Volume 6

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No. 1 March 30, 1998 Absolutely Free

Just as I am. In the 18th and 19th centuries, armies of missionaries went to the American and African frontiers to teach the savages that God loves them, and that Jesus died for their sins. If you said you really loved God, you'd want to be a missionary.

Charlotte Elliot, a bedridden invalid, felt she couldn't serve God at all: that she was utterly useless. But In 1836, she wrote a hymn called, Just As I Am, singing that God accepts us in our present condition. Anyone feeling inadequate before God was comforted.

Osbeck's 101 Hymn Stories says, "Without question, this hymn has touched more hearts and influenced more people for Christ than any other song ever written."

He does accept us just as we are (Jn 6:37). He knew we weren't perfect (Rom 5:8). If we were, we wouldn't have needed Him to save us from our sins (Lu 5:31). He wouldn't have had to suffer the scourging and crucifixion for us (Mt 26:39).

But He loves who we are, not who we think we ought to be. Even the savages. Once we realize this, it's a relief to know that we won't be rejected (Isa 42:3, Mt 12:20).

If He has no qualms about accepting us, then the only impediment to our having a healthy relationship with Him, is our not accepting Him. Oh, plenty of people say they believe in Him, but they haven't accepted Him (Jn 1:12).

Have you ever heard this: "Sure I believe in Jesus and everything, but I don't believe in Hell"? Well, part of "and everything" is Hell. Jesus believes in it, and had much to say about it (Mt 5:22, 29+30, 10:28, 23:33, Lu 16:23). But they don't accept that part of Him.

Then there are others who say that He's not offended by the particular sins that they endorse, apparently because they're not offended by them. But scripture says that He created us in His image (Gen 1:27), not that we should try to create Him in ours.

That's Greek mythology. They believed in all sorts of gods who had human flaws and characteristics. That's why it's called a myth. Jesus is real. He is the physical embodiment of God. The same God Who told Moses that His name is, "I AM" (Ex 3:14).

It's wonderful and encouraging to know that God accepts us as we are, no strings attached. And that's the way we should want it: no pretending to be something else. But likewise, God wants us to accept Him, just as "I AM", Absolutely Free.


John 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.


No. 2 April 6, 1998 Absolutely Free

Power to the people. Suppose you were in prison, and one of the guards likes to withhold privileges; simply to abuse his power. There's not a whole lot you can do about it but complain: "It's not fair." "He'll get his some day." "I hope I'm there to see it."

Now suppose that as a young man, you were once a prison guard. Now as an older man, you're an inmate. And because of some sci-fi time warp thing, you're hurled into the past, and the evil guard who torments you is none other than you, 30 years ago.

Well it looks like you're getting yours now. And you get to be there to see it. What would you do? Should you try to warn your young self to change your ways, so that you don't end up like this, 30 years down the road?

There's a similar story in the Bible: a poor, sick man named Lazarus, was laid outside a rich mans gate daily, in hopes that the rich man might give him some crumbs of food. Nope. They both die. Lazarus goes to Paradise, and the rich guy goes to Hell.

Being able to see Lazarus upstairs with Abraham, he begs them for some mercy. But Abe says, "Sorry dude, but you gave no mercy, so you get none." So he asks Abe to send Lazarus to warn his family of his fate, so that they will change their ways.

"No way dude," Abe says, "They've got the Bible to warn them. If they won't heed it, neither will listen to someone who has come back from the dead" (Luke 16:19-31).

Notice that the rich guy didn't do anything mean to Lazarus. He was punished for withholding mercy. It was well within his power to help Lazarus. He simply chose not to.

God expects those whom He has blessed with power, to extend blessing to those who are powerless: poor, sick, widows, orphans, and prisoners (Mt 25:31-46). To whom much is given, much will be expected (Lu 12:48). How much power do you have?

Jesus said that we will be judged according to the judgment we use on others (Mt 7:1+2). To the merciful, God will be merciful (Mt 5:7), and to the harsh, God will be harsh (Ps 18:25+26). How do you handle your power?

Jesus' message was "Repent (change your ways): for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand (very near)." (Mt 4:17) He came back from the dead on what we call Easter, to prove it. You have the power to repent. It was given to you Absolutely Free.


Matthew 7:1 JUDGE not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.


No. 3 April 13, 1998 Absolutely Free

Who spiked the punch? There are people who develop a taste for coffee, but need to cut-back on their caffeine, so they drink decaf. People who drink coffee solely to get a caffeine buzz, look at them with a puzzled expression, and say, "What's the point?"

Like non-alcoholic beer. Most beer drinkers drink solely to get a buzz. No buzz = no point. Alcohol affects internal change, influencing your moods, attitudes, and actions.

God designed alcoholic beverages specifically to give a buzz: to "maketh glad the heart of man" (Ps 104:14+15). Churches use wine for communion, though many substitute grape juice. It's still the "fruit of the vine", without the negative effects: a glad heart.

It's important to understand the symbolism here: the sacramental bread and wine represents the body and blood of Christ (1Co 11:24+25). Jesus is the Bread of Life (Jn 6:35+48). He is also the embodiment and fulfillment of the Word of God (Jn 1:1-14).

Anything you eat, gets digested and becomes part of you: protein becomes muscle, calcium becomes bone. When Jesus said that people must eat His flesh, and drink His blood to have eternal life, they thought He was nuts. Many deserted Him (Jn 6:66).

In explaining what He meant to His disciples, He said, "...Doth this offend you?... It is the Spirit that quickeneth [gives life]; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life" (Jn 6:61+63).

So if you digest the word of Christ, the Word of God, It will become part of you. In this sense, you are what you eat. Communion is a visual expression of this spiritual phenomenon. It affects internal change, influencing your moods, attitudes and actions.

When you first get turned-on to Jesus, you get a buzz (Ac 2:38). But often, people develop a taste for church, and cut-back on the buzz. Substituting of juice for wine reveals a profound reality: it symbolizes the Gospel losing it's potency when people miss the point.

The point is not that churches need to start carding and serving booze: it's that people need to evaluate why they do what they do. It's easy to start going to church for church's sake, out of habit. But pointless, routine religion produces no internal change.

The Gospel in many churches has become just sugary juice, that needs to be spiked. You can get your buzz, by drinking Spirit straight from the Bible, Absolutely Free.


1 Corinthians 11:24 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat; this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.


