Volume 1

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No. 1 April 6, 1993

ROUTE (root, rout)n. Abbr. rte. 1. A road, course. or WAY for travel from one place to another.-See synonyms at WAY. tr.v. routed, ROUTING, routes. 1. To send along; forward.

JOHN 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the WAY the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.

From it's inception, one of the primary goals of the Fairfield Christian Group has been to spread the gospel, or Good News, of Jesus Christ. Almost everybody knows that the Good News is that Jesus died for your sins, that you might obtain eternal life. But that's just the headline!

It's the goal of FCG to fill you in on all the details: the who, what, why, and how the Good News applies to you.


Before Adam sinned, he and God had a great relationship going. When Adam blew it, that relationship was broken, and God and man have been separated ever since (Gen 1-3). But it has been God's desire all along to develop a one on one personal relationship with every person he has created.

RECONCILE (rek´en-sil) v. 1. To re-establish friendship between.

One of the things Jesus accomplished when he died on the cross was reconciling us with God (Rom 5:10, Heb 2:17). The Bible says Christians have been entrusted with the word of, and the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor 5:18-21). That word of reconciliation is the complete gospel of Jesus.

So, FCG has decided to publish "The Rouing" in an effort to fulfill this obligation, and to provide you with some insight to the significance of salvation through Jesus. We hope you enjoy reading it, and that it has a lasting impact on your life.


No.2 April 12, 1993

Have you ever prayed for a million bucks? How about. "Oh God, if you'll let me hit the lottery, I promise I'll give half of it to charity,"? If you've never prayed something similar to this, you're an endangered species.

But Jesus said that you can't serve both God and money. You'll be loyal to one or the other, but not both (Matt.6:24,Luke 16:13). So, if you decide to serve God, you can forget about ever making a bunch of money right?

Wrong. Jesus said to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all your material needs would be provided for you (Matt. 6:33-34). Material needs means the bare minimum right?

No way! Look at King Solomon. God asked him, "What do you want from me, just ask?" Solomon said (to paraphrase), "Gee, you've already been pretty good to me and my family, and you've put me in charge of all this stuff; Give me the wisdom I need to do it well" (1 Kings 3:5-13).

This answer pleased God so much, that he made Solomon the richest, most honored king there ever was. Just like Jesus said, he sought God's will first, and all the goodies were kicked in.

Easy enough for Solomon you might say, God told him he could have whatever he asked for.

Exactly. He says the same thing to you today. Jesus told his disciples, "Have faith in God...and you shall have whatever you say" (Matt.21:22, Mark 11:22-24, John 16:23). If you seek God's will first, then this promise applies to you, just as it did to disciples of Jesus' day. This doesn't mean it's God's will that everyone who serves him should be a millionaire, but it's obvious he doesn't plan to keep us lean and hungry either.

However, if your sole purpose in seeking God is to line your pockets, don't hold your breath waiting for the answer to your prayers (James 4:3). Jesus said that a man's life does not consist of the abundance of things he owns (Luke 12:15).

But if you'd like to get results like Solomon, you might try praying like he did: "Gee God, you've been pretty good to me so far, and I know you put me where I am for a reason; Show me what you'd have me do, and help me do it to your liking."

The odds of your life improving from such a prayer are better than hitting the lottery, and just like salvation, it's Absolutely Free!

No. 3 April 19, 1993

Do you consider yourself a rebel, a loner, an outcast, el lobo solo, the black sheep? Are you a Bob Seger kinda guy: like a rock, hard against the wind, "I'm not a number"?

Great! You're exactly the kind of person God is looking for...not to change, to use. A dude with an attitude. You see, God wants everyone to understand him, and to learn his ways (1 Tim. 2:4, 2Pet. 3:9). However, there seems to be a myriad of people who claim to be speaking on his behalf making fools of themselves.

People who would like to believe that God is cool, and would consider following his ways, look at the people who claim to be doing so and see a flock of clowns. Since they don't want to look like a buffoon or a hypocrite, they don't try to learn about him at all. But God's not a nerd, a hypocrite, a retard or a screwball.

That's why God needs you: Someone who can show others that his ways make sense, and that they really work. The Bible says he's constantly looking for someone to represent him (2 Chron. 16:9). Don't worry about whether you're worthy or not; The Bible says nobody ever has been worthy (Romans 3:10-12). God is just looking for someone who is willing (Isa 6:8).

Rebellion is considered a sin (1 Sam. 15:23), but that means rebellion against God, not man. If anybody was a non-conformist, it was Jesus. He broke the rules all the time! All the heroes of the Bible stood against fierce opposition from the majority.

So, if you're the kind of person who's not afraid to cut against the grain and stand apart from the crowd, it could very well be that God created you that way for his purposes. You can personally save others from damnation (James 5:19-20), and be a hero to God.

Remember, an "atta-boy" from your boss only lasts until your next "oops", but an "atta-boy" from God lasts forever.

No. 4 April 26, 1993

"Give me the beat boys to free my soul; I want to get lost in your rock and roll, and drift away."

Dobie Gray - Drift Away, 1973

"Lean on me, when you're not strong, and I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on. For, it won"t be long, 'till I'm gonna need somebody to lean on."

Bill Withers - Lean on me, 1972

Drift away from what, reality? Why? Why do I need somebody to lean on?

The average person encounters so much anxiety, stress, and mental anguish from the pressures of everyday life, it's hard to understand how half of us cope. That's why songs like these will always be popular: Everyone can relate to them. It would be so nice to be able to escape from our problems, or pawn them off on somebody else, free and clear.

Most people who are involved with drugs or alcohol know they have a problem, yet they continue in it anyway because the only time they're not overwhelmed by the pressures of this life is when they've got a buzz going. But drugs and alcohol are not the answer. They only offer a temporary solution: Once the effect wears off, the situation remains the same.

The lyrics to these songs are soothing, but the truth is, the beat boys can't really free your soul, and Bill Withers just isn't around any time for all of us to lean on.

But Jesus is. He said that if anyone is weary, you can come to him, and he will give you rest (Matt. 11;28). He said not to worry; Worrying never helped anybody (Matt. 6:25-34). Because he cares for you, you can cast your cares on him (1 Pet. 5:7), and peace that you can't even understand will keep your heart and mind (Philippians 4:6-7). If you'll commit the things you do to him, he'll see to it that everything will work out (Prov. 16:3). If you'll just trust in him, he'll show you what to do (Prov.3:5-6).

These are just a few of the promises God offers to those who will put their faith in him. That's why Jesus said that if you'll just accept him, and learn of him, you'll find rest for your soul (Matt. 11:29). It sounds great doesn't it?

You've got God's word on it. Salvation through Jesus is the only thing in the world that sounds to good to be true, and isn't. And one of the best parts is - it's Absolutely Free!

No. 5 May 3, 1993

Some people's idea of God is an immense, angry, old guy with a big stick and a handful of lightning bolts, who's just waiting for you to slip-up, so he can blast you. But that's not the picture the bible paints of him at all.

Jesus describes God as our loving, caring father who forgives us when we make mistakes (Luke 15:11-31). The Bible says that if you believe Jesus, and that he died for your sins, and you accept him as your lord, you become an adopted child of God: A member of his beloved family (Gal. 3:26). It promises that as a child of God, along with Jesus you become an heir of God's kingdom (Rom. 8:14-17, Gal. 3:29-4:7, James 2:5).

Imagine that you have a child that you love very, very much, and that he or she misbehaves occasionally in school. Now imagine that you're retired and have eight hundred and fifty billion dollars in your checking account. One day, you have your limosine pull into one of your convenience stores, to get a cup of coffee. While inside, you notice your child is ogling one of the candy bars. When you ask them if they'd like for you to buy one for them they say, "Well yes, but since I got in trouble in school last week, I know I don't deserve it."

Wouldn't you tell them it's OK? Wouldn't you say, "Oh it's alright , I've already forgiven you. If one of those candy bars would make you happy, I'll buy you the factory that makes 'em if you'd like, because I love you and you're special to me."?

Well Jesus said that even though we like to give good gifts to our kids, God loves us even more, and desires even more to give us the things we ask (Matt. 7:11). He doesn't hold our mistakes over our head (James 1:5), if we own up to the things we've done wrong, he's quick to forgive us (1 John 1:9).

You don't make your kids earn their Christmas presents do you? Niether does God. That's why salvation is Absolutely Free.

No. 6 May 10, 1993 PAID FOR

Are you a man after your own fashion: Come and go as you please, not tied down by anybody else's ideas about how you should be? A free spirit?

Probably not. If you work for somebody else, pay taxes or obey laws, you're not in control of your life. You have to comply with rules that someone else has imposed.

If you don't like being subject to the laws and systems of this country, you can leave and go elsewhere. Know what you'll find? Somebody else's rules you'll have to follow. It seems that there's no where in this world you can go without having to obey somebody.

According to the Bible, that's how it works in the spirit world too. Like it or not, you are servant to whom you follow (Rom. 6:16). There's no such thing as being "middle of the road". Jesus said that if you are not with him, you are against him (Matt. 12:30). He also said that there's only one way to heaven, and he is it (John 14:6).

In the garden of Eden, God put Adam in charge of all he created. The only rule to obey was: "Don't eat that." Then the Devil said, "Oh go ahead, eat it." Adam chose to obey the Devil instead of God (he sinned), and the Devil was given power to inflict pain and death to mankind ever since (Gen. 1:26-3:24). So it's true, you do become subject to whom you obey.

But Jesus didn't sin. Because he was punished as a sinner though not guilty, he was able to apply the price he paid to pay for somebody else's sins... everybody's (John 3:16-17, 2Cor. 5:21). So you can be free: Free from the rule of sin and death (Rom. 8:2). Bail has been posted, and the price of your freedom was Christ's blood (Acts 20:28).

So then your salvation isn't actually "absolutely free", it's just already "paid for".

No. 7 May 17, 1993


(rï´chis) -adj. 1. Meeting the standards of what is right and just. [ OE rihtwïs : right + wise.]

Righteous = rightwise: As opposed to sideways, or upside-down.

Many people are confused as to what righteousness is. Most people think that the less you sin, the more righteous you are. Nope. That's Holiness.Righteousness is how you stand. If you are a member of a group, or club where you have to pay dues, as long as your dues are paid up, you are a member in good standing. This means you are entitled to all the benefits and privaledges the group has to offer. In other words, you are found righteous in the eyes of the organization.

The Bible says that Jesus paid our dues, so that we would be considered just as righteous as he is (2 Cor 5:21,Rom3:21-23), and he's invited us all to join him at Club Heaven. A lot of people think that they are righteous because they go to church, or they do more for the community than others. Not only do they think that they are righteous, but they look down on other people who they suppose are less righteous than themselves. But that's self righteousness, and according to Club Heaven's bylaws, it's not worth a plug nickle toward getting you in the door.

You see, it's not by the wonderful things you've done that you get into Heaven; if it were, we'd all be lost (Matt 19:25-26, Rom8:23). It's by the wonderful things Jesus has done (Luke19:10,Gal1:4). The lifetime membership he bought for us comes with a free never-ending life (John10:28). It's for you to decide, the invitation to be righteous is extended to everyone who is simply willing to believe him (John3:16+17).

You don't have to accept if you don't want to, but since your own personal membership is already paid for...it's Absolutely Free!

No. 8 May 24, 1993

A lot of people think, "Yeah, I believe in Jesus, but I'm just not ready to settle down and clean up my act." Other's say, "I believe in Jesus, it's church people I don't believe in." Yes, it's true; There are many hypocrites who go to church. There are also many hypocrites who go to the grocery store.

You go to the grocery store don't you? You probably understand the need for food, and recognize it as a good place to get some. Jesus said that just as important is the need for a steady diet of the word of God (Matt 4:4, Luke 4:4). Most people recognize church as a good place to get some. Oh, you can get by OK spiritually by staying at home, and studying your bible. You can also grow turnips out in your back yard, raise chickens, and not need to go to the grocery store. Of course, you won't have any spare time, but you'll be self sufficient.

