Kitsen's All-Purpose Feedback Form!

Hey kitties (and/or hoomins). I've made this form so you can have an easy way to meowmail me. If your browser doesn't support forms, then go back to my home page. If your browser does support forms, then fill out this form and press "Send".

1. What is your meowmail/email address?

2. What is your name?

3. What species are you?

Pets only please, questions #4-9!

4. What activities do you enjoy? Choose as many as you want.
Talking on or rec.pets.dogs.misc
Snuggling with your winkwink

5. If you chose "other", what is it?

6. Do you have a winkwink friend (a kitty or doggy boyfriend/girlfriend)?

7. If yes, what is his/her name?

8. Do you have your own page, or does your hoomin have one that's mostly about you?
Yes, I have my own page.
Yes, my hoomin's is about me.
No, neither I nor my hoomin have a page.

9. If you answered "yes", what is the address?

Okay, now cats or hoomins are welcome to answer!

10. How did you get to my home page?

11. What was your favorite section or page of the Kat Konnection?
What's New? (Updates/Changes Page)
All About Me! (My Bio Page)
The White Cats Club's Page
Awards You Can Win!
Awards I've Won!
A Tribute To CLAW (Info about CLAW)
Contest of the Month
Just For Fun! (Games, Riddles, Jokes, and More)
Quiz of the Month
Other (please note below)

12. If you chose "Other" above, please list the name of the page/section or the URL below:

13. What was your LEAST favorite section or page of the Kat Konnection?
What's New? (Updates/Changes Page)
All About Me! (My Bio Page)
The White Cats Club's Page
Awards You Can Win!
Awards I've Won!
A Tribute To CLAW (Info about CLAW)
Contest of the Month
Just For Fun! (Games, Riddles, Jokes, and More)
Quiz of the Month
Other (please note below)

14. If you chose "Other" above, please list the name of the page/section or the URL below:

15. Were you able to view the JavaScript on my pages, and if so, what did you think of it?

16. What mistakes, if any, did you notice in my page?

17. Is this your first visit to my page?. Yes No

18. Would you visit my page again? Yes No Not sure

19. What is your overall opinion of my page?

20. Please add any other comments here.