No. 4 April 20, 1998 Absolutely Free

Aged to perfection. Deer hunters have a tendency to hang a deer in a tree for a few days to age the meat. If they allow air to get to it for a while, it will be more tender and flavorful. Like wine. Everyone knows that wine gets better with age.

So what is it that happens in the aging process? Decomposition. Organic stuff rots. Alcohol is a by-product of decomposition, or break-down of sugar. Let it ferment too long, and it becomes vinegar. If you age meat too long, it will begin to stink, and attract flies.

People are like this. Some people think that they are faultless. That's hard to swallow. Then there are people who are aware of their mistakes, and are understanding toward others. Just right. Then there are rotten people who are proud of their flaws. They stink.

Take the Apostle Paul: by him, God wrote 2/3 of the New Testament. He was taught in the scriptures from his youth, indoctrinated as a member of the strictest order of the Jewish religion: the Pharisees. He obeyed the letter of the law.

Paul didn't become a Christian until he had made a profession of hunting Christians down, and having them jailed or beaten (Acts 22:19+20). Then God appeared to him in a dazzling light, and thundering voice (Acts 9:3-6). This was Paul's calling to the ministry.

Then God revealed secrets and mysteries to Paul that no man nor angel knew (Eph 3:3-9). But he had a disease he called the "messenger of satan" lest he be "exalted above measure" (2 Co 12:6+7). He prayed for healing, but God refused (2 Co 12:8+9). He let Paul have a thorn in his flesh to remind him of his imperfection.

God could have called Paul any time He wanted to. He allowed him to rot for a while, beating and jailing Christians, so that when he did finally believe, he would be ashamed of himself, instead of cocky, like satan. It worked. Paul became humble.

In fact, Paul he considered himself the worst of all sinners (1 Ti 1:15). Less than the least of the saints (Gal 3:8). He didn't look down on anyone. And he believed that if God could care for him, He could care for anyone. That's tasty. And easy to swallow.

God got it just right, when He let Paul age. What's He doing with you? Have you been called, or are you beginning to stink? Are you a sinner? So was Paul, and Jesus called him. If you'll humble yourself, He'll call you too, Absolutely Free.


Ephesians 3:8 Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ;


No. 5 April 27, 1998 Absolutely Free

My dog ate it. Billy is late to school, because he was in a snowball fight with his friends. So he tells the teacher he was late because of the snow.

She glances across her desk toward the 28 other students, and asks, "How is it that all of them were able to get here on time, but the snow prevented you alone?" So he says, "I live at the bottom of a big hill, and kept sliding back down to the bottom."

Then little Johnny says, "I live below a big hill too, 3 miles out of town. My mom's car got stuck, and I had to walk to school." He was on time. In a sense, all the other students act as witnesses against Billy's excuse, though none of them saw him.

In Hebrews, Chapter 11, the Bible lists a bunch of people who had extraordinary faith. Then Chapter 12 opens with: "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about [surrounded] with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run the race that is set before us" (Heb 12:1).

Since it says that we are surrounded by witnesses, many believe that we live in a fishbowl, so to speak, and the spirits of people who have passed on, see us. That could be true, but that's not necessarily what this passage of scripture says.

Ordinarily, when the New Testament talks of "witnesses," it's talking about those, whose words, actions, or very lives testify to the truth of God's Word, contained in the Bible (Jn 1:7, 5:31-37, Ac 10:43. Rev 1:5, 11:3, 20:4). The Greek word is "martyr."

As the teacher was surrounded by students; God will be surrounded by saints (Rev 4:4, 7:9). If we make excuses for not pursuing godly lives, their testimonies and examples will deflate our excuses. Were we tempted? Were we oppressed? They were more.

Yet they "subdued kingdoms... stopped the mouths of lions... turned to flight the armies of the aliens... others had trials of cruel mockings... were stoned... sawn asunder [apart]" (Heb 11:33-37). What's our excuse? We'll have none (Rom 1:20).

The only way that the snow hindered Billy, was that he played in it too much; so the only thing about this world that keeps us from God is that we enjoy it too much (Ja 4:4, 1 Jn 2:15). Instead of excuses to God, try confession (1 Jn 1:9), prompted by faith in Jesus. As long as you can get it in before the bell rings, you'll be Absolutely Free.


James 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

No. 6 May 4, 1998 Absolutely Free

Duty. Honor. Courage. "Those words mean so much to a man who scrubs trash cans for a living." -Bill Murray in "Stripes". One of the mantras that resounded during the 1996 election campaigns was, "Character is not an issue."

"I don't ask the plumber if he cheats on his wife, because that doesn't affect his job. Neither does it affect a public official's job performance." It seems most folks agreed.

What does that tell us? That most of us are either unaware of the teachings of Jesus, or we don't believe them. For example: "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much" (Lu 16:10).

If Jesus is right (and He is), then character matters. If a man will violate an oath to his wife, he'll violate an oath of office. If you call a plumber to fix a leaky pipe, and you get a bill for $4672.38, his character will suddenly become an issue with you.

According to Jesus, we each have duty: another concept that's virtually foreign to many. He said, "Unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required; and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more" (Lu 12:48).

So to whom do we owe duty? God & country (Lu 20:25). Family (1 Ti 5:8). Employer (Lu 17:7-9). Our fellow man (Ga 5:14). Bill Murray was right: heroism, valor, honor, duty, character, virtue: these things will get you next to nothing in this world.

It's the next world where this stuff counts (Mt 6:20). Don't think that it's a Christian world. This is the Post-Christian era. The institutions which program our children no longer teach the "10 Commandments", the "Golden Rule", or accountability for their actions.

They are taught situational ethics, instead of absolute values. They believe they are entitled to anything anyone else has. And if your evil parents spank you, report them to your loving and benevolent government. What kind of world will this produce?

Hang tough. Do right. Think hard: If the world decides to pretend that God doesn't exist or count, do you suppose God is going to go along with this trend? If society decided that you don't exist, would you vanish? You'd probably be ticked. So should God be.

He gave us an example to follow: Jesus. If society won't give that example to your kids, perhaps you should. It's the best gift you can give, and it's Absolutely Free.


Matthew 6:20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:


No. 7 May 11, 1998 Absolutely Free

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. In basic training, Infantrymen are given a couple of days of hand-to-hand combat training. That's just enough to get you killed if you ever try to use that training in a street fight. It takes more than two days to learn Judo.