You know the need for money,and you know that there are hypocrites where you work, but that doesn't stop you from showing up every week. Just like you need money to get by in this world, the bible says you need faith to get along spiritually (Hab 2:4, Heb 11:1-40). Like money, the more faith you have, the more you can accomplish. So how do you get more faith? According to the bible, faith comes by hearing the word of God (Rom 10:17).

Which church denomination is the best? Which grocery store is the best? If the word being preached from the pulpit is the Gospel of the Holy Bible, you'll be better nourished than not going at all.

You might say, "That's all well and good, but I'm still not ready to settle down." So what? That doesn't keep you out of the grocery store. Thinking you have to straighten up before you can go to a church is like thinking you need to learn how to fly a jet and fire a cannon before you can join the military. All you need to do is show up. After a while you'll figure out what part you play. Just like not everybody in the military is a pilot, not everyone in church has to wear a liesure suit and white shoes.

"Yeah, but to go to church yet continue to do things you know are wrong, doesn't that make you a hypocrite?" No. It means you're showing God you're making an effort to improve. Everybody does things they know are wrong (Rom 3:23, 1 John 1:8), it's when you pretend you don't, and act holier than others that you become a hypocrite.

So, though it's not necessary, it's a good idea to go to church. There's a lot of good eatin' out there, and unlike the grocery store, it's Absolutely Free!

No. 9 June 1, 1993

Fill in the blanks

Man does not live by ______________________.

Well that's easy. Even people who have never been to church can finish that sentance: bread alone.

...But by _____________________________.

The sentance doesn't end with "bread alone". It goes on to tell us exactly what man does live by. Jesus gave us the complete picture by saying, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God"(Matt 4:4, Luke 4:4).

Right away many people take that to mean that the Bible is a book full of rules, and you've got to live by every one of them. Wrong. Then people think: Well, if I don't read the thing, then I won't know what the rules are, and then I can't be expected to have to obey them. Wrong again.

The Bible isn't a book full of rules; It's a book full of promises. Not reading it doesn't keep you from having to obey rules, it keeps you from knowing what the promises are, and how to recieve them. If more people knew what was actually in the Bible, they wouldn't be decieved by fanatics who go door to door preaching trash.

The Bible very clearly points out, that it is impossible to make it by following rules (Rom 3:9-26). That's why it was necessary for Jesus to die on the cross: All the broken rules had to be punished, and because God loves us, he took the punishment for us, so we could be saved from it (John 3:14-17). That's why he's called our Savior. He's also called the Word of God (John 1:1). So If you know Jesus, you know every word of God.

You're not freed from anything by avoiding knowledge. Even in this world, if you kill somebody and tell the judge you didn't know it was illegal, you're not freed from responsibility. But the Bible says knowing the truth sets you free (John 8:32), and that Jesus is that truth (John 14:6).

Once you understand what the Bible really has to say, You'll have that every word of God to live by, and you'll know the truth, and you'll be Absolutely Free!

No. 10 June 7, 1993

Faith. Tough stuff. According to the Bible, it can move mountains, heal the sick, throw trees into the sea, raise the dead, and just about anything else God wants to do with it (Matt 21:21, James 5:15, Luke 17:6, Mark 5:36).

The cool part is, that God uses us to do it through. For instance: God was able to part the Red Sea by himself, but he did it through Moses (Ex 14:21). He was able to kill Goliath any time he wanted to, but he did it through David (1 Sam 17:50). Both of these guys were sinners. The Bible tells us about some of the sins they commited. So it wasn't because they were super-holy that God used them. It was simply because they had faith in God.

Fear is the exact same thing as faith. You can either have faith, that God will do wonderful things in your life; or you can have fear that the Devil will do terrible things in your life. For instance: The idea crosses your mind to start your own business. Then fear steps in; "Oh, I could never do that. Too much competition." If fear is your faith, and you believe that you can't start your own business, it will be true. You won't be able to do it.

When Jesus walked on water, he told Peter to do likewise. Because Peter believed in Jesus, he stepped out of the boat, and shazaam...He was walking on water! Then fear replaced his faith and said,"Hey, you can't walk on water." Immediately he began to sink (Matt 14:28-30). It was his choice. He chose to believe the Devil, telling him that he was not capable of doing, what Jesus had proven he was able to do. That which he believed came to pass in both instances.

So it is with us. It is a choice. Once you establish that you believe in God, he can do amazing things with you. When God told Moses to stretch out his hand over the sea and divide it (Ex 14:16), Moses could have answered with, "I don't think so, it's not gonna happen." But because he believed that God was able to do what he said, God worked a collosal miracle at his hand.

God is able to do what he has said. Get a Bible. Find out for yourself exactly what God does have to say. Don't rely on someone else's faith to secure your salvation. Salvation comes through faith (Eph 2:8). It is a gift from God, and everybody knows a gift is Absolutely Free!

No. 11 June 14, 1993

Ante up. Do you like to gamble? Would you care to place a little wager? Do you like to play high stakes, and make it interesting?

In the movie Casablanca, There's a scene where Humphrey Bogart, the owner of a little casino in north Africa, suggests to one of his patrons to lay their bet on 22 black, at the roulette table. They won. He told them to do it again. They won again.

Isn't it more fun to gamble when the owner of the casino is telling you how to win every time? What would have happened if the young man in the movie would have said, "Thanks Rick, but I'll play my own numbers"? Wouldn't you have left the movie thinking, "What a stooge! The guy was told exactly how to win, and he blew it off"?

Just like Humphrey Bogart, God is leaning over your shoulder giving you a little helpful advice. You can blow it off if you want to. It's your choice. The roulette wheel can't stop on 17 different numbers at the same time, so everybody doesn't end up a winner.

When the wheel stops on 22 black, only those with their bet placed on that number win. So when this life stops, only the people who placed their faith in Jesus will win (John 14:6). In Las Vegas, if you lose, you don't get to say, "I got gypped...I want my money back!" Neither does it work that way in heaven. However you're just as free to lose if you want to. But since the owner of the place has been whispering to you all along, how to win, there won't be any excuses (Luke 16:19-31, John 3:17-18).

Of course this is just the way the Bible says it is. But how much are you willing to bet that it might not be that way? Everything? Forever? Well, you only get one chip. If it's not placed without question on Jesus, then that's exactly what you're doing. If there are questions, then your hand is still on the chip, and you could be persuaded to move it.

Don't be a stooge (Luke 12:20+21); Trust the guy who runs the place (Prov 3;5). He'll tell you how to win every time (John 16:13). The longer you play that winning number, the greater the value of your chip, when you go to cash it in (Matt 6:19-21).

Casablanca is the story of a guy who got walked on, helped others escape persecution, and sacraficed himself in the end; Just like the Gospel. But in this casino, you don't need any money to play. The winnings here are Absolutely Free!

No. 12 June 21, 1993

The Holy Trinity. Easy to understand huh? Jesus is God's son, yet he's God, yet they're not alone, there's also the Holy Spirit, who is God.

In the winter of 1982, an Air Florida jet liner plunged into the icy waters of the Potomac River in Washington D.C.. Several people were spotted outside the wreckage, surviving a terrible crash, only to be freezing to death in the bone chilling water. The most heroic scene was undoubtedly when a man dove into the lethally cold water to save a dazed passenger, who looked like she was going down for the last time.

What would you have done in that situation? Imagine what would be going on in your head, when the idea to jump in crossed your mind. The compassion in your spirit would shout, "She's not gonna make it, you've got to do something!" But your mind would say, "Man that's sub-freezing water. You jump into that, and you could die." Meanwhile, your body is telling you, "Hey, I'm comfortable up here in my nice warm arctic parka. I'm sure not in the mood to go swimming."

The Bible says that we were created in the image of God (Gen 1:27). Once we examine ourselves, and understand that we are a three part being, spirit, mind, and body (Mark 12:30), we can better understand how God can be a three part being (Matt 28:19), yet be one God.

One cold day up in Heaven, God found himself standing on the banks of the Earth, watching the people he loved, drowning in sin. God, the Holy Spirit said to himself, "They're not gonna make it, you've got to do something!" Then God, the Father said, "You go down there, and you're gonna die, no two ways about it." Then God, Jesus said, "Up here in Heaven, I dwell in splendor and glory (John 17:5). If I go down there, I'll have to give all this up, become like one of them, endure pain, and allow sin to engulf me."

Because of the wonderful nature of his Spirit, God decided to take the plunge, and he came to Earth as a man in the form of Jesus, to save us from sin (John 3:16, Rom 8:1-3). If you feel trapped by sin, you need only ask, and he will rescue you (Luke 11:9). That's the whole reason he came here, so you won't be putting him out, and it's Absolutely Free.

No. 13 June 28, 1993

Fast, friendly, free delivery.

It works for pizza shops, maybe it would be a good slogan for a church. Because that's exactly what people come to God for: delivery from sin, delivery from their past, delivery from pain and depression and hopelessness.

It seems like the sales pitch some Christians are known for using isn't working that well: "Repent, or burn in hell", or "You need to quit doing those things you do, and straighten up." They sound like the character, Aunt Ester, on the series Sanford and Son: puritanical, judgmental and condemning. What a fun crowd.

The problem with that kind of preaching, is that it's not realistic, let alone appetizing. The Bible says, that people sin, because they are slaves to sin (Rom 6:16). A good example of that is kleptomaniacs. They feel compelled to steal. They can't help themselves.

To tell them they need to stop, only shows them that you don't understand the problem. Being a slave is like being a prisoner. Nobody goes down to the County Jail, and tells the prisoners, "You just need to get out of here, that's your problem." They already know the problem, what they need is somebody to set them free. If slaves could just change their mind and decide not to be one anymore, then the Civil War was a complete waste of time. But like the prisoner, and the kleptomaniac, they couldn't help themselves.

Neither can we. The Bible says that we have all come under the power of sin (Gal 3:22). But Jesus came to set us free (Luke 4:18). If it weren't necessary, he wouldn't have done it (Matt 26:39). But since he did, the guilt for our sins has already been punished.

The power that sin has over us is guilt. Because you were guilty of obeying it, you were made it's slave. When you accept Jesus as your savior, and ask him to forgive you for the sins you've committed, he does (1 John 1:9). Once you're forgiven, the power of sin is broken, and then can you be delivered from it (Matt 9:1-7, Matt 12:29).

To try to conquer sin in your life without Jesus is futile. Only God can do God's job, and he does it fast, friendly, and Absolutely Free.

No. 14 July 6, 1993

Mmm Mmm Good!

A baked potato with the meat of it all fluffed, and yellow from the melted butter. Chives sprinkled on top of it, and a dash of paprika for added color. On the plate is a sprig of parsley, and a soufflé cup of sour cream. Sound good?

Beside all the dressing up, it's still just a hot potato. But when some one who knows food gets their hands on it, it becomes a culinary delight. At chefs' school, they teach that a major portion of preparing a dish, is making it look good. That's where they teach to make ice sculptures, and put a cherry on top of desserts.

They also teach how to season food, to make it taste scrumptious. Face it, a potato without salt, or butter, or something to season it is pretty bland. But you can smell the french fries from a fast food place a block away. Then you start to crave them. Knowing that a potato untouched is unappealing, it must be the way it is prepared that makes it delicious; the oil it's cooked in, and the salt.

Just as you can order fries in one restaurant that come out crispy and delicious, but at the next place they're soggy and cold; You can listen to one person talk about God and think, "Wow, they know what they're talking about, I want to hear more", and the next person you hear, makes God sound about as exciting as day old bread. There are good cooks, and there are poor cooks.

