intensive Care at a hospital.
Pete does siding
on in the summer and
cold in the winter.Pete has a daughter
from a previous marriage,KAILA.
She will be 12 soon.
I will be making a special page
for Kaila soon so check back for changes.
My hobbies....hmmm lets see....of course
working on my homepage.
I like to read..
and listen to music.
I dont see how a person
can function without music.
Please dont forget
to sign my guestbook
before you leave.
And hope you enjoy your
stay at my little corner of
the web.


My sister in law sent me this
lovely spirit flower

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!

If your ever out shoping for some neat graphics...please
stop by KC'S..I got this lovely angel from there.
But be sure to read his downloading agreement first.

The background set is compliments of Lady Lavendar