They don't just hire some stooge off the street, give him an operator's manual, and tell him to fly a 747. They don't even do that for driving cars. It's a bad idea. Any type of machinery requires familiarity and experience with the components and processes.

The same goes for religion. Surface understanding of the Bible will get you in more trouble than following your gut. Suppose you know not to lie (Ex 20:16), and to obey the authorities (Rom 13:1+2, Tit 3:1, 1 Pe 2:13). So you live in Germany in 1942.

While entertaining guests, they tell you that they are Jews, and trying to hide from the Nazis. Just then the storm troopers come to your door, and ask you if you are aware of any Jews in the neighborhood. "No" would be a lie. A strict religious legalist would feel duty-bound to rat on their Jewish friends, sending them to the gas chamber.

But if you had a shred of decency, your gut would tell you to lie to protect them from genocide. But how could you justify this in light of the scriptures? That's why it's important to know the Bible. The situation above really happened to several people in the 1940's.

Well, several places in scripture, people defied the authorities in order to save innocent lives (Ex 1:15-2:2, Jos 2:6, 2 Ki 11:1-3), and even lied in the process (Ex 1:19, Jos 2:4+5), and God considered that righteous conduct (Ex 1:20+21, Heb 11:31). But If you're not familiar with the Bible, then you won't know that.

In fact, the very men in the Bible who tell us to obey the authorities, were in jail for disobedience (Ac 4:3, 5:18, 22:24). How does that work? They explained that when duty to man conflicts with duty to God, that we must obey God (Ac 5:29).

But even knowing this is a bad thing if all you get out of it is, "The Bible says it's OK to lie." The only places in scripture where lying was approved of, was for the saving of innocent lives. Lying to cover your own guilty tracks doesn't count.

Don't try to be a 2-day Judo jet pilot with God. Get a Bible and read it. There are fascinating treasures inside, and they're Absolutely Free.


Romans 13:1 LET every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.


No. 8 May 18, 1998 Absolutely Free

Tax on stupid people. Suppose the people at work were pooling their money to buy a block of lottery tickets. They ask you if you want to kick-in. "No thanks," you say, "The lottery is just a tax on stupid people who are bad at math. Figure out the odds."

The next day, you show up for work, and you're the only one in your department. That's because everyone else is a millionaire now. Oops - missed it by that much.

Now suppose your job isn't that bad: decent working conditions, decent pay. But now every day on your way to work, you drive by your friends' mansions, and limousines honk and wave at you. Wouldn't that suck? Wouldn't it make your job seem worse?

One of the divisions between church people and normal people, is their vision of the next life. Many church people see it cut and dried: Heaven or Hell. But most people with a sense of justice, like to believe that the punishment will fit the crime.

The Bible says both. Everyone will be resurrected, either to Hell, or Heaven (Jn 5:29, Ac 24:15). And it says that we will be rewarded according to our works (Mt 16:27, Re 20:13), those who deserve much punishment will get much; and those who deserve little will get little (Lu 12:47+48). The same goes for rewards (1 Co 3:10-14).

And most people like to think that they're not terrible sinners, so they won't get terrible punishment: a guy who keeps a stash of dirty magazines shouldn't be punished the same as, say, Joseph Stalin, who had millions of his own countrymen slaughtered.

But the deal is that you don't go to heaven based on not having done evil things. Everyone has. God calls out daily for us to stop, and submit to Him (Re 22:17). When you come to your senses, and submit to Him, He forgives your sins (Ac 26:18). No Hell.

That's it. Justice demands that our sins be punished. That's why Jesus came here: to accept that punishment on our behalf. So if we'll submit to Him, the bill is taken care of.

But here's the rub: if you refuse, and go to Hell, you'll be able to see the people in Heaven (Lu 16:23). They'll be frolicking in glory, while you're back at work. Forever. Even if your punishment isn't going to be severe: wouldn't it suck, knowing that all along, you could've just accepted Christ's invitation, and acknowledged Him as Lord?

Christianity isn't a trap for stupid people. It's Heaven, and it's Absolutely Free.


Matthew 16:27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.


No. 9 May 26, 1998 Absolutely Free

Backstage pass. Suppose there were a performer, more popular than the Beatles, coming to town, and you won a radio contest, for dinner with them, tickets and back stage passes for you and your guests. Some people would kill to be in your shoes.

Why? Because the performer excites their spirit. They know what to expect, and anticipate a thrill. Their screams and excitement just express appreciation. Electricity is in the air. And you get to sit and eat with them, and talk with them.

Jesus said, "[W]here two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (Mt 18:20). Yet, most church services are half empty. It's just God. If it were Elvis, people would come from miles around and stand outside straining to hear.

"But God is everywhere," is what people who are opposed to going to church say. And that's true. What they're implying is that their personal awareness of God's constant presence is no different than what people experience in church." Is that true? Well sadly, considering many churches, maybe it is. But that's not how it's supposed to be.

Suppose that you were one of Elvis' running buddies: you travel with him, eat with him, change flat tires, watch TV, and do laundry together. And he says, "Come on, I'm doin' a really big show tonight, and I'd like you to be there with me, back stage."

That's a different experience. He wants you to see him in all his glory: crowds of people adoring him: the center of attention; and he wants you to share in the experience with him, because of your friendship. Showtime. That's what Jesus wants.

Church is supposed to be where people assemble, and express their appreciation, in the form of worship to Jesus for who He is, and what He has done, and does (He 2:12). Rather than electricity in the air, it's the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit (Ac 2:1-4).

But being a Christian is more than just showtime: it's a back stage pass. When you come to faith in Christ, He sends His Spirit to dwell with you, as a companion (Jn 14:16, 26). You get to know Him, not just be in the audience (1Jn 4:15).

Jesus said that if you'll open to Him, He will come in and dine with you (Re 3:20): friendship with the star (Jn 15:15), at His request. There are people screaming in Hell who would kill to trade places with you. But Jesus invites you, Absolutely Free.


John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;


No. 10 June 1, 1998 Absolutely Free

Sales Pitch. You're a sales-rep, and visit a customer to deliver your company's sales pitch: "We want to please you." But there's another sales-rep from your company already there, saying, "We want you to please us." And yet another saying, "You can't please us."

How can you attract the customer, with these guys saying nonsense? Should you correct them? Wouldn't that be rude? But aren't they keeping you from doing your job?

