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This is really boring .... Honest!

Well... Okay... but I did warn you. You have probably already figured out that I am Cathy. That is a picture taken of me with two hours of 'professional' help - I don't ever 'really' look that good... but hey - it's nice to know that it's possible... **smile** I was born on Long Island in New York on September 23, 1965. I guess that makes me 32 - even if I still think like a kid at times and my body tells me it's more like 88. I never thought of 32 as old.... until I started feeling them aches and pains in the morning.... and realized a day isn't complete without a nap.

I have been married to Nick, (the best husband and friend a girl could have) since March 1st, 1986. He has given me two beautiful children, Ashley and Kristopher, and over a decade of love, patience, trust and patience ( oh - I said that already? It needs to be mentioned twice anyway... ) I'm not the easiest person to live with, lazy, moody and sometimes downright selfish. But I must have something good about me since he has put up with me for this long. You can find a little more about my family on the Family Album page, and the rest of the family can be checked out individually with the links from there.

We now are living here in the beautiful coastal area of Southeastern North Carolina and taking it easy. I was working in Real Estate for three years but I wanted a change and took three months off to 'rejuvenate' the mind ( a mental vacation ) and in April of 1987 I started working at a fun and 'easy' job on a local golf course. I liked it a lot - unfortunately I got a new manager this year and we didn't work together verry well - oh well.. back on the job hunt.

For 'fun' I love to play on this machine... my latest passion is playing with this web page and fine tuning it until it's about as 'close to perfection' as I can get it.  Although with  working it isn't always possible to work on it so much as I would  like?  I also spend hours answering email and chatting on ICQ- I have met so many wonderful people on the web from all over the world. If you haven't taken the time to 'meet' others out here in 'cyberland' - well.. you are missing out on something really fun and interesting. In a way these friends are 100% nicer than anyone you could know in person - they don't piss you off as much, and when you want to be left alone - well they are easier to avoid ... :) You can see some of their pages on my  Web Friends link page.

I also love to bowl. I have been doing it since I was four years old, and it really is a fantastic sport. You can play alone or with a bunch of friends, for competition or just for fun. You can be as young as three or four or as old as the hills and still be able to bowl. Not many sports can say that. To catch the latest news and hottest Bowling sites go to my Strike Zone Bowling page.

I also love to watch Hockey, and being from Long Island the team for me is the New York Islanders - doesn't matter how they are playing 'now' - I was there when they had the dynasty team that won 4 Stanley Cups in a row. I also like Football, and for as long as I can remember I loved the Dallas Cowboys, but since I'm down here in NC, we have a new team and they sure have caught my attention and admiration the Carolina Panthers - in such a short time to make the NFC Championship? Way to go Panthers!!  I'm in the process of creating a page dedicated to  sports and soon you can check out all my favorites and  take a peek  at their official  homesites.

Okay... so this doesn't really tell you all that much about me - but I do like to leave a little 'mystery' - makes me much more interesting to the untrained eye... I may tell some more here over time, but... for now you will just have to wonder or find a way to become one of my 'web friends'. I tell them 'everything'....

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