Jesus said that man needs the word of God, just as he does food (Matt 4:4, Luke 4:4). The Bible says that Jesus is the word of God (John 1:14), and that he is our spiritual food (John 6:32-35). Before he ascended up to heaven, he told Peter to feed his sheep (John 21:15-17), meaning to teach people- the word of God. He also said that believers are the salt of the earth (Matt 5:13).

If salt loses it's flavor, it's worthless. In other words, if the things we say and do as Christians don't draw others to Jesus (Psalms 51:13), we're not doing him any good. If you can do a better job of preparing the Word of God than those who are, by all means, show them how it's done. Get yourself a cookbook, any bible will do, and study up. You might even try chefs' school (church).

Don't worry about the tuition, you can accept Jesus, and God will give you a scholarship, the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13), Absolutely Free.

No. 15 July 12, 1993

Lassie Come Home.

If you've never owned a pet that you became attached to, you've certainly seen movies or television shows where people did, and can relate to the pet master relationship. It's the same whether it was Lassie, Flipper, Black Beauty, or R2-D2.

Gentle Ben was a pet bear. He seemed pretty docile because he was tame. Thus he and his owners could have affectionate contact. But if one of those same owners decided to go pet a wild bear, the contact they received might not be so affectionate.

So it is with God's pet children, believers, and other people. When he came to Earth as Jesus, he was treated pretty rough by those who didn't believe in him (Acts 2:22+23). It's not that other people are more evil than believers; They simply don't know God's ways, and don't know how to react to him (Rom 10:14).

So it is with animals. Horses don't know how to respond to bridle and bit until they're trained. Likewise dogs to sit, stay and heel. Until some one teaches them how to respond to their master, they act no different than an untamed animal.

The difference between the pet/master relationship and the servant/master relationship, is the bond of love. If you hire a some one to mow your lawn and they don't do it, you fire them and hire some one else. But if you own a dog that you love, and it doesn't fetch, you don't take it to the pound and get another dog. You just love the dog the way it is.

This is like the relationship we have with God. If we don't perform perfectly, he doesn't evaporate us and create some one else. He loves us as we are (Rom 5:8, 1John 4:19). He designed each of us the way we are, so he's not going to hold our imperfections against us.

But the bond of love is even stronger between God and us, because ours is also a child/father relationship (Rom 8:14-16). The Bible says that when we submit to him to be our master, he doesn't say, "Welcome on board, new employee," but rather, "Welcome home my child" (Luke 15:21-24).

Until we go to be with him, we'll never be able to fully understand how much he really does love us (Eph 3:17-19). Like pets, he doesn't love us for the things we do, but for who we are. So we don't have to do anything to earn it, it's Absolutely Free.

No. 16 July 19, 1993

Who wrote the book of love?

Since the movie "The Exorcist" came out in the 70's, the term "demon possession" has become commonly understood. In short, a person is overcome by an evil spirit, and their actions are no longer theirs, but a spirit doing something through them.

So if evil spirits exist, and they're able to enter people (John 13:27), and influence, or in extreme cases, control them (Mark 9:18); It stands to reason that the Holy Spirit of God is just as able to do the same (Acts 2:4). The Bible contains several instances of men performing miracles: The Holy Spirit performs the miracle through a man.

This, according to the Bible, is how it was written: By God, through men (Mark 12:36, 2Tim 3:16, Rev 1:10+11).

Yeah, but that was thousands of years ago. It's been interpreted and translated so many times since then, how do you know people haven't changed what it said?

Translators don't work from other translations. They study the oldest and most reliable manuscripts. The 1st part of the Bible was written in Hebrew. The 2nd part was written in Greek. These are not lost languages. In Greece, they still speek Greek to this day. In Israel, they still speak Hebrew today. If you try to change the words or meanings around, you'll get caught. It has happened.

Many people are willing to believe that one part of the Bible is God's word, but not another part. If you're willing to believe that it's been misquoted in the translation, how can you be sure which part is valid, and which part is bogus? Your faith then is not based on the grace and wisdom of God, but on your own intellect. Good luck.

If this is your belief, then you're probably resigned to stick out this life, and find out how it really works when it's over. But if you choose to believe that what the Bible says really is the word of God, you can begin to apply it's principles to your everyday life, and find out that it really works before it's over.

When God gave us his word, it was a promise; Not sometimes yes, sometimes no, but always yes, because it's a promise to those who believe (2 cor 1:19+20). That promise is salvation, and he gives it to us Absolutely Free.

No. 17 July 26, 1993

Tune in, turn on, and drop out.

You've got a long distance call from Hell; Will you accept the charges? Any time you carry on dialog with the Devil, you're going to have to pay. The first thing Eve did wrong in the garden of Eden, was to have a conversation with the Devil (Gen 3:1-3). If she would have just not listened to him, he would not have convinced her to sin.

Likewise, it is with us. When thoughts come into our mind, tempting us to do something that we know is wrong, it's a spiritual phone call from the same Devil. You don't have to accept that call. If he calls back again, hang up again. The Bible says that if you resist him, he'll leave you alone (James 4:7). It's when you start listening to his reasoning, and advice that you get into trouble.

Even if you're already a full fledged Christian, if you receive the call, you will pay the Charges. Your reward in Heaven will be based on your works (Matt 16:27). So, the more you talk to the Devil, the more you will sin, and the less will be your reward.

Meanwhile, the whole time you talk to the Devil, God is on hold on another line. He's always wanting to talk with you (Luke 18:1). He wants to hear you pour out your heart to him, and he wants to tell you his plans for you. His plans for you are always good, never bad (Jer 29:11).

Many people don't pray because they don't know if God really exists. God can't answer a prayer that's not prayed. He can't prove himself to you if you don't call on him. Once you begin to pray, and have your prayers answered consistantly, Then you'll know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is real, and that he loves you; No matter what anyone else says.

So, tune in and turn on to the Holy spirit of God, and drop out of the stereotype image the world would have you conform to (Rom 12:2). Real men don't have to smoke a certain brand of cigarette, drink a certain brand of beer, use a certain brand of foul language, or kill every one who offends them.

You've got a phone call from God; Will you accept him? It's a local call (Luke 21:31), so you won't have to pay any charges; It's Absolutely Free.

No. 18 August 2, 1993

"Take this job and shove it!"-Johnny Paycheck.

Have you ever considered leaving your job? Kinda scary isn't it? Even if it's to take a better one somewhere else. Once you've got a steady income, whether you like your job or not, you learn to rely on it as your source of stability.

To make a change, you've got to muster the courage to tear yourself away from all the things you've grown accustomed to, and step into the great unknown. It's a big step.

Man is by nature, a creature of habit. Anything that disrupts his routine, throws him off balance. Going through the same motions every day, you don't have to think. To step out of that routine, you have to fire your brain back up. That's where it gets scary. As long as you don't have to make new decisions; you don't have to worry about making a bad decision: No accountability.

Spiritually, there are only two companies you can work for: Sin Inc., and Righteousness Mfg. Co. (Rom 8:2). Both companies offer a decent salary, with fringe benefits. Sin Inc. Offers judgment. Once you've earned that, you can get a promotion, and bring home death (Rom 6:23). After that you can rise to an eternal position of torment in agony (Rev 21:8).

Righteousness Mfg.Co., offers forgiveness. You can't earn that. It's one of the perks of the company. Then you can receive blessings, then life everlasting without sickness, or pain, or grief (Isaiah 65:17-19). It gets better after that, but nobody knows how much better (1 Cor 2:9).

Both employers have a place on staff for you. Since there is no such thing as spiritual unemployment, you're already working for one or the other. You need to look at your pay-stub, and consider if a career change might be worthwhile. One employer offers upward mobility, the other offers downward mobility. The choice is yours.

There's a HELP WANTED sign in the window of Righteousness Mfg. Co. which reads: to apply, call Jesus Christ, owner and proprietor. If you're working for the other guy, and you'd like to see a change in your life, make the call. You won't be turned down for any reason (Acts 2:21, Rom 10:13).

Don't be tied down by the Devil. Muster the courage to say, "Take this job and shove it!" by making the call to Jesus, and be Absolutely Free.

No. 19 August 9, 1993

With liberty, and justice, for all. The Pledge of Allegiance. Originally, it read:

"I pledge allegiance to my flag, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." [the Youth's Companion © Sept. 8, 1892]

Apparently, someone decided that it was important to be specific. So, they changed the words "my flag," to "the flag of the United States of America." This keeps other nations from taking part in the oath: It's ours.

In 1954, the words "under God" were added, by an act of congress. Apparently, they didn't want any confusion as to who we belong to: We're his.

More recently, there has been a movement under way, to have the words, "under God" removed from the pledge. What kind of statement does this make? Do these people simply believe there is no God? No. If that were the case, then the phrase would be considered harmless to them, and thus not worth trifling over.

But that's not the case. These people feel threatened by those words. Allegiance with God could interfere with their personal ambitions.

With phrases like "New world order" popping up in high places, it's conceivable that it won't be too long before they try to remove the words "of the United States of America" as well. Can it happen? Ask the Soviets.

So what's next? Take out "liberty" or "justice?" How about just change it to: "for some?" Where does it end? Nations crumble overnight. Leaders come and go. Science and technology discover mistakes they've made daily. So what's true, and what's not true? In an ever-changing world, what can we put our hope in, that won't be gone tomorrow?

The Bible. In some versions, the language has been brought up to date, but the content has remained the same for centuries. Jesus remains the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13:8). He is the truth (John14:6). If you fasten yourself to him, you won't be wiped out by the shifting sands of change (Matt 7:24-27).

If a nation can be dissolved, it can't guarantee freedom, or justice. But Jesus can (John 8:34-36, Rom 3:29+30). All he asks of you is that you believe in him (Acts 16:31). It works by faith (Mark 9:23). So, pledge allegiance to Jesus, who offers liberty and justice for all, Absolutely Free.

No. 20 August 16, 1993

Film at Eleven. These words follow a spot in broadcasting, which highlights the big story of the day. If last night's news told you it was going to rain all day today, you might dress differently than if it were to be sunny. Our decisions on how we lead our lives, and what we do are directly affected by the news we hear.

What if the headline were, "Congress decides to refund to millions of Americans, every penny of income tax they've ever paid, with interest?"

Wouldn't you watch at Eleven, to find out how they're going to do it, and if you were going to get your money back? Or would you just continue about your business, knowing the headline, but wondering if and how it applied to you?

That's exactly the standard reaction for many people who have heard the gospel. The word "gospel" translated simply means "good news." They hear the headline: God loves you and Jesus took the punishment for your sins, so you can be forgiven, and live forever (John 3:16); and don't tune-in later to find out if and how it applies to them. They continue about their business wondering.

You can tune-in, by reading the news paper, and or watching the news on TV. Likewise, with the gospel, you can read the Bible, and or go to church (Rom 10:17). You may say, "You can't believe those preachers, they're just in it for the money." Unfortunately, some are just in it for the money.

But consider this: If the gospel of Jesus is simply the good news, then, a preacher is nothing more than a newscaster. If you find out that the same weather man who said it would rain today, has been cheating on his wife, does that mean it's not going to rain today? After all, you can't believe him, he just forecasts the weather for money.

God loves you and Jesus saves, is just the headline. God offers so much to those who will put their confidence in him: health, protection, success, peace, joy (Isa 53:5, Psalm 91:9-12, 2 Cor 2:14, Php 4:7, John 15:11), and more. All you've got to do is tune in. Don't stop at the headline. Find out how it all applies to you.

Once you've got a solid understanding of it , and accept it, you'll want to tell others too. Because in truth, its not good news, its great news! Its wonderful, magnificent, marvelous news...and its Absolutely Free!

No. 21 August 23, 1993

Gentlemen, start your engines. Imagine the work that goes into Indy cars. Their mechanics are the world's best. They spend hours studying every minute detail of the car, to see if they can alter it's design in any way, to give their driver the edge.

To get the maximum performance out of every part, each nut and bolt in the design has been determined and tested by a crew of engineers. Every part has been precision machined to dimensions specified to less than a thousandth of an inch.