God wants to be your buddy. But He's holy, and you sin, which creates a barrier between you and Him. Jesus Christ accepted the punishment for your sins on the cross, to destroy that barrier. Then He rose from the dead victorious. That's the Gospel.

Those who believe it are saved, can know God, and will rise from the dead, just as Christ did. If you believe that, your actions should reflect that faith (Ja 2:14-26). But there seems to be some confusion as to what those actions should be.

Some Churches say you can't smoke or drink. Others say that "rock & roll" is evil. So is dancing. Or make-up. Others disagree. Why the confusion? Doesn't the Bible say? Yes it does. Early Christianity experienced the same type of arguments about behavior.

So the Apostles sent out a memo with these guidelines: "abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well (Ac 15:29)." That's it. Why add to it?

Christians are supposed to be sales-reps, to win others to God (Mt 28:19+20). But your colleagues teach nonsense. Should you correct them? Wouldn't that be rude?

No. The Bible says that when so-called religious people do stupid things, it brings shame to God (Is 52:5, Rom 2:24). It says that wicked pastors are like shepherds who scatter God's sheep (Je 23:1+2). It warned the new Christian faith to watch for false teaching (Mt 7:15, 2Pe 2:1, 1Jn 4:1), specifically extra rules which place an unnecessary burden on believers (Col 2:16-23). It even called those doctrines of demons (1Ti 4:1-5).

Who would you rather offend: your colleagues, or your customers? Jesus and the apostles regularly reprimanded colleagues for ridiculous religion (Mt 23:13-27, Gal 2:11, 3:1-3). Christians need to stop being polite to each other's errors, and do their job.

Don't let poor salesmen turn you away from salvation. It's Absolutely Free.


Colossians 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:


No. 11 June 8, 1998 Absolutely Free

Believe It Or Not! How did the US become the world's wealthiest nation? Republics, Democracy, and other civic ideals came from the Greeks, who preceded, and greatly influenced the Romans; during whose time Christ came.

But the predominate religion of the period was Paganism, the practice of which involved every sort of immorality. And as barbarian hoards ravaged Asia and Europe the Roman Empire fizzled out. And along with it, Pagan pantheism.

But Christianity survived. And in it's scriptoriums were preserved the Holy Scriptures, as well as the wisdom and culture of the Greeks and Romans. This knowledge was used by noblemen to establish and rule the European kingdoms.

But it wasn't available to commoners, until the Renaissance. Understanding that man is the living "Image of God" (Ge 1:27), certain noblemen, out of reverence for God and man, endeavored to educate the masses. This period is characterized by tremendous achievements in art, science, literature, education, culture, and religion.

But as educated commoners began to disagree with the establishment's abuse of religion, the establishment began killing them. This was called the "Reformation." So commoners (pilgrims), fled to America, to worship God in freedom.

But if public schools teach about the Renaissance at all, they depict it as a time when men turned away from religious superstitions to science. And if they teach about the reformation, they depict it as a time when the church killed enlightened unbelievers.

In truth, those pioneers were not turning from God: they were desperately seeking Him. Our blessings of liberty and prosperity are a result of God blessing that devotion (De 4:29, Heb 11:26). Ditch God, and you ditch the blessings (Jer 18:7-10).

The Declaration of Independence says that rights come from our "Creator" (Ac 17:28). The 1st Amendment to the Bill of Rights begins: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

The idea of "separation of church and state," was clearly meant to keep the state from influencing religion; not to keep religion from influencing the state. Christianity brought liberty (Ps 127:1, Jn 8:32). And one of your rights is to believe it or not, Absolutely Free.


Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created He them.

No. 12 June 15, 1998 Absolutely Free

In ______ We Trust. TV and the movies almost always portray religious people in the same light: proud, judgmental, hypocrites, who try to impose they're rules on you, even though you don't share their religion. They're snobbish, because they're self-righteous.

It almost makes you proud to not be religious, doesn't it? Of course, most genuinely reverent church people are not like that. But many of the loudest are. In fact, that's how Jesus described the religious crowd of His day (Mt 6:2, 5, 16, 23:13-33).

A hypocrite is a faker, who pretends to be something they're not, to impress other people. A self-righteous person, is one who considers themselves holy, by virtue of their own purity and goodness. Righteousness is the quality of being right, or just.

So if self-righteousness, comes by virtue of one's "self", then it stands to reason that there is another kind of righteousness, that comes from somewhere else (Ro 3:21+22). That's the whole idea of the Gospel of the New Testament in the Bible.

The rule God established in the Garden of Eden, and hasn't changed, is: If you sin, you will die (Ge 2:17, Ro 6:23). To eliminate any confusion, He gave Moses the 10 commandments, along with hundreds of other rules, defining sin (Leviticus).

Jesus Christ is the only person who can claim to be self-righteous, without being a hypocrite, because He actually encountered every temptation imaginable, yet never sinned (He 4:15). Everyone else has broken the rule (Ec 7:20, Ro 3:23, 5:12).

That's why He rose from the dead: with no sin, death had no jurisdiction over Him (Ac 2:24). Yet He did die, so He paid the penalty for sin. So Jesus says that if you'll believe in Him, He'll credit that death to your account (Jn 11:26, Ga 2:20).

And having your sins already paid for, you are found to be righteous. Not by your own doing, but by His (2 Co 5:21). If this isn't what you believe, and you don't think that you'll ever have to account for your behavior; then you're as self-righteousness as the people on TV. Even if you only think, "I'm not a 'bad' person." You've never sinned?

You get no more points with God from that attitude, than the Hypocrites of Jesus' day. Yes, Jesus forgives sins, on the condition that you put your faith in Him. So you can either trust in yourself, and still owe for sin; or trust in Jesus, and be Absolutely Free.


Romans 3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe; for there is no difference:


No. 13 June 22, Absolutely Free

Not me. One day at break time, you and the guys you work with start reminiscing about your childhood. One tells of how they once set a cat on fire. Another used to steal the neighbor's tomatoes. Another got caught smoking cigarettes behind the barn.

Now it's Buford's turn to tell a story. Buford says he's never done anything like that : never stolen a cookie from the jar... taken the ol' man's car for a spin... lied... peeked at a dirty magazine, never had an impure thought. Nothing. Would you believe him?

One thing that people who oppose Christianity sneer at, is the belief that all men are evil. They say that's too harsh, because there are lots of very nice people. There are.

