My goodness..where to start?My exact words this year was
"I am not getting all involved this year like I did last year in the KISR hunt" And just one look at a map...and I was hooked.First of all I have
to say a few words about KISR.I have lived in this
town all my life.Graduate of SHS in the year of 84.
I can remember driving to school listening to Fred Baker
on KISR every morning.And even before that when I was about
12 or 13 listened to him and his Dj's.I feel even though I didnt
find the treasure I am still a winner because Fred and his staff
give so much to the community.Well for me this years hunt started with my mother-in-law
coming over with a map wanting to print out clues on my computer. I even told her I
wasnt going to spend as much time like I did last year.(Getting up at 4:30 am and on Clayton by sunrise)
I opened this years map,went to and that was all it took.
I was hooked from that moment on!!! my car I got to Carpet Cabin I went to get
my own map.I knew then I had to go hunt.By the time I got involved there were only 26 clues out
so I knew I still stood a chance.I work 12 hour shifts and have like three days off in
a row so I headed for BG.Then the next morning..up early...out to BG..trampling in the mud..
fighting off all kinds of bugs(some I had no idea what they were)
My sister in law calls the cell phone while we are at the park
and says"I thought your mom wasnt going to do this again this year??"Oops...I did it again!!!!
Any way..I just have to say..I met alot of nice people...spent quality time with
my daughter.I am looking forward to next years hunt with anticipation.
I wanted to say also *THANKS* to RAZORBACK7...for without your time I would have missed
the clues while I was at work.And the chat
room gave me alot of ideas.RHAMM and BIG guys are a hoot...thanks for the fun
times at the KISR TENT.Most of all thanks to FRED for taking the time to do
these hunts for the community.I think it brings together families for good
quality time together.Something we forget when we hold down full
time jobs.
Please Razorback7 let me know ahead of time of the next hunt so I can
take my vacation at that time(Would hate to end up like the
guy that lost his job over hope to see you guys at next years hunt!!!!And remember....