If you were to visit the shop where their gears are made, you might see some of these parts in development. You could walk past chunks of steel, not knowing that one of those crude castings would eventually be a gear in the car winning the next Indy 500.

However, it's going to require a little work. First, it'll be put on a lathe, and be turned to size. Then have the teeth cut in it, then ground, and so on. After it's done, there's a pile of metal shavings left over. In essence, the finished gear was there inside all along. The unnecessary part, the shavings, simply had to be cut away.

This is where we stand with God. Just like that machine shop ordered the casting from a foundry, specifically to be that gear; God created you specifically for his purposes (Rev 4:11). But unless you allow him to work on you; removing your spiritual shavings, and polishing what's left, you won't experience the perfect plan he has for your life.

In essence, everything he needs is there. Right now, some one might walk past you, and by looking at you, not be able to see how God can use you at all. They can't see the finished product on the inside. But God can (1 Kings 16:7). And he's not dissatisfied with what he sees. He's just waiting on you to give him the go ahead to start working on you (2 Chron 7:14).

Just like an Indy car is comprised of many different parts, so is the church, or body of believers (1 Cor 12:20). If one part goes bad, it affects the entire machine (1 Cor 12:26). If a car gets a flat tire, the entire car is pulled out of the race. God has created you as a member of his machine. If you're not functioning, the whole vehicle is affected.

He allows us to be part in his doings, so that after its all over, we can take part in his glory also (Rom 8:17, 1 Pet 5:1). This isn't something we deserve, he gives it to us Absolutely Free.

No. 22 August 30, 1993

The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Judge: "Mr. X, you have been charged with 34,752 traffic violations, how do you plead?"

Mr. X: "Not guilty."

Judge: "On what grounds do you plead not guilty?"

Mr. X: "Well, I've done a lot of good things too, and I was kind of hoping that the good would outweigh the bad. I really am a nice person."

If this were a real courtroom scene, do you suppose the judge would buy this line of reasoning? As silly as it seems, this is exactly how most people suppose they're going to be able to skate past judgment when this life is over.

What if there were video cameras at every intersection, and along the roadways? If every time you exceeded the speed limit, didn't use your turn signal, or didn't come to a complete stop were on tape; how many tickets do you suppose you would receive?

As scary as it seems, spiritually, this is exactly how it is. God sees not only every sin you commit, but every one you've wanted to (1 Sam 16:7). He holds you accountable for those too (Matt 5:28). Why? So that no evil thought or deed will go unpunished.

If God is going to punish one sin, he's going to have to punish every sin. Otherwise he wouldn't be a just god; he would be showing favoritism. But everyone will be rewarded according to their works (Matt 16:27).

If you wish to accept the reward for the good things you've done, you also have to accept the reward for the bad things you've done. If you want to make it to heaven by taking responsibility for your actions, you have to accept both.

You won't make it (Rom 3:10-18). Nobody can (Matt 19:25+26). But because God loves you, he provided a way: Jesus (John 14:6). The whole time Jesus was being whipped, spit on, ridiculed, and nailed to the cross, he knew that if he didn't endure it, you couldn't make it to heaven. So, because he loves you, and wants you to make it, he took it all, and didn't say a word. He took your punishment.

So, you are given two options: Accept the punishment for your sins, or accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. "A man who defends himself in court, has a fool for an attorney." Jesus is the Original Public Defender (1John 2:1), and he offers his services Absolutely Free.

No. 23 Sept. 7, 1993

No strings attached. The salvation message in the Bible is very simple: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved." Acts 16:31.

The first part of the Bible, the Old Testament, explains how the people were unruly. So, God gave them rules, and said that all they had to do was obey them, and they'd be cool. Not one person made it (Psalm 14:1-3).

The second part of the Bible, the New Testament, explains how God sent Jesus, his Son, to Earth, to rescue us from all our sin (John 3:16). Because he loves us, Jesus took our sin upon himself, and in the exchange, gave us his righteousness, so we could be saved (2Cor 5:21).

Three days after he was punished for our sins and died on the cross, He came back to life, and told his followers to go into all the world, and preach this Good News (Mark 16:15). The Bible promises that anyone who hears the News, and believes it is saved (John 1:12, John 3:16, John 6:35, John 6:47, Acts 16:30, Rom 10:9+10).

That's it.

That's where some preachers miss it. They say, "If you don't know that you are going to Heaven if you die today, come on down here. We want to pray for you." That helps, but it's not necessary. The Bible doesn't say you need someone to pray for you. It doesn't say you have to step out in front of 10,000 strangers and our viewing audience at home.

Its just you and God. Once you've heard enough of his word to believe him, all you have to do is tell him in prayer that you do, and you've decided that you're on his side.

You don't have to get dressed up. You don't have to cut your hair. You don't have to stop doing the things you enjoy. But once Jesus lives in your heart, if you're seeking after him, you might stop enjoying some of the things you do.

Salvation is a free gift (Eph 2:8). All you have to do is receive it. If you refuse to believe it, you're simply refusing to accept the gift. Nobody can force you to accept it: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

Its a pretty neat little package, no strings attached, and its yours to accept, Absolutely Free.

No. 24 Sept. 13, 1993

Essay Test. Did you graduate grammar school? If you did, then this should be easy for you: What's a predicate? How do you conjugate verbs (or do you)? These are fundamentals of grammar. But if you're like most people, in spite of the fact, that you read this stuff in a book, and someone stood up and explained it to you, you're a little rusty on it. Even though you might have a difficult time explaining them to someone, you don't have much trouble speaking English do you?

What if someone were to ask you these questions, and you couldn't answer them? What if they laughed at you and said, "You can't speak English. You don't even know the fundamentals of it. Why I'll bet the English language doesn't even work!"?

Believe it or not, Christians run into this problem all the time. They tell people, "Jesus loves you, and he paid the price for your sins. The Bible says that if you'll just believe in him, you'll be saved (John 3:16)."

The first thing most people do is argue why it can't work that way. "Just believe," how does that work? Well, that's a brief question, but the answer is pretty complex. Like "What's a predicate?" or "How do you conjugate verbs?"

The answers are written down in a book. The Bible. And there are lots of people who stand in front of a congregation and explain it. So when you are called to give an account of your life, ignorance won't be a valid excuse (Rom1:20, Luke 16:19-21 ).

If you were planning to wear shorts today, Then you found out the temperature was supposed to drop to 30°F, would you change your plans? If you believed the weather report you would. If you choose not to believe it, and don't change your plans; when the temperature does drop, you'll feel it. You will reap the reward of your actions (Gal 6:7). Your actions prove what you really believe (James 2:22).

Change (repentance) is part of the Salvation process (Acts 2:38). If you truely believe the Gospel, its something you'll do. Once you believe, gratitude sets in (1John 4:19). Then you'll want to do something in return for God. Its a natural reaction.

So true belief is all that's called for. You don't have to jump through hoops, or perform 10,000 good deeds. Jesus offers salvation to anyone who is willing to believe that he is God, and they are not, Absolutely Free.

No. 25 Sept. 20, 1993

The sneezing, sniffling, coughing, aching, stuffy head, so you can rest medicine. "Don't go outside without your coat on; you'll catch your death of cold. No you can't play in the rain, you wanna catch pneumonia?" Who does that sound like?

Aren't parents a drag? They're so mean. All they ever say is don't and no. Isn't that the way it seemed when you were a kid?

How long did it take you to figure out that they didn't say those things because they were mean, but because they loved you, and didn't want you to suffer? And how many times when you were a kid, did one person get sick, and within a week, everyone in the house got it too? So when one disobeys, others suffer as well.

Many people see our Heavenly Father as a drag. He's so mean. All he ever says is "Thou shalt Not." Isn't that the way it seems? But the truth is He said those things because just like your earthly parents, He loves you and doesn't want you to suffer (John 3:16, Jer 29:11). And just like above, when one person disobeys, others suffer.

Fornication for example. The Bible describes sex outside of marriage as a sin (Matt 15:19). Why? If I want to, and the other person wants to, who does that hurt?

Remember Ryan White, the boy from Kokomo Indiana, who contracted the AIDS virus from a blood transfusion? He died because other people fornicated. Figure it out.

God didn't just make rules because it seemed like a neat thing to do. Did you ever hear your parents say, "I'm not talking because I like the sound of my voice?" God has a reason for all the rules he's made, and he enforces them out of love (Heb 12:6).

Sooner or later, a person grows up and starts listening to their parents advice. They usually get sick of wiping snot from their nose, and start bundling up (1Cor 13:11). So in retrospect, your best option was to obey your parents (Eph 6:1). Doesn't it make sense then, that your Heavenly Father knows what he's talking about, and your wisest option is to obey him (Heb 12:9)?

Prevention is the best medicine. The instructions are prescribed in the Holy bible, but unlike most prescription medication, its Absolutely free.

No. 26 Sept. 27, 1993

Remember the Alamo! Picture it: You're buddies with Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie, holed up in a church with 180 other men; Heroes, every one of them. Outside the walls are General Santa Anna's troops. Not some band of rag-tag guerrillas: thousands of trained, uniformed soldiers. The outcome of the Texas revolution depends on you.

Realizing the impending defeat, your commander gives you an option to escape death: The line is drawn in the sand. Anyone who wants to get out while the getting's good can do it now. Just cross this line.

Well, we know what happened. Because of their unselfishness and devotion to duty, they became legends in their own time.

The Congressional Medal of Honor is this nations highest award. Part of the criteria for receiving this award is ..."self-sacrifice so conspicuous as to clearly distinguish the individual above his comrades..." Many of the recipients of this award died in the process of earning it.

Think about it. To receive this country's highest honor, all you have to do is act like Jesus. Just like the scene where a group of soldiers are taking cover together, and a grenade rolls into their midst. Without hesitation, one of the men throws his body onto the grenade, to save his friends. The grenade is called sin (1Cor 15:3), which brings death (Rom 6:23). Jesus calls us his friends (Luke 12:4), and he died that we might be saved (Rom 5:8+9).

Like the Alamo, Jesus could have crossed the line to safety (Matt 26:53+54), but instead he lined the cross. He doesn't want a medal though. He just wants you to recognize and accept him as you personal lord and savior. After all, he did it for you.

You believe the story of the Alamo don't you? Well, you don't become a Texan by simply believing about the Alamo. But you do become a resident of Heaven by believing in Jesus (Rom 10:9). When you accept him as your savior, God accepts you as his own child (Gal 3:26).

Since your Dad is the king, you won't have to pay taxes. You'll get to live there Absolutely Free.

No. 27 Oct. 4, 1993

"God is my provider. Send me your donations." Doesn't it seem sometimes like that's the message? Isn't that a contradiction in terms, that seems to say, "The message I preach doesn't really work?"

The message in the Bible does work. It just gets confusing when people get caught abusing that message for personal gain. So, many people have turned from giving, just to keep phonies from getting rich. But not everyone's phony. There's a lot of great stuff in the Bible about giving, and if you don't know it, you could be shorting yourself.

Farmers know, that when they harvest a crop, they sell some of it, but they have to keep back a portion of it for seed. They take that seed and scatter it back into the ground, to provide for a harvest next year. No seed, no harvest.

After the seed is planted, a plant appears. How that works he doesn't know (Mark 4:27). All he knows is that he planted the seed. God caused it to become a plant, bearing more seed. It's a godly principle, that applies to money as well.

Say you've got lots of money, and a kid. You could shower the kid with anything they wanted, but that would spoil them. So, you give them an allowance: $15 a week. They usually go to the mall, and hang at the burger place with their friends. There's nothing wrong with that. So, you give them $15 this week too.

But one week, they buy a can of tortoise wax, and polish your car. The next week they buy you or someone you love something nice. Wouldn't you start to increase their allowance?