Anyone is nice, if they're allowed to compare themselves to someone who is more rotten than them. The Bible definition of "very nice" is selfless compassion for others, and complete devotion to God (Mt 22:37-40). How many people do you know like that?

Since no one was doing a good job of being nice, God became a man, named Jesus, to show us how it's done (Jn 13:15, 1 Pe 2:21). He was even holier than Buford. We are to compare ourselves to Him. That's an impossible standard to reach (Mt 19:26).

So doesn't an impossible standard to meet prove that God is harsh? No. If you find it hard to believe that anyone can be blameless and pure like Buford claims; why would you find it hard to believe that God says no one is blameless and pure (Ro 3:10-18, 23)?

Let's say you've got a kid whom you love unconditionally. But occasionally, this kid sets a cat on fire, or steals tomatoes, or tries smoking, and gets caught. Do you hold it against them forever? Or would you eventually get over it and forgive them?

What if, they look at you with a bold face, and say, "I didn't do that"? They're lying. If you say, "I forgive you," they say, "There's nothing to forgive. You're doing nothing for me." That's calling you a liar, and denying your mercy and goodness.

Does that mean that you don't love them, or that you're a bad parent? Jesus reveals God to us as a loving Father, Who wants to bless us with all the good things creation has to offer (Mt 7:11). He is willing to forgive our mistakes if we'll admit to them (1 Jn 1:9).

Don't be a Buford. Don't deny God His mercy and goodness. Through Jesus Christ, He wants to bless and provide for you as his own beloved child, Absolutely Free.


Romans 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:

11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.


No. 14 June 29, Absolutely Free

"It followed me home. Can I keep it?" You're 6 years old, and a stray puppy follows you home from school. Does that upset you? No. You've got no concept of it shedding on the furniture, of vet bills, house-training messes, and that splendid dog-smell.

So you play with it. You roll around on the grass with it, and it licks your face. And it looks at you with those eyes. You know: those loyal, innocent, clear eyes, that say, "I belong to you, and my whole world revolves around you, and gaining your affection."

But your mom sees a stinky, dirty, nasty, ignorant animal, that might have fleas or lice. "You can't bring that thing in the house." "Oh pleeeeease, please, please? I'll take care of him myself." You give her those same big eyes that the puppy gave you.

So she gives in because she's really a big softy. Not because she loves the dog, but because she loves you. Because of you, the dog can come in.

That's how Heaven works. That's where God lives. He sent His kid into the world, and when He came home, He had all these people following Him. Dirty, nasty, stinky, evil, ignorant, selfish, lying, cheating, sinful people. People who are attracted to Jesus.

Before the dog comes in the house, your mom comes out with a tub, some soap, and a brush, saying, "You'll have to wash that thing before you can bring it inside." That's what God said to Jesus too. So Jesus had to wash us from our sins (Re 1:5, 7:14).

Though God runs an orderly house, He can be a big softy (Ps 106:1, Is 49:15). And as a dog is still a dog, even once it's accepted in the house, so a human is still a human, even if they're accepted to go to Heaven. They still sin (Ro 7:19).

So every day, Jesus stands before the throne of God, pleading on behalf of those who follow Him, that the Father would forgive their sins for Jesus' sake (Ro 8:34, Heb 7:25).

Just like a stray puppy, if Heaven isn't our spiritual home, we're lost. Anyone who has heard the Gospel of salvation, can see Jesus headed for home. If you'd like to wind up in Heaven, follow Jesus (Jn 10:27, 12:26). That's all there is to it.

A dog goes to his master, when his master says, "Come." Jesus says "Come" (Re 22:17). He doesn't say, "When you stop acting human, maybe you can follow Me." He says, "Follow Me" (Mt 4:19, 8:22, 9:9, 16:24, 19:21), all the way home, Absolutely Free.


John 12:26 If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.


No. 15 July 6, 1998 Absolutely Free

Time Off For Good Behavior. When a man's conduct identifies him as a threat to society, he is removed from society, imprisoned, and his freedoms are taken away. Fear of punishment keeps potential criminals from becoming accomplished criminals.

The law is an external control on behavior. But it doesn't make anyone happy. The prisoners aren't happy, and the community isn't happy that they have to impose such restraints. They would much rather everyone would exercise self, or internal control.

Those who apply internal control, enjoy more freedom than those who need external control. This is true at work: As a rule, bosses don't dog self-motivated employees.

This contrast between external control, and internal control is a major difference between the Old Testament (OT), and the New Testament (NT), of the Bible. In the OT, the Jews were given the law. It was written by God on tablets of stone (Ex 24:12, 31:18).

So people lived in fear of punishment from God. That's external control. But they weren't real happy. If they broke a rule, they'd sacrifice an animal to appease God's wrath. God wasn't real happy either. He wanted love, not fear. So he came up with "Plan B".

In the NT, the provisions are laid out to have God's Spirit enter you, and dwell with you (Ro 8:9-15, 1 Co 3:!6). Then you can know Him. And to know Him is to love Him.

Instead of tables of stone, He writes His law on the tables of your heart (Je 31:33, Ro 2:15). The stones are external, your heart is internal. And we still slip up. But instead of sacrificing goats, we ask for forgiveness. Because Christ sacrificed Himself for us.

That's how we got access to His Spirit. His body, the Spirit container, was broken, and the Spirit was poured out (1 Co 11:23, Ac 2:17+18), for us to drink in through His word (Jn 6:63). This makes us free from the law (Ro 8:2).

The law, whether civil, or moral, or ritual; was intended for those who can't exhibit internal control (1 Ti 1:9). The evidence of this, is that there are no laws against self-control (Ga 5:23). And what is freedom, beside controlling what applies to you?

Freedom, true freedom, comes from knowing Christ (Jn 8:31-36). His Spirit empowers you to over power any temptation that would dominate your spirit. Allow Him into your heart, and let Him make you Absolutely Free.


Romans 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.


No. 16 July 13, 1998 Absolutely Free

All men are created equal. In the 1830's, Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville, toured the US, and wrote in a book called, Democracy in America (1835) that "...nothing struck me more forcibly than the general equality of condition among the people."

"There is greater equality of condition in Christian countries at the present day, than there has been at any previous time, in any part of the world." And in America, when women couldn't vote, and slavery thrived, equality was considered to be extreme.

We've come a long way baby. But if you were to listen to the loudest voices since the "Equal Rights" movement, you would believe that it's the most unfair place in the world to live. Apparently they're unaware of conditions in non-Christian countries.

