The White Stag of Shamong

     Quaker Bridge in Shamong was built in 1772. It was named after the Quakers who would cross the Batso River on their way to monthly meetings at Tuckerton. One stormy evening, a stagecoach was heading through torrential rains traveling to the Quaker Bridge Inn. The stagecoach driver saw a light in the distance and was relieved to see that he had finally arrived at the inn. Suddenly, a huge white stag appeared before the stagecoach. The driver left the stagecoach and approached the stag hoping to scare it away. The stag mysteriously disappeared. Then, the stagecoach driver noticed that the bridge had collapsed. If it weren't for the white stag, the stagecoach would have plummeted into the river. Since then, the white stag was considered a good luck symbol in the pine barrens.


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