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Here are a few poems that I have written. I don't profess to be a poet, just a way of expressing myself or conveying a thought, a feeling, a dream.

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Come Summer      Silence & Sound     Daydream
Hello You
     My Gift

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vspacer.gif (369 bytes) Come Summer
It once was not much more than the seed
planted and loved until it's system was freed.
It grew quickly and healthy with each new day
It was the care of the gardener and his special way.
He had fed it and supported it, and when it's bud came to bloom
He was tempted to cut it to brighten his gloom.
He left the rose be... for the time would come soon enough
But he didn't realize this rose was not so tough.
It was starving for the food his love would supply
It knew It could only blossom for so long, then die.
It tried with it's beauty to make him aware,
but it seemed to the rose, that the gardener didn't care.
Something had taken the love once supplied,
and the rose on the vine only wilted and cried.
Occasionally the sun would break through,
the rose would perk up for a day or two.
Then the rose one day realized with despair
that the gardener who had planted with such care
was not coming back to pick his prize,
that the promise of life was based on nothing but lies.
The rose then saddened, wilted once and for all
For the season had faded and the petals did fall.
One by one they dropped to the cold barren earth
to be trampled on, forgotten like a life without worth.
The cold winter came and froze over the ground
the spring arrived without ever a sound.
Then came summer, the gardener again arrived
and tended the roots so that the rose would survive.
He fed it, and drenched it, with the love that it needed
Nurtured and protected it's beauty with his deeds
And his care brought the rose back to it's full bloom
and he cut it and preserved it to light up his room.

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vspacer.gif (369 bytes) Silence & Sound
It wraps around me in the dark of the night,
the sounds of silence that grip so tight.
The beckoning call to the depths of my heart,
Enveloping the mind and shredding dreams apart.
I yearn to hear the song of the cricket, the creek of a door,
letting me know I'm alone no more.
The whisper of a breeze on a warm summer's night,
the call of the owl on it's nocturnal flight.
Send me the sounds of life all around,
Feed me the music that comes from the sounds.
Drown me in melody, fill me with the breath of life,
The stillness and quiet it cuts like a knife.
It bludgeons my soul, it dampens the spirit,
I am lost and alone whenever I'm in it.
Take me to the magical place,
where life and music bring a smile to my face.
Drape me in its silken tones,
let it seep deep down to my bones.
Face the silence and chase it away,
Let the ecstasy of sound greet the new day.
Save me now, call out my name,
Help me end this silent pain.

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vspacer.gif (369 bytes) Daydream
The morning's dawn of orange and pink
makes me have to stop and think....
Thoughts soar on the wings of a lark
as daylight drenchs out the dark...
The cloud above forms a gallant knight
On his silver steed in endless flight...
Racing across an ocean blue
To bring this lady home to you....
Courts and castles flood the mind
all of life's reality left far behind....
Lonely night fades - to a new day
For word's of love are on the way...
If you wonder why my eyes do gleam
It's just because of my daydream...

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vspacer.gif (369 bytes) Hello You
Hello You, It's me again,
I've just been wondering where you've been.
I sit and stare off into space,
Or gaze, with longing at your beautiful face.
Your eyes they seem to call to me,
They offered love from across the sea.
I took the plunge, that lover's leap,
And paid for it with loss of sleep.
Why did you always seem sincere?
What was it that allowed me to escape my fear?
I wonder who's soul do you see through now?
With those passionate eyes beneath your brow.
The silence it strangles the beat of my heart,
Why does it seem that we just fell apart?
Was it something I did or something I said?
I'd take it all back , if only I could...
You shouldn't forgive me, but I wish you would.
Maybe I should just try to forget,
It isn't as if we ever met.
We never touched, or spoke a sound,
We never kissed or walked the same ground.
It should be so easy to just let go....
I've tried, but I just keep feeling so -
Lost and alone, empty and sad
Was what I said really that bad?
I think I could deal with it if you'd just say 'good-bye',
But all of the questions, all of the 'whys'...
They leave only tear stains
Because for you I cry.

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vspacer.gif (369 bytes) My Gift
How can I thank the forces that be
for directing your course so that you would find me?
How do I thank you for all that you are?
shining on me like the brightest of stars.
How do I show all that is inside?
and how you make me feel
there is no reason to hide.
How do I send these thoughts across the sea?
The feelings of tenderness and love
you have brought to me.
I can think of only one way - and it might be remiss,
To show what you mean
by sending this kiss.
It is sent into flight on the wings of the dove.
Sending to you just one gift…
My Love.

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vspacer.gif (369 bytes)      The poems on this page were written by me. Please, if you want to take them give me credit for my work. Thanks, Cathy

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A site dedicated to the works of my Brother Eddie


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Last Updated on July 19, 1998

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