In many cultures, women and children are considered property, and can be traded for livestock. Like in Japan, where forced prostitution is glorified as religion. In China, and many Islamic nations, slavery still exists, and Christians are put to death.

India still has a caste system, and rampant starvation. Freedom doesn't exist under Communism. So where would you rather go? What Tocqueville said still stands: we enjoy greater equality "than there has been at any previous time, in any part of the world."

Notice the distinction he made that this was true in "Christian countries." So the absurdity of the outcry over the 1998 Baptist convention, over the statement that "wives should submit to their husbands," is rooted in ignorance, and deception.

That was straight out of the Bible (Ep 5:22), where it also says, "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it (Ep 5:25)." Christ died for us. Hmm, odd: no outcry.The submission of the wife is a gesture of courtesy in exchange for the husband sacrificing his interests, to provide for hers.

It doesn't say that women are inferior. It says that husbands and wives become one flesh in marriage (Ep 5:31). Can't get much more equal than that. It warns husbands that if they mistreat their wives, their prayers will be hindered (1 Pe 3:7).

God doesn't respect us according to what station in life we hold (Ac 10:34, Ep 6:9). In the resurrection, we will not be distinguished as husbands and wives, but as individuals, like the angels (Mt 22:30), and because of our submission to Christ, Absolutely Free.


Matthew 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.


No. 17 July 20, 1998 Absolutely Free

The show must go on. Suppose the referees for the NBA went on strike, but the team owners decided to continue the season without refs, so as not to lose money. Imagine how the game would develop: players could be as bad as they want to be.

Elbows to the face. Knees to the groin. broken limbs. The boldest and most ruthless players would be the biggest heroes. But then the referee strike ends. And they decide to watch the videos of all the games of the season so far, and make retroactive calls.

Uh-oh. The rules just changed. Suddenly the guys who were big heroes, are now the ones who cost their team all their points. Many players would be suspended for the season. Some teams who were headed for championships, would be eliminated.

But the rules never changed. The players just stopped following them. When people believe that they won't be held responsible, they act irresponsibly. When the cat's away, the mice will play. Behavior changes when the teacher leaves the classroom.

That's the problem today. Public schools used to teach that we are accountable to God. But now God has left the classroom. So even though the Declaration of Independence says that men are entitled to powers, which are given to them from the laws of "Nature" and "Nature's God", the government pretends to not be aware of God.

So children learn to pretend likewise. They become adults who pretend. But the rules never changed (Heb 13:8). At the end of the season, the tapes will be played (Re 20:12). Judgment will be retroactive (Mt 16:27). Many champions will lose (Mt 7:22+23, Ja 4:6).

All that we do is on video (Mt 12:36). Uh-oh. Do you suppose there's anything on that tape that you don't want everyone who's ever lived to see? What if God were to hand you the tape, and you could edit-out all those embarrassing moments, and erase them?

Would you? Or would that seem dishonest? The choice is up to you, because that's exactly the deal. The message of the Bible is that God is just, and will administer justice. But He is also merciful, and wants to administer mercy.

The fouls on tape will be penalized. But Jesus accepted the penalty for us. If we join His team, He erases our tape (Col 2:14). It's not dishonest, because our sins have already been punished, in full, in Him. So we can be champions, Absolutely Free.


Matthew 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.


No. 18 July 27, 1998 Absolutely Free

You know what happens when you assume. Arrogant people think that they are always right. If someone disagrees with them, they'll assume that that person is a fool, without hearing them out, because they are not willing to believe they could be wrong.

Have you ever heard the statement, "Every man has his price"? That statement was made by an arrogant person. Since they were corruptible, they assume that everyone is corruptible. They're not willing to believe someone could be more virtuous than they.

Atheists, and atheist institutions like Communism, tend to be arrogant. Since they are not willing to believe that someone else is more virtuous or wise than themselves, they assume that a higher power than themselves cannot exist: such as God.

To them, a person who is willing to believe in God is a fool (1 Co 1:18). Of course, because that person is not themselves. They're suspicious, because, assuming that everyone is just as corrupt as them, they are unwilling to believe in someone else's integrity.

Hence the statement, "All those preachers really want is money." What is it that makes the fools who listen to preachers gullible? Willingness to believe that someone else knows something that they don't. Willingness to believe, makes a person a naïve fool.

What's the definition of arrogant? Proud. But another is, "one who assumes." The verb, Arrogate, means, "to claim something without right, or without justification." Mutiny, is when crew members, arrogate, or assume control of the ship.

Satan was cast out of Heaven (Lu 10:18), for trying to arrogate control of Heaven (Is 14:12-15). He assumed that he was equal or better than God (Eze 28:2). He is proud.

In the Book of Job, satan assumed that Job (rhymes with robe), would curse God to His face, if God would allow satan to torture him (Jb 1:11, 2:5). That's because satan would curse God to His face, and he was unwilling to believe that Job was purer than he.

Jesus said, "Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Mt 18:3). Little children are naïve - willing to believe. They know that there is someone who is bigger than them.

Arrogance is foolishness (Ro 1:21+22), and God resists it (Ja 4:6). Be willing to believe (Jn 3:16, Heb 11:6, Ja 2:23), and be wise, and blessed, Absolutely Free.


Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!


No. 19 Aug. 3, 1998 Absolutely Free

Make 'em earn it. You work for a living. Suppose you were given job responsibilities, and left completely unsupervised. There were no way to keep track of your production, and people were paid strictly according to attendance.

The guy across the aisle from you brings in a Lay-Z-Boy recliner, a stack of magazines, and a color TV. The only time he ever gets up, is to go to the pop machine, or go to the bathroom. Yet he gets paid the same amount of money you do.

Would that seem honest? Would you reduce yourself to his level and stop being productive as well, or would you continue to do your job? Wouldn't it be nice if there were a way you could hold him accountable: make him earn his money?

Now think about church people: they are given a responsibility. Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every living creature" (Mk 16:15). And they're going to get paid with an eternal reward (Lu 6:23).

So it would stand to reason that with all the busy church people out there, preaching and teaching, doing their job (Ep 4:11+12), that everyone would have a clear understanding of the God. No stone should be unturned. Is that how it is?

Or do you see many church people, busy spreading the faith? Does it seem like they're more like the guy in the recliner, willing to accept the pay, without doing the job? You don't get to do that for your pay, do you?

