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I Don't apply for awards, for some reason it's too much like ''begging' for approval - I like my 'stuff' and hope that others do too, and when I recieve an award it means a great deal to me. It tells me that someone liked what they saw enough to let me and the rest of the web know it. For that I want to extend My Thanks to the great people who have given me these..

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My First Award 1-31-97
The Shark's General Excellence Award
Would you like One of these for your page? Click here.
D. Ballard - The Shark

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...A Couple from Alan ( I think he likes this place..)
HTML Award - Thanks Alan
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25 Steps to Building a Web Page
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These are from my husband... then again he is partial to everything about me...

2 - 21 - 1997

3 - 21- 97

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February 26, 1997
I was really quite surprised and honored to receive this one... Thanks to all that voted for my site in the
Geocities Homesteader of the Year Contest

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March 4th, 1997

I got this great basket after a very difficult search at LadyBandit's Place in the CyberSun. Did you get yours??
Thanks Julie - Was A Basketful of Fun!!

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I Got these for working with the Dovers Easter Egg Hunt..
Thanks Ben, Ilene, Skip, Carrie, Rover and of course PA!
March 30, 1997
The Dover's Think I got a Cool Site!
April 16, 1997
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Bruce from WebArt Graphics thinks this site is Hot!

March 23, 1997

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I was Honored to be an on June 1st, 1997
Click the award to check out the All-in-one Site

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Petite Choux's Site thinks I deserve this...

June 8, 1997

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June 10, 1997

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Apply for yours!!

June 14, 1997

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Joey's Home Page Let me take this - just cause I found it...

July 19, 1997

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Thanks to You Clara !
July 30, 1997

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Like this one? It's mine to distribute.. I don't accept requests for it anymore. Leave your "mark" in my guestbook - I visit them all - If your site is darn near 'perfect' to look at, or okay, maybe not so 'perfect' but you get me to laugh until I almost wet my pants or cry like a baby... or just 'touch' a nerve with your content.. I'll award it to you.

Email Me

Created and Maintained by
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Last Updated on July 19, 1998

Internet Link Exchange

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