All About Kitsen!

SO you want to know about me? Let's see, where to begin...

Pic of Kitsen Pic of Kitsen

Vital Facts:

I got my start on the Internet about two years ago when Alison found the newsgroup rec.pets.cats (now Soon she discovered a "subgroup" called MEOWCHAT, and realized this was where cats could get together on the Net. So she let me know about the group and I very quickly became a regular. After a little while, I decided to start a web page on Geocities, which I had until this year (it was replaced by this page). After starting my web page, I kept finding new cat groups to join, web pages to visit, and friends to talk to. Soon enough I became Vice President of CLAW (Cats Lording AlWays, the club for cats who rule), and founder/president of the White Cats Club. This year, I was reelected for VP (this time it was split up so I am just VP of Security). On CLAW I am also the chaircat of three committees and active in several other groups. If you want to learn more about CLAW, please visit my CLAW Tribute Page. It has info about all the things you can do at CLAW, plus what I'm involved in there. Also, come by RPCC and join in Meowchat sometime, it's so much fun and you might see me there! :-)