Well, make 'em earn that pay. If you know a person who claims to go to church, and you don't understand all the complex mysteries of the Bible, go ask them. If they don't know the answers to your questions, they should go find out (1 Pe 3:15).

You can't make them earn their salvation, because salvation can't be earned (Ep 2:8+9). If they believe in Jesus, they're already saved (Ac 16:31, Ro 10:9). But once saved, they're supposed to perform good works (Ep 2:10). Don't let them sham.

If they're going to spend eternity in overwhelming joy, peace, and splendor, then jumpin'-Jimminy, they ought to do be busy while they're here. Jack 'em up. Give them pop-quizzes. Ask them the tough questions. Make 'em go learn. What harm could that do?

Salvation has been given to them (Mt 10:8). They should share it, Absolutely Free.


Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.


No. 20 Aug. 10, 1998 Absolutely Free

Have you paid your dues? In Country music, this question means more than, "Are you a card holding member of the musicians' union?" It means, "Do you deserve the honor and respect of being recognized as an accomplished performer?"

It has nothing to do with whether or not you sing well. It has to do with how hard your life has been. It's widely perceived that a person who has never experienced real pain, can't do a real job of singing the blues. You have to know the blues to sing them.

It's much like the days of knights in shining armor. Part of the code of chivalry, was the concept of "Noblesse Oblige", or the "Obligation of the Noble." They believed that noblemen should take part in the hardship of the commoners.

By sharing in their condition, noblemen earned the respect of the commoners. A good leader won't ask someone to do something that they wouldn't do themselves. But that's not why they shared in the hazards life on the march, and mortal combat.

They did so because of their belief in God. Scripture says that man was created in the image of God (Ge 1:27). Also, Christ said that whatever you have done to one of the least of His brethren, good or bad, you have done unto Him (Mt 25:40).

So they believed that being born into a noble position didn't mean that you were created as a higher being than the commoners. It meant that you were born into a position of responsibility for them, and that you were obligated rise to the challenge.

This belief is rooted in the scripture which says, "Unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required" (Lu 12:48). So genuinely noble noblemen, felt obligated to provide for the well-being of their fellow man.

Today, royalty are commonly depicted as snobbish. Some were, some weren't. There are good and bad rich people; like there are good and bad poor people. What's noteworthy, is that to earn the admiration of others, all a nobleman had to do was imitate Jesus.

By becoming a man in the flesh, Jesus shared in our condition (Heb 4:15). He came as a commoner, not royalty (Mk 6:3), and had a hard life (Is 53:3). It was all for our benefit: He was already in Heaven. He could have stayed in the palace. But instead He came to fight for us (Col 2:12-15), and set us Absolutely Free.


Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.


No. 21 Aug. 17, 1998 Absolutely Free

Hello darkness my old friend. Suppose a sadistic, psychopath came to your house, every day. He would twist your fingers with pliers, or splash acid on you, and torture your family. But he has a good sense of humor. So could he be your friend? Would you look foreword to his visits - keep his brand of beer in the fridge?

Let's change the subject. How many people do you know, that would keep their current job if they hit the lottery for millions of dollars? Anybody? Don't most people look foreword to the day they can finally retire? For the most part, doesn't work suck?

Why is that? Because work is a curse. It's supposed to suck. In the beginning, Adam and Eve didn't have to work. They started off retired. But then they sinned.

As a result, God said, "Cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;…In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken" (Ge 3:17-19).

So man has to work. And what brought this sucky situation about? Sin. Now people dream of retirement or jackpots, because they want to be free of the consequences of sin. And what do people like to do more than anything else? Sin.

Now we're back to the beginning. If some psycho were torturing your family, wouldn't you call the police? But people enjoy sin, so they don't call on God.

Because Adam was defeated by sin, so are we (Ro 5:12). Because God hasn't been defeated by sin (He 4:15, 1Pe 2:22), He is not (Ac 2:24). Hence God alone has defeated sin on our behalf (Ro 8:3, Col 2:15). Only by calling on God, can we overcome sin (Ro 10:13).

"But," you may say, "I know people who have called on God, and claim to know Him, but they still have to work every day. So what difference does it make?"

Jesus miraculously produced enough food for over 5000 people one day (Jn 6:5-13). And those people followed Him: not because they loved God. They did it for free food (Jn 6:26). But God doesn't want leeches. He wants love and loyalty.

So Christians still encounter temptation too. But they are given the power to resist temptation (1Co 10:13). Those who don't call on God, will still be tormented from sin in the next life (Re 20:10+15). No retirement. But Christians will be Absolutely Free.


Romans 8:3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:


No. 22 Aug. 24, 1998 Absolutely Free

Blood, sweat, and tears. Suppose you lost your job, and look for work at the unemployment office. A man steps in and says, "I'll pay anyone who wants $4 an hour, to dig ditches." Hard work, low pay. Oh boy. Some guys get up and go out with the man.

But you get some leads, sign up for benefits, and go hunting. Nothing. So you go back to the office on Monday. First thing in the morning, here he comes: "I'll pay anyone $4 an hour." Some people go. This goes on each week.

Pretty soon, your benefits run out, and instead of receiving checks, you start receiving "Disconnect" notices in the mail. "$4 an hour. Anyone who wants to work." Your options are starting to run out. So you accept, and follow him to the job site.

An hour later, he calls all the workers together, and says, "We're shutting down operations for 2 weeks vacation, starting tomorrow. So let's take the rest of the day off with pay - and here's a bonus check to show my appreciation."

Then he walks over to you, and hands you a check for $50,000. Everyone else gets one too. Working for this guy isn't as bad as you thought it was going to be, is it? It's like Christianity. To many people, the prospect of going following Jesus seems unpleasant, and they can't see enough incentive in it to interest them. Hard work, low pay.

There's a story like this in the Bible (Mt 20:1-16). The Boss represents God. The laborers are those who respond to His call (Mt 9:37+38). Have you ever felt the Spirit of God tugging at you to follow Him, but you resisted, and the feeling went away?

So have you missed your shot? No. In this story in the Bible, God called out to them several times. A lot of people hold out, hoping that something more attractive might come along. Is that you? Aren't you tired of being let down by empty temptations?

Follow Jesus: go to Heaven. People who serve God all their lives (Mt 25:21+23), and those who surrender to Him on their death beds both go to Heaven (Lu 23:43). Seniority isn't an issue. In fact, some of the newer converts are His favorites (Lu 7:47).