According to the Bible, God provides you with all that you have (Luke 12:24-28). If you give, it will return to you packed down and running over (Luke 6:38). God loves a cheerful giver, and he who gives a lot, will get a lot (2Cor 9:6+7).

He doesn't need your money. He already owns it all (Hag 2:8). But he wants to reward you for your good deeds. in order for that to happen, you have to take the first step. You'll get rewarded for giving even a cup of water, if you're doing it for God (Matt 10:42, Mark 9:41).

So if you give to a church or charity, that supports God's interests, He'll reward you. So giving doesn't cost you anything. Since you wind up with more than you started with, its better than absolutely free.

No. 28 Oct. 11, 1993

Caution: This vehicle stops at all railroad crossings. Why? You would think that all the flashing lights, the bells, and fog horns that accompany a railroad crossing, or a train, would be enough to eliminate any chance of an accident.

When you hear about a train related traffic accident, don't you wonder, "How could that have happened? How could they not have seen all the warning signs?" A sticker on the back of a truck that says, "...This vehicle stops..." doesn't physically force the driver to stop. Its up to the driver to obey that regulation.

Do you know of anybody who's life has been ruined by their carelessness toward following instructions? Perhaps someone who missed so much time at work, they were fired? Someone who, after repeated arrests, committed the same crime again, and was sent up the river? Maybe someone who's spouse has left them because they refused to comply with their appeals?

All these things are spiritual train wrecks. When your boss gives you notice that your job is at stake, the bells have already started to ring. When you've got to call someone to post bail, the barricade arm is swinging down, and you should be able to see the train to your left or right.

All these things testify of God's mercy and grace. He's not bent on judgment (1Thes 5:9). If he were, then he would have thumped you a long time ago. But because he knows what the devil is planning, in order to ruin your life (John 10:10, 1Pet 5:8), He's constantly warning you, "Be alert! Wake up, you're sleeping behind the wheel (1Thes 5:6)!"

Because He loves us, sometimes he allows bad things to happen to us, so we can have a taste of what's in store if we continue the way we're going (Heb 12:6+7). When we realize that the little spanking we just received, kept us from disaster, we find that His judgment tastes pretty good (Psalm 34:8).

All the rules of the road are written down in your operators' manual: The Bible. If you're just following the crowd, you're probably going the wrong way (Matt 7:13+14). Protect yourself and your family. Become street-wise. Inside each Bible is also an eternal life insurance policy for travelers, with no premiums. Its Absolutely free.

No. 29 Oct. 18, 1993

"I love my job!" Would you like to be able to say that, and mean it?

Often times People die, and the bank is left holding the inheritance, with no idea who it belongs to. They hire investigators to try and locate family members, so that they may inherit the estate. Many times the families are not found, and that inheritance sits in a vault somewhere, unused. What a shame.

Lots of people dislike their jobs because they don't get along with some of the people they work with. If it were your job to travel around the world, and tell people they were rich, that probably wouldn't be a problem.

Good news! That job is available to you right now. Here's the low-down: This guy named Jesus died. He owned everything (Colos 1:16). Because he passed away, he was able to leave it all as an inheritance for somebody (Heb 9:16+17). According to his "Last Will and (New)Testament," Anybody willing to receive it can have it (John 1:12).

Face it; most people don't really know what's available to them because of what Jesus did. When they are told that they can have salvation, they say, "What for? I'm an OK person. I don't think I'm going to hell, and I'm not going to get excited because you think I could."

If you told them that their distant uncle from Baltimore died, and that they could have $75,000,000, do you suppose they'd say, "What for?" Doubtful. More than likely they'd say, "I'm gonna get a new car, and a new boat, and a new house, and maybe even a new spouse."

The Bible says that once a person accepts Christ, everything becomes new to them (2Cor 5:17). All things become theirs (1Cor 3:21-23). The inheritance begins in this life; you don't have to wait for the hereafter (Mark 10:29+30). Righteousness, peace and joy (Rom 14:17): There are people who have more money than they could ever wish to spend, and don't have these.

Don't let this inheritance sit up in Heaven unused. Find out how it works, and let somebody else know its all available to them too. You don't have to do this to be saved. Its just something nice that you can do in return for Jesus, Absolutely Free.

No. 30 Oct. 25, 1993

Blub, blub, blub, blub... Wealth untold, sits on the bottom of the sea.

Before the 17th century, and the helmeted diving suit, deep sea diving methods didn't exist. Prior to this time, you could be on a sailing vessel and watch another treasure laden vessel sink. You could position your craft over the wreckage, and though you could see the riches shimmering below, be helpless to salvage them.

It wasn't until 1943, and the invention of scuba gear by Jacques Cousteau, that deep-sea diving became feasible on a wide scale. Once it became possible for a person to breath normally under water, the treasures buried in the deep became attainable.

Just like you need special equipment to function in the undersea world, you also need special equipment to function in the spirit world. Just like scuba gear, this equipment has not always been available to man.

Before Jesus came and died, man was aware of the spirit realm, but had very limited access to it. Once Jesus paid the price for our sins, the Holy Spirit became available to those who choose to put their trust in him (John 16:7).

Once you've received the gift of the Holy Spirit, spiritual treasures become available to you, but its up to you to get them (Matt 13:44). Just because you own scuba gear, you don't automatically become rich. It simply enables you to function in the undersea realm. In like fashion, receiving the Holy Spirit doesn't mean you are blessed in everything you do. It simply enables you to function in the spirit realm.

There's more to being a diver than owning the gear. People who want to dive have to undergo a lot of training. Likewise, there's more to functioning as a Christian, than receiving the Holy Spirit (James 1:22, James 2:26). There's quite a bit of knowledge available to those who wish to get the maximum use out of their new equipment.

Its up to you to learn how to use your spiritual scuba gear. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit will teach you all things (John 14:26). The more you listen, the more you will learn (Prov 1:5).

So be a spiritual treasure hunter. Your treasure map is the Bible. A cross marks the spot. You won't have to charter a boat. You can sign on with Captain Jesus (Heb 2:10), and sail into adventure Absolutely Free.

No. 31 Nov. 1, 1993

Get those tough stains out. Finally, a laundry detergent that does it all. Remember how when you were a kid, it seemed like you couldn't own a new pair of jeans for more than 15 minutes, before you had grass stains in the knees? As soon as you put them on and started doing what kids do; playing, you would fall down.

When you were 6, your parents probably didn't send you down to the Laundromat, with a box of detergent, and instructions to wash your own clothes. They probably knew you weren't capable of cleaning them. So, you'd put the stain there, and they'd get it out.

That's exactly how it works with your Father in Heaven too. If you could see yourself the way you look to God, you would be clothed. The appearance of the garment that you wear indicates your spiritual condition, or righteousness. Every time you fall down, or sin, it stains that garment. After a while, that garment can start looking pretty nasty. It can get so bad, that God looks the other way.

There's no spiritual Laundromat for Him to send you to. He knows that you're not capable of getting it clean. The only way those stains are going to come out, is if you ask him to do it. You put the stain there, He'll take it out.

The Bible says that our righteousness is as filthy rags (Isa 64:6). Nobody is left out; everybody has blown it (Rom 3:23). Jesus is the only one who never sinned (1John3:5). When He was being crucified, He took off His white garment, and put on one that was stained by sin (Isa 53:12).

Then He went through the spiritual wringer on the cross, took the punishment for sins, and came out the other side sparkling white again. The stains on the garment had been cleansed by His blood (Rev 1:5). When you accept Him as your Lord and savior, you pick up the white garment that He took off at the cross: He took on your sin, so that you could take His righteousness (2Cor 5:21). If you don't accept His garment, then you won't be accepted in Heaven (Matt 22:11-13).

How much would you pay for a laundry detergent that takes away your sins? Well its available to you at the low low price of $0.00. Jesus provides your garment cleaning service Absolutely Free!

No. 32 Nov. 8, 1993

Do you believe in ghosts? Wanna hear a spooky story?

One of the box office shockers in recent years, was about a person with an evil spirit. When that person would get killed, the spirit would jump into another person, and continue to commit supernatural acts. Its much like the ones where the space monsters would incubate in human bodies. Until the monster broke out of its carrier, you didn't know who had a monster in them, and who didn't. Then there are the slasher movies, where the bad guy gets killed in the end, but shows up again in the next sequel.

Do you see how they seem to follow a pattern? Its like none of them are original. They're simply taking the same story line, changing a few names, and re-selling the same material. But if you like spooky stories, then you're gonna love the original version.

Once there was this guy named Satan. There was only one thing he was afraid of: God. Like with a monster, if Satan could destroy God, he could live free of fear. One day it happened. God let down His defenses. He became like one of His creations: Jesus (Heb 2:14). This was the chance Satan was looking for. After 33 years of trying, he nailed Jesus, and killed him (1Cor 15:3). Phew, over at last.

But wait...Its not over! 3 days later Jesus rose from the dead (1Cor 15:4). Not only that, but He gave His Spirit to His believers (Eph 1:13). Now its worse than before!

Your faith gives God more power in your life. Your fear gives the devil more power in your life. Your faith grows when you hear the Word of God (Rom 10:17). So it stands to reason that your fear will grow when you hear the word of the devil. Figure it out; which do you have more of after you watch one of those movies?

Since the devil wants you to be fearful, he tells stories about the thing that is scariest of all to him: Someone who comes back from the dead. Why is this so terrifying to him? The Bible says that when Jesus rose from the dead, He defeated Satan, took away his power, and humiliated him (Collos 2:15). It also says that Jesus gives His believers power over all the power of Satan (Luke 10:19).

So, you can pay money, to be weakened through the word of the devil, or you can be strengthened through the Holy Ghost story, Absolutely Free!

No. 33 Nov. 15, 1993

Its 4th down, and goal to go. The ball is on the one yard line. What if you won a contest, and the prize was an all expense paid trip to the Super Bowl, with tickets on the 50 yard line, on the side lines? Wouldn't that be great? To make it even better, what if your all time favorite team was going to the Super Bowl this year, and you were going to be right there with them?

Then, a player gets carried off the field on a stretcher, and the coach calls a time out. He turns around, looks directly into your eyes, and says, "You! Can you carry the ball? You need to suit up, I need you in there now!"

What are you gonna do? In your mind you'd think, "What?! Me? Whoa! I can't do that. Wait a minute, what am I saying? This is the chance of a life time." Meanwhile the assistant coach guides you down to the locker room, and gives you your stuff.

You start telling him that there must be some kind of mistake, that you're not qualified to play. Then, he calls you by your name, and says, "There's been no mistake. The coach knows who you are. He told me that if you'll just do what he says, you can't mess up. So relax, he knows what he's doing."

You see, this is exactly what's going on spiritually, when God calls on you to carry the ball. The ball is the gospel of Jesus. He was the original ball carrier (Luke 4:18), but He got carried off on a stretcher. He's OK now, but He's off the field, and somebody needs to take his place (John 14:12). God, the coach, is calling on you (Rev 22:17). If you'll answer the call, He sends the assistant coach, the Holy Spirit, to help you out (John 14:16).

This is more than just a regular season game in history. If these are the "Last Days," as the Bible indicates (Matt 24:3-14), then this is the Super Bowl of eternity. 10,000 Years from now, nobody will care who won this year's football games. But by taking the gospel to people, you could save their souls (James 5:20). 10,000 Years from now, that will still be important in their eyes, and God's.

If your favorite team is God's team, and it doesn't look like they're doing too well, just say, "Put me in coach! (Isa 6:8)" He's got a spot for you on the field, and He gives you the equipment you'll need Absolutely Free!

No. 34 Nov. 22, 1993

In case of emergency, dial 9-1-1. Have you ever watched those television shows, where they reenact emergencies? Its one thing to watch a nice story on TV, about somebody who narrowly escapes death, and lives happily ever after. Its all together different when you know that its real.

When a car is hanging over the edge of a collapsed bridge, and the people inside are screaming in terror, apprehension quickly sets in. When the bridge shifts and the car gets a sudden jolt, your heart jumps into your throat. Its as though your eyes were glued to the screen.

What if you were watching it live, as it happened? As you watched the rescue workers attempt to reach them, you'd be thinking, "Hurry, hurry!" And if they made it, you and all the others who watched the ordeal would cheer for joy and relief.

Why? If they get rescued, they're just going to turn around and die some other time. Face it, everybody has to die sooner or later (Heb 9:27). So this rescue is only temporary. But what if it weren't? What if you knew while you watched, that if they pulled through, they'd be immortal?

Pretty intense huh? Well it happens every day. If a person doesn't know Jesus, and they are soon to die, its like they're about to go off a cliff to Hell. If they're simply falling deeper and deeper into a life of sin, its as though they were stuck in quick sand, and slowly going down. The deeper they get, the harder it is to get out.

God sees all this happening. Then He puts in a call to 9-1-1...to you! He calls on you to tell them that He loves and forgives them and wants to save them (2 Cor 5:19). Just as your eyes are glued to the screen when you watch a rescue on TV, so all the host of Heaven are watching you when God dispatches you to lead someone to safety (Heb 12:1). And when they are saved, the angels cheer for joy (Luke 15:10).

According to the Bible, the devil walks around just looking to see who he can destroy (1 Pet 5:8). But God wants everybody to be saved (1 Tim 2:4). And anyone who calls Him will be (1 Cor 10:33).

Live happily forever and ever after. Just call J-E-S-U-S and ask Him to rescue you. Because it won't show up on your phone bill, its Absolutely Free!

No. 35 Nov. 29, 1993

Yours truly, signed, Dad. Suppose for a moment that you are an orphan, and you received a letter that ended up this way. The letter started off by telling you why you were in an orphanage, and how it was neither his nor your fault. Soon he said, he'd be coming to adopt you.

But until then, he writes often, and in detail, because he wants you to know as much as possible about him. Soon you know all sorts of little things about his character. Like that he loves all kinds of music, but that he doesn't play any instruments.

Now suppose that you have brothers and sisters at the orphanage with you. Your dad has been writing to them too. But when you talk to them, some of them say, "He's not coming to get us." Others say, "Someone told me that he's the lead guitarist in a big rock band, and he's rich, and he's gonna take us all on the road with him."

So you ask them, "Why would he bother writing us, if he weren't coming to get us?" And, "I don't think he's in any rock band, didn't you read the letters?" Then they say, "Why bother? If he were worth reading about, he wouldn't have given us up for adoption." Or, "Everyone knows you can't believe what those wigged-out rock stars say. Anyway, you've never met him, so how would you know?"

Wouldn't that be frustrating?

If he said that he could only adopt those children who believed in him, and trusted in him, this story would closely parallel your actual situation. You see, your heavenly Father has written down everything you need to know about Him. According to the Bible, He wrote it so that everyone could learn from it (2Tim 3:16).

Its available to everyone. So there will be no excuses when it comes time to account for our actions here on Earth (Rom 1:20). He wants everybody to understand about Him (1Tim 2:4). But those who reject knowledge will be destroyed (Hosea 4:6). If you don't have the knowledge, how can you believe it (Rom 10:14)? But you must have faith in Him to be saved/adopted by Him (Eph 2:8). He is coming back to get us (Matt 24:30+31). But if you've been reading His letters, you already knew that.

Once Jesus returns, or we pass from this life, He will loose us from this corrupt world, and those who believe in Him will forever be Absolutely Free!

No. 36 Dec. 6, 1993

Duty, Honor, Country. A little old lady comes down the street, having difficulty managing her bag of groceries, and using a cane to walk at the same time. A boy scout rushes over to help her. He carries her sack with one arm, and walks her down the street.

If you were to witness this scene, what would know about the boy scout? Could you say that he was honest? Trustworthy? Cavalier?

Nope. Judging by what you see doesn't tell you about the nature of the person involved. We know that he decided to help her, but we don't know what his motive was. The thoughts that passed through his mind, before he made that decision could have been any or more of the following examples:

"Great. Here comes some stupid old hag, and I'm standing here in my boy scout uniform. If I don't help her, people will think I'm not doing my job."

"Great. Here comes some stupid old hag. If I help her, everyone will see me and I'll be a hero."

"Look at that poor old woman. I wish I could do something for her."

The Bible tells us not to judge others according to outward appearances (John 7:24). The people that Jesus had the most difficulty with while He was here on earth, looked like they had their acts together (Matt 26:3+4). They were church people who wore fancy robes and said long prayers. But Jesus said that their hearts were far from God (Matt 15:8). Anybody else would have said that they were holy. But only God can read our hearts (1 Kings 8:39).

As a matter of fact, the people who really demonstrated true faith, and gratitude, and that Jesus used as examples of pure character, weren't church people (Matt 15:28, Luke 10:33, Luke 17:18). So, if you don't go to church or know the Bible inside and out, don't think that makes you any less in God's sight than anybody else. You could be the next person He wants to use to demonstrate real virtue through.

No amount of money that you give to charity can get you into Heaven. No amount of stupid mistakes can send you to Hell if change your heart (repent), and accept Jesus as Lord. Because there will be a judgment day, but God doesn't judge by outward appearances, He judges by the heart. You can't buy or earn a pure heart. But if you ask, Jesus will give you one Absolutely Free.

No. 37 Dec. 13, 1993

What's your source? In Japan, they take their jobs quite a bit more seriously than in the west. Their job is their source of income. Its also their source of dignity. If, at your Japanese place of employment, you make a mistake, your employers might see fit to have you stand on a street corner all day, holding a sign, while you sing the company song.

Should you refuse to humiliate yourself, you could retain your honor without losing your job by committing Hari-Kari: spilling your guts on the ground in front of you with a short sword.

In the Bible, there was a rich guy who had leprosy, and sought God as his source for healing (2 Kings 5:1-19). He went to request it from a man of God with gold, silver, and expensive gifts. The man of God would not receive the wealth. A gift from God can't be purchased with money (Acts 8:20). He simply told the guy to go jump in the river, and that he would be healed.

The guy was furious. That was too humiliating. But later his friends talked him in to doing it anyway, and lo, he was healed.

You see pride can deny you of all your blessings. The rich leper was more than willing to pay an outrageous sum for his healing. Then he could say, "I deserved it because I paid for it with my own earnings." That would satisfy his pride.

But when God would not let him earn it, yet offered it as a gift through a simple act of submission, the leper's pride almost convinced him to turn down the free gift.

Today, many self-righteous people want to earn their way into Heaven. They're satisfied with the idea that when they get to Heaven they'll be able to say, "Because of my many wonderful acts, and very few sins, I deserve entrance through the pearly gates."

Meanwhile, the whole time they were alive, the Bible was saying that entrance into Heaven is a free gift (Rom 4:2-5, Eph 2:8), and that its only available through Jesus (John 14:6). No man deserves salvation (Rom 3:9+10). But its available to all, by faith in Jesus, because God loves everyone in the world (John 3:16).

So please submit to God in prayer by simply telling Him that you recognize Him as your source, and that you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. If you truly mean it and believe that Jesus died to pay for your sins, He will accept you into Heaven Absolutely Free.

No. 38 Dec. 20, 1993

Nearly every kernel pops. What if you were told that a distant relative of yours had passed away, and left you a huge grain farm in another state? Once you quit your job, pack up your things and move; the lawyer in charge of the estate takes you out to a barren expanse of land, and hands you a kernel of corn.

Technically, you've just harvested your first crop. Oh boy. Settlers in the old west started off with about this much.

Consider the power of God demonstrated in a kernel of corn. He shows us many lessons about the way He operates with one of these. You see, according to man's math, if you have one thing, and add another one to it, you have two things. In God's math, you have one thing, get rid of it, and you wind up with hundreds more (Mal 3:10).

One kernel of corn buried in the earth brings forth a stalk. The stalk brings forth ears. And each ear brings forth hundreds of kernels just like the original. Even if you have a pocket calculator, that just doesn't add up. If man could figure out how that works, he'd be doing it with everything: planting wedding rings in the ground, and harvesting jewelry.

But inside the kernel is its life. Once its buried and dies, its life is passed on to the new plant. The new plant passes that life into every new kernel. You can plant all of those kernels, and have quite a garden. Do it again, and you've got a legitimate crop. So, that one kernel of corn actually is the beginning of a huge farm.

If you can grasp the pattern here, then you can understand what happened when Jesus died for us. In Jesus was the Holy Spirit. Until He died, He couldn't pass that Spirit on to us (John 12:24, John 16:7). Just like the buried seed became a plant that held ears; Jesus said that He was the vine, and we are the branches, that bear fruit (John 15:5).

He said that the words that He spoke were Spirit and life (John 6:63). Through the Holy Bible, we can take hold of those words, and pass them on to others. The word of God, planted in men's hearts produces a harvest (Matt 13:23). When people believe about Jesus, the Spirit and life are passed on to them (John 3:16), and we have borne fruit.

So when Jesus gave His life for us, He actually gave his life to us. Diamonds are not forever, but His life is. It was the most costly Christmas present ever given, and its offered to you Absolutely Free.

No. 39 Dec. 27, 1993

No shoes, no shirt, no service. What does it take to be accepted?

Students undergo hours and hours of study so that they can be accepted into respectable universities. Once accepted, they undergo pain and humiliation so that they can be accepted into respectable fraternities and sororities.

Conforming to standards in order to be accepted isn't confined to upper crusty social circles though. In middle class society, people pay cash to join all sorts of fraternal organizations like the Lions or the Elk lodges.

In most outlaw motorcycle clubs, when you are issued your "colors," or club insignia, the initiation rite includes laying on the ground and allowing senior members to defile you. Often they are urinated on, and worse.

Bungee jumping originated from a tribal jungle ritual where natives proved their bravery by taking the plunge, so they could officially be accepted as men.

So, no matter how tough or rich or brave a person is, it seems that the desire to be accepted by others is strong enough that they are willing to make sacrifices.

The Bible says that man was created in the image of God (Gen 1:27). If a strong desire to be accepted seems to be common to all men, do you suppose it might be that God shares the same trait?

God did His level best to be accepted by man. He became like him. Jesus sat out in the desert and endured temptation from the devil himself (Matt 4:1), just so man would know that He could relate to him.

You know how it hurts to be rejected. Jesus wants to be accepted by you so desperately, that He left Heaven (John 3:13), took a whipping (John 19:1), accepted the blame for your sins (Collos 2:14), and allowed himself to be nailed to a couple of boards, willingly (John 10:15).

After all that, you'd think that He would demand that you accept Him. But instead He says He stands at the door and knocks. If anyone will open the door, He'll come in and eat with them (Rev 3:20).

Won't you open the door of your heart, and accept Jesus? He's not the pizza delivery dude. The spiritual food He offers won't cost you a dime, its Absolutely Free.

No. 40 Jan. 3, 1994 Whatcha gonna do when they come for you, Bad Boys, Bad Boys? Have you ever gotten caught? Suppose you got the bright idea to pull off a heist. Even though you had every detail figured out, the loot wasn't there, and the cops were tipped off.

Once you realize the jig is up, you make a break for it. As you burn rubber screaming away from the scene of the crime, you realize from all the flashing lights in your rear view mirror that you've been had.

Weaving in and out of traffic and running through lighted intersections, barely escaping death, you glance up in the rear view mirror again to see that one of your adversaries wasn't so fortunate: billowing clouds of thick smoke are illuminated by the orange gasoline fire that flares out from what's left of a patrol car.

Now you've really had it: You're going to be held responsible for the death of the man inside that car. Turning your eyes back to the road, more flashing lights mean there's a road block ahead. You think to yourself, "I know that they were close enough to read my plates...they know who I am...they know where I live...there's nowhere to run."

Deciding to face the inevitable, you pull over. Getting out of the car, you put your hands in the air. As the arresting officers come running up with their guns drawn, You say, "I give up. I didn't mean to cause so much trouble and I'm sorry. I surrender."

The cops say, "Well, you seem to have learned your lesson. You run on home now, and see that you don't get into any more trouble." Sound likely? But if it did happen, wouldn't you be overcome with unbelief? After realizing that they weren't kidding, wouldn't you be overcome with gratitude?

The Bible says that if you confess to your sins, you can be forgiven exactly like this (1John 1:9). Some, hearing this portion of the gospel, are overcome with unbelief. But once you realize that God isn't kidding, you should be overcome with gratitude (Luke 17:11-19).

Sooner or later you've got to realize that God has read your plates (1Kings 8:39). Jesus forgave and told someone who got caught, to go their way, and not to do it again (John 8:11). He's the cop whose death you are responsible for (1Pet 2:24).

Even though you are guilty (Rom 3:23), God is merciful (Ps 136). So accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior: The charges will be dropped, and you'll get off Absolutely Free!

No. 41 Jan. 10, 1994

Are you a person of substance? According to Webster's, one definition of substance is wealth. Thus, a man of substance is a rich man.

Suppose the dirt in your back yard was good hard clay. You decide one day that you would like a coffee cup, and you're going to make one out of it. So there you are at your kitchen table with a pile of clay, and your neighbor shows up at the door. When you tell them that you're about to make a coffee cup, they say that you might as well quit right now, because there's just no way that you could make a coffee cup. Wouldn't you say, "What are you talking about? Here's the clay I'm making it from"?

The Bible says that "faith is the substance of things hoped for (Heb 11:1)." Some versions read that "faith is being sure of what you hope for." Both translations say the same thing: If you want a coffee cup, and you have clay, you can be sure that you will have a coffee cup, because clay is the substance of coffee cups. Substance is something real, its solid; something you can lay hold of.

So God says in the Bible that faith is substance, and Webster says that substance is wealth. The implication here is that if you have faith, you are wealthy. Jesus said that if you would have faith in God, you could have what you said (Matt 21:21+22,Mark 11:22-24). In this world, its well accepted, that if you have money, you can have what you say. The Bible says that the way you get faith is by hearing the word of God (Rom 10:17).

When you do have wealth, you want to spend it. When you have faith, you want to do something with it. That's where your neighbor the devil steps in. Before you make what you want out of your faith, he comes over and tells you that it will never work, and that you should give up.

Jesus referred to him as the thief, and said that his purpose here is to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10). Like any thief, he wants to steal your wealth; your faith. With most people its pretty easy. As soon as he starts whispering in their ear, they give up. Instead, people need to hold their faith out in front of him and say, "No, you're wrong. See? here is my faith, and I'm going to make what I want with it" (James 4:7).

The problem is, many people don't have enough faith to produce a coffee cup. All they need to do is familiarize themselves with God by getting into the Bible. Faith, like the salvation it brings, is a gift (Eph 2:8), and God gives it to you Absolutely Free.

No. 42 Jan. 17, 1994

"Silver wings upon their chests, these are men, America's best..." "Fearless men, who jump and die... One hundred men will test today, but only three win the Green Beret." The Ballad of the Green Beret. The depiction of the fighting men in this song, stirs the hearts of all who hear the lyrics. The motto of the Green Beret is "De Oppresso Libre." That's Latin for "Liberators of the Oppressed." These men are willing to lay down their lives in order to set captives free.

If you listen to the words of this song, emotion is likely to well up, and you might even get choked up, as it tells about the young soldier who died, leaving his wife his last request: "Put silver wings on my son's chest. Make him one of America's best."

Remember the old recruiting posters with a stern looking Uncle Sam, pointing his finger and saying, "I want you?" Well see if you can picture the current one, of Jesus holding out His hands saying, "Father God needs you." There's a very real war going on, and God has a mission that you are the most capable person to perform.

God loves all the people in the world, and wants them all to be saved (1Tim 2:4). His adversary, the devil, walks around seeking whose life he might destroy (1Pet 5:8). In the Bible are battle instructions for waging war with the enemy (iCor 10:4+5, Eph 6:11+12). God needs people to do the fighting.

In a regular army, they don't tell you to go buy a rifle or tank, and pack a lunch. They provide you with weapons, ammunition, food, and anything else you need to accomplish your mission, because you're not serving your own purposes, you're serving theirs. When you commit your life to God, He equips you with His Holy Spirit, which will enable you to accomplish anything (Matt 19:26), because you're serving His purposes.

Jesus is the original "Liberator of the Oppressed" (Luke 4:18). He lost His life in the performance of that mission. Just like, "Put silver wings on my son's chest," Jesus told His followers before He died, that they were to do the same things He had done, and even greater things (John 14:12).

So, sign up with Jesus and be a spiritual Green Beret. If you'll learn from Him and do your mission, souls will be saved, and you will help set captives Absolutely Free.

No. 43 Jan. 24, 1994

A maze in grace. How good are your problem solving abilities? Do you enjoy working on a puzzle? Suppose somebody sponsored a contest to walk through a maze, and if you figured it out you'd win a big prize.

So you step into the maze. You immediately come to a 4 way intersection with arrows and handwriting on the walls. Some arrows point one way, some another. Next to the arrows are lists of reasons why your predecessors chose their paths. After reading the list, you decide one makes more sense than the others, and you choose that direction. As you turn down that aisle, a door shuts behind you.

You come to another intersection. One path has blood splashed on the walls. Written in blood it says, "Wrong way." You jump back in astonishment, and see another sign, nervously written: "Its not a game!" You look at the other signs: "Don't make any mistakes!" "There's no turning back.". You start walking. A door shuts behind you.

You turn a corner, and face a wall. A door shuts behind you. You grab the knob. Its locked. You're boxed in. So you call out, "OK, I give up. This isn't funny." As you read another sign that says, "You fool, there's no way out," you smell gas being ventilated into the chamber. Whatever kind of gas it is, its making you feel ill.

Dropping to the floor and groping around frantically for a way out, you mutter in desperation, "Oh Jesus save me!" At once the smoke clears, and the doors open up, and the map left on the floor in the doorway shows the layout of the maze. There is a way out.

The map was available all along. Its called the Holy Bible, and God provided it to show anybody who wanted to know the route to safety the way. Jesus is the way (John 14:6). According to the Bible, all who call upon Him will be saved (Rom 10:13). So no matter how many wrong turns you've made, you really can turn back.

There are a lot of convincing mistakes you can make (Prov 14:12). Just because one way seems to be the most popular, doesn't mean that its the best way (Matt 7:13-14). The handwriting on the wall might say, "You fool, there's no way out (Dan 5:25-28)," but Jesus took any handwriting against us, and nailed it to His cross (Col 2:14), accepting the consequences of our actions and receiving the penalty on our behalf (Gal 3:13).

Don't think that because of poor choices you may have made, you're boxed in to an ill fate. Simply call on Jesus and read your map, and He'll set you Absolutely Free.

No. 44 Jan. 31, 1994

Mr. Postman look and see, if there's a letter in your bag for me. Toward the end of the 1800's, mail order catalogs became known as "wish books." No matter who you were, or how remote of a location you lived in, you could obtain the same material comforts as people in the big city, through the faithfulness of our postal service.

It's odd how once you've placed your order, you become satisfied, even though you haven't received your order yet. Simply knowing that you will get it quenches your appetite. If the catalog says, "Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery," You can actually put the whole thing out of your mind until that time.

The word "wish" is synonymous with the word "pray." You can find them both in Roget's Thesaurus under the heading "request." As a matter of fact, look under the heading "messenger" in the same book, and you'll find both the words "mailman" and "angel."

The original "wish book" didn't come from Sears and Roebuck. It came from the Throne Room of Grace. Its called the Bible. No matter who you are, or how remote of a location you live in, you can receive the same spiritual comforts as people in the big churches, because God doesn't respect people according to their position (Rom 2:11).You need not belong to any particular denomination. Jesus granted requests for people who weren't His religion while He was here on earth (Luke 17:17+18, Mark 7:26-30).

Why do people have peace after they order something from a catalog, before they receive it? Because they have faith that the purchasing house will send their order, and that the postal service will deliver it in due time. Understanding how the system works helps you to understand and have faith in the way God works (Matt 8:8-10). You can pray, and have perfect peace that you will receive what you have sent for (1John 5:14+15).

How can you know that what you want is in God's will or not? The answer to that is; how do you know if Sears and Roebuck carry a certain item or not? You read your wish book. Once you know how to use a mail order catalog, obtaining things through the mail are no problem. Its the same with the Bible. However there may be a 4-6 week, or other waiting period for delivery (Dan 10:12-14). Maybe not (Gen 24:15).

Whatever you truly need, God has it in stock. Not rain, nor sleet, nor snow, nor hail, can keep his messengers from making their appointed rounds. So open your wish book, and place an order. There's no postage or handling, delivery is Absolutely Free!

No. 45 Feb. 7, 1994

Lights, Camera, Action! Hollywood is good at making things seem like something that they are not. In the movie "Terminator 2," They made Arnold Schwartzeneger look like a half-man/half-robot. They made his adversary look like he was made of liquid metal. There was a scene in the movie, where the kid told Arnold, "Remember, don't kill anybody." Then, as they went to barge into some place where they weren't welcome, an innocent security guard came out to stop them. Arnold shot the man once in each kneecap with a large-bore pistol, then turned to the kid and said, "He'll live."

If you saw this movie in the theater, you might remember that at this point the audience broke into laughter. Hollywood had succeeded again in making something appear as something it wasn't. It wasn't funny. The man portrayed was only doing his job. If someone you loved were a security guard, you may not have laughed.

Sometimes its easy to get caught up in the flow of things. But no matter how convincing someone else's reasoning seems to be, ultimately you will be called to account for your own reasoning (Matt 12:36). Since it seems that Hollywood isn't reliable to set a good moral standard, what can you turn to as a guideline between right and wrong?

The Bible is that standard (2Tim 3:16). Most people, not only church people, agree. But how many people do you know that actually know what the Bible has to say? How many people do you know that watched Terminator 2? Do you see the problem?

When God said, "Remember, don't kill anybody (Ex 20:13)," He didn't mean that its OK to mangle them, but leave them alive. Jesus clarified this commandment when He said to treat others as you would have them treat you (Luke 6:31).

When Adam sinned, he tried to roll the blame over on Eve (Gen 3:12). But that didn't cut it with God, and Adam still had to pay for his sin (Gen 3:17). Since excuses don't work with God, shouldn't you find out what does work? You might surprised to find that He doesn't expect perfection from you (1John 1:7-9).

God isn't in competition with Hollywood. He can outdo them anytime. Get hold of a Bible and find out how He has done it before. No matter what it costs to get into a movie theater, admission into Heaven is Absolutely Free.

No. 46 Feb. 14, 1994

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These according to the Declaration of Independence are what governments are to secure for their people. Notice that they don't guarantee that you'll ever find the happiness that you're pursuing.

People need fulfillment. No matter how many laws a government passes, they can't give life to anybody. They can't give liberty to someone stricken with a debilitating disease, and they can't help those who've lost hope pursue happiness. Its not their job. Its God's.

But people think that if they turn to God, they're going to have to give up everything they enjoy. And so they float from one whim to another, or from one relationship to another, avoiding Him like the plague, trying to find the ideal situation. It's like digging for radishes in an orange grove. If they'd stop digging and look up, they'd find something delicious to eat right within reach, instead of straining for something bitter.

You see the Bible teaches us that God designed us with a specific purpose in mind. He has a plan for our lives, for good things (Jer 29:11). And if bad things come along while we're pursuing what He has for us, He'll turn it around and use it for our good (Rom 8:28). But He resists the proud, and lifts up the humble (James 4:6). He could want to make someone a tycoon in the footwear industry, but because that person considers themselves too good to work in a shoe store, they miss it.

For many people, God has created the perfect mate for them. But society has so glorified the young/single lifestyle, people will avoid seeking love, thinking that a fulfilling relationship will hinder their freedom; their freedom to continue getting involved in empty relationships that don't work, and produce hurt feelings and neglected children.

Is it any wonder that in the model prayer that Jesus taught His disciples, He stressed the importance of asking God to lead us away from temptation (Matt 6:13)? Many people who walk outside the will of God, pray, don't get what they pray for, and think that it doesn't work. The Bible says that they ask in error (James 4:3). Like as if a teenager were to run away from home, then call Mom on the phone to ask for drug money.

If you ever get tired of digging for radishes, turn to Jesus; He'll give you a break (Matt 11:28). He is the one who gives life, liberty, and happiness (John 10:10), and He gives it to you Absolutely Free!

No. 47 Feb. 21, 1994

Coming Attractions! Remember what it was like going to the drive-in movies? People went there to get something: maybe romance, maybe fun, maybe trouble. Some people even went to see the movie. Some people simply went because it was cool.

The popcorn at the concession stand might have been the best in the world, but while you were inside getting it, you were probably missing part of the picture. If you were necking with your date, or hanging out with the cool people, being cool, you were probably missing part of the picture.

If you were a kid who lived near a drive-in, chances are you knew a pretty good spot where you could view the movie from outside the fence. Its just easier to hear the story inside, because you're closer to the speaker stands. Its designed that way.

Its a lot like going to church. People go to church to get something: maybe status, maybe charity, maybe answered prayers. Some people even go to hear the word of God preached from the pulpit. Some people go because its a righteous place to go.

And just like at the drive-in, there are people who are distracted by all the things going on at church, and missing part of the picture (Luke 10:40+41).

Just like the kids outside the fence, there are people outside of church who can see the big picture pretty clearly (Rom 2:14). But its easier to hear inside, because that's the way its designed (Heb 10:25).

The picture at church this week is based on the best selling book: "The Holy Bible." Its a true story that can have a dramatic impact on your life (Matt 7:24+25). But in order for it to have impact on your life, you've got to pay attention (Matt 13:15).

The whole reason for a theater, or a church's existence is to present the "big picture," so that people can benefit from what they see there (Eph 4:11+12). The more you see, the more benefit you get. So don't stay out of church, struggling to understand the truth. You might have a clear picture of what's going on, but the words are important too. In fact, the words in church, unlike the script at a movie, are spirit, and life (John 6:63).

Just like you might go to the movies this weekend, how about going to church? Its food for your soul, but unlike the popcorn at the concession stand, its Absolutely Free.

No. 48 Feb. 28, 1994

"You're Fired."

"Fired!? How can I be fired? What did I do wrong?"


"Then how can you fire me?"

"Well, you probably would have screwed up eventually, so we're letting you go."

In reality, you don't know anybody who was fired like in the example above. You may know someone who was fired, but right or wrong, there is a reason that decision was made. Guaranteed. But that doesn't necessarily mean it was fair.

Suppose God created everybody at the same time, put some on the left, some on the right, and then pointed to one group and said, "OK, all you folks get to spend the rest of eternity in Heaven, you others can go to Hell." That wouldn't be any more fair than firing somebody for something they hadn't done yet.

Most employers will allow their people to screw up a few times before they finally give someone the ax. Upon reading the Bible, you'll find that God will too (1John 1:9). As a matter of fact, it says that there's no limit to His mercy (Psalm 136:1). That goes way beyond simply being fair. So why do bad things happen then?

The Bible promises rewards for those who overcome (Rev 3:5). If there were nothing to overcome, it stands to reason that there would be no reward. You see, when metal goes to the refinery, they melt it, and impurities float to the top to be drawn off, purifying the metal. The Bible says that adversity is a fiery trial, which tries your faith (1Pet 1:7).

It even goes so far as to say that when you are being tried, you should rejoice, knowing that you are being improved, and that you should let the trial run its course, so that you might wind up perfect (James 1:2-4). Tough times make tough people.

God has given each of us this life to prove which destination is for us. He's written the Bible as guide, so when its over, nobody will be able to make excuses (Rom 1:20). We will be judged according to what we have done in this life (Matt 16:27). Its a pretty simple formula: Team up with Jesus, and you're cool. Refuse, and you get fired (John 3:18).

Remember, God doesn't owe us anything. Although its not always a fun ride, He gives us this opportunity to choose eternal life Absolutely Free.

No. 49 Mar 7, 1994

Your wish is my command. Suppose one day you find an ornate bottle laying in the garbage. You wipe the dust off of it, and poof!... A supernatural being kneels before you and tells you that you have 3 wishes coming to you for releasing him.

What's first? A never ending pile of cash? Eternal youth? Good looks and physique that no member of the opposite sex can resist? Suppose you get all 3.

Now you can't explain all this money, so the government sentences you to a life term in a prison (where there are no members of the opposite sex) for tax evasion. Sorry, you're out of wishes. There's no end to the ways the wishes can back-fire on you.

Suppose you're first wish were for peace and contentment. What are you going to waste your other two wishes on, seeing that you're already content? If money brought happiness, none of the people who can afford a psychiatrist would need one.

If you were irresistible to members of the opposite sex, it sounds great, but what happens when you fall in love with just one of them? The rest still can't keep their hands off of you. Do you suppose you'd be able to maintain a trusting relationship, without your mate constantly worrying if you're being faithful or not?

But what kind of fool could be content without riches, or fame, or squalor, or any of the other embellishments that accompany the popular American dream? Well, according to the Bible, a prime example of what a Christian is supposed to be (Heb 13:5).

If a Christian has a solid grip on the fringe benefits of their calling, there's no reason for them be uptight (Phil 4:6). They get more than 3 wishes (Matt 21:22), and they don't have to ask for eternal life, because its part of the package (John 3:16). And where they're going, they don't have any use for money anyway (Matt 6:19+20).

Most people tend to think that if they found a supernatural being in a bottle they'd have it made. Well, though you probably won't find one in a bottle, you will find one in a Bible (John 1:1). The wishes He grants won't backfire on you, because He won't grant those that aren't in your best interest (James 4:2+3).

Wouldn't you pay any price for a bottle that you knew held this power? Well put your money away, because it's been available to you all along Absolutely Free.

No. 50 Mar 14, 1994

"Alright mugsy, now you're gonna pay..." Its been said that if someone pulls a gun on you, and then starts talking, the way to keep them from pulling the trigger is to not allow them to finish what they are saying. The desire to express themselves is greater than their desire to hurt you. They want you to realize what you have done, and then you will understand that they are justified in what they are doing.

Getting someone to understand them is their motive. Frustration is perhaps the very first unpleasant thing a person learns in life. If you could remember being a baby, you would recall the inability to express yourself. You weren't able to explain to anyone, I'm cold, or hungry, or wet, or tired, or sick. That's why you cried.

The frustration that results from not being understood is what drives people to acts of desperation. Self expression is so vital to human nature, the founding fathers of the United States decided that freedom to do so needed to be the 1st amendment of the bill of rights.

As a matter of fact, the oldest part of the Bible, the Book of Job, demonstrates how terrible this frustration is. It tells the story of an innocent man who suffered greatly. Briefly in 2 chapters it tells how he lost all of his possessions, his children, and the respect of his wife (Job 1:13-2:9). But the agonizing part is the next 34 chapters (Job 3-37), When Job tries to express his innocence, and no one is willing to listen, believe, or understand him.

The Bible says that the need to express yourself is driven by your spirit (Job 32:18). When it hits you, its like pressure is building up, and if you don't relieve it by speaking, and being heard, you're liable to burst (Job 32:19+20).

The Bible says that when God communicates with us, He is pleading His case before us (Ezek 20:35+36). Just before this passage, He outlines how many times He had talked with His people, and they didn't listen to a word He had said (Ezek 20:5-32). He simply wants everyone to understand Him (1Tim 2:4). You can relate to that. Won't you open a Bible and let Him speak His mind to you?

Its the 1st part of life. Its the 1st part of the Bill of Rights. Chronologically, its the 1st part of the Bible. He has provided us with all 3 Absolutely Free.

No. 51 March 21, 1994

"Welcome to Sherwood Forest!" What would it have been like to be a farmer back in the days of yore, when you worked the land only to feed the nobility in the castle up the road, and leave you with crumbs? Because you would have been a peasant, and there was no public school system, your children would work out in the fields with you.

Then the Sheriff of Knotingham's men come through, ransack your home, and claim all your valuables as taxes. You look back at your family. Their hopes are dashed, and their spirit broken. Life has turned out to be a futile cycle of toil and pain. Why go on?

As you and your family cling to the ruins of your meager existence, men come riding out of the woods, hauling the same wagon containing all your worldly possessions that the soldiers had driven off with. As they return more to you than was taken away, they advise you that the Sheriff will probably try to retaliate, and that you should seek refuge in Sherwood Forest with Robin Hood, and his band of men.

What are you gonna do, say, "Thank you for returning all that was taken from us, but we're going to stay here, and wait for the soldiers to come and take it away again"? Or does the idea of providing safety for your wife and children, while you join Robin, and help restore others' lives, in defiance of the Sheriff sound pretty good to you?

Well the decision is yours. Its the greatest epic of good vs. evil ever written, and you're right in the middle of it. Not just you though. Your family is caught up in it too. You see, this world is within the realm of the Sheriff of Hell (2Cor 4:4). He and his minions travel about at will, taking whatever they want, from whoever they want (1Pet 5:8). Whoever that is, except those under the protection of the Prince of Peace (Psa 90:10+11).

Not only will He protect you and your family (Acts 16:31), but should you choose to help in His crusade to restore others' lives, He'll equip you to fight (Eph 6:13-17), and He personally assures you that you will not lose (Luke 10:19).

One of the things that Jesus returns is your innocence (Matt 26:28). If you look back on your past, you can probably think of several things that the Lord has restored to you. What are you gonna do, say, "Thank you for returning all that was taken from me, but I'm gonna stay under the power of darkness, and wait for the demons to come and take it away again"? Or are you gonna side up with Jesus, and live Absolutely Free?

No. 52 Mar 28, 1994

The customer is always right. Do you remember when customer satisfaction was considered an important aspect of service related industry? Signs like, "Satisfaction guaranteed" have been replaced with, "No receipt, No refund." There was a time when a business wouldn't even think of questioning the integrity of their patrons in such a fashion.

It wasn't because of some naive notion that everyone is honest. It was because of the reputation that you could build as a vendor who placed consideration for the treatment of their customers above the desire to insure that you are being treated fairly. Putting others before yourself used to be a foundational principle of successful business.

How would you do it if you owned your own retail establishment? Would you teach your employees to say, "I'm very sorry for any inconvenience sir," or, "Hey buddy, you're holding up the line?" Knowing fully well that your business depended on the income provided by your customers, wouldn't you teach your employees to wait on those customers courteously? Wouldn't you set the example of courtesy yourself?

Well, here's your big chance. You see the Bible tells us that we have been purchased by God with His own blood (Acts 20:28, 1 Cor 6:20). That makes us the product, and Him the customer. Knowing fully well that your eternal condition depends on His providence, what can you do to secure His return business?

Perhaps a market survey (reading the Bible) is in order. Like in business, putting others before yourself is a foundational principle behind success with Him (Luke 22:25-27).You could set the example by waiting on Him (Psa 27:14). You certainly don't want Him returning the merchandise because of poor service (Heb 2:3).

Because everything you need to know to provide it is available to you in the Bible, you can guarantee satisfaction. Or does the sign you display toward God say, "Your word isn't good enough, I need proof?" That type of attitude doesn't attract His business (Matt 12:39). But you can put forth a little extra effort, and He may even leave you a tip (Matt 25:28). It's up to you. You can be a defective product, or you can provide a no frills service, or in order to please the customer, you can provide extra service Absolutely Free.

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