God is calling (Re 3:20). He pays better than $4/hr. (Mk 10:29+30). The retirement package is out of this world (Re 21:1-4). If you hear His voice, respond (Heb 3:15, 4:7). There are no prerequisites (Re 22:17): you can join His company, Absolutely Free.


Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.


No. 23 Aug. 31, 1998 Absolutely Free

Trophy wife. A neglected wife, asks her husband one day, "Am I a trophy wife? Is that all I am to you?" "Well," he replies, "I guess so - you're shaped kind of like a bowling-pin, so technically that would make you like a bowling-trophy wife."

That would probably be a bad thing to say, but there isn't actually a good answer to that question. "Yes you are," translates to, "I don't love you, but you enhance my image." But "No you're not," translates to, "Don't flatter yourself. You're not that hot."

Most people, even trophy wives, look kind of scary when they wake up in the morning. Before they go out of the house to dazzle the world with their opulence, they spend some time at the mirror, doing their hair and face: primping.

The definition of the word "trophy", is a monument of an enemy's defeat; a sign of victory. As applied to a wife, this means, "The competition was stiff, lots'a guys were after this babe, but she's with me." How could that possibly be taken as an insult?

Furthermore, when a wife is pregnant, everyone knows what the husband and wife have been up to, though they didn't see the act. When she gives birth to a child, it's the fruit of their union, that couldn't have been produced by either, alone.

In the Bible, God revealed His nature to the world, through the Israelites, then through Christ and His church. In both cases, God equated the relationship between Himself and His chosen people, to the relationship between a husband and wife (Is 54:5, Je 3:14, Mk 2:14, Ep 5:32), for the purpose of producing godly fruit (Mal 2:15).

By your relationship with God, you will bear fruit (Ga 5:22+23), and who you are espoused to will be known by that fruit (Mt 12:33). Though others cannot see you interact with God, they'll know what you've been up to, and with who: kids resemble their parents.

And God's people are encouraged to primp: not their hair or make-up, but with a meek and gentle spirit (1Pe 3:4), because that is what Christ has (Mt 11:29). But the competition is stiff: God's enemy wants to have you as well (1Pe 5:8).

Every Christian, is a trophy for Christ: a living monument to the triumph of grace over sin and judgment; a witness to Christ's victory over His enemy at the cross. Be a trophy wife. Let Christ strut, and say, "That's right, they're with me," Absolutely Free.


Isaiah 54:5 For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.


No. 24 Sept. 8, 1998 Absolutely Free

The hangin' judge. Suppose you're driving on one of those secondary highways that passes through several small towns, so the speed limit changes every 15 miles or so. There is a reduced-speed limit sign obscured by a low-hanging tree branch, and a cop waiting behind a billboard, who clocks you speeding past the sign. It's a trap.

It makes you angry. When you get pulled over, you say you're not going to pay the fine. So the cop decides to rough you up. In the tussle, as a reflex, you pop him in the face with the heel of your shoe. But he overpowers you, and hauls you in.

You're charged with reckless driving, speeding, resisting arrest, and assaulting a police officer. When you tell the other prisoners about it, one of them says, "Nobody gets away with that in this town. Tomorrow you'll be standing before the 'hangin' judge'."

The next morning, in the courtroom, you think of all the stories the other inmates told you about how severe this judge is. The door opens, the bailiff barks, "All rise!", and everyone snaps-to, as though being called to attention by a drill Sgt..

The judge steps in, and looks you dead in the eye. Then gets a big grin on their face, and calls you by your old nickname. It's your long-lost best friend who you haven't seen in years. They dismiss your case, call it a day, and invite you to their place for a cookout.

Now suppose you're driving down life's highway (Mt 7:13-14). You can't just set it on cruise. There are traps set to ensnare unwary travelers (1Ti 6:9, 2Ti 2:26). It's not fair. And after this life, you're going to have to stand before the Judge (2Ti 4:1, Ja 5:9).

You may have heard how severe this Judge is. He has a tendency to wipe-out entire cities when He's angry, by raining fire and brimstone on them (Ge 19:24). Or He causes the earth to swallow people (Nu 16:32). Or He strikes people dead (Ac 5:4-10, 12:23).

So we're all doomed right? No. Throughout this life, God calls us to be reconciled to Him (2Co 5:18). Or in other words, to be His friend (Jn 15:13-15). When we submit to His lordship, seek, and follow after Him, that friendship begins.

And friends don't let friends go to Hell. It's not what you know, it's Who you know. Is that fair? Yes, because God calls to everyone to be His friend. Furthermore, He's already paid the fine for us on the cross, so justice has been served, Absolutely Free.


2 Corinthians 5:18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;


No. 25 Sept. 14, 1998 Absolutely Free

Why don't you mind your own business? Nobody likes a tattle-tale. We're sick of hearing about scandals in the shadows. Now when someone blows the whistle on someone else, it's the whistle-blower who is evil. We've done a good job of demonizing them.

It's usually church people. Church people protest outside of abortion clinics, and discriminate against homosexuals. They preach against the conduct of public figures.

The general consensus seems to be, "An abortion is a tough decision for a fragile young girl to make, and protesters make it worse. And what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms, even if they're a public figure, is their own business."

And, most people are comfortable with the philosophy that, "Whatever your personal concept of God is, I'll respect, as long as you're not trying to push your religion off on me." Which is what church people do. Why don't they mind their own business?

Does the Bible tell them to meddle in other peoples' business? No. It fact it discourages us from meddling (Pr 20:3, 26:17, 1Pe 4:15). Gossip falls under this category (Pr 20:19, 1Ti 5:13). Then we should leave well enough alone, right?

No. We are called to be followers and imitators of Christ (Mt 4:19, 16:24, Ro 8:29). We are not called to intrude into the private affairs of others. But we are our brothers' keeper (Mt 25:40+45). If what people do, affects other people, then it's not a private affair.

You may believe that abortion is a woman's right, unless you're a baby, who's about to be mutilated by one. What about consenting adults? Consent doesn't legitimize evil.

How many homes have been destroyed, how many children have been heart-broken and/or neglected, how many deaths from disease, spawn from 2 adults consenting to evil? Even in law, when 2 adults consent to do something evil, it's called a conspiracy.

Jesus was well aware of the misdeeds of everyone he encountered as He walked the earth. But He didn't go around blowing the whistle on everyone. He loved and healed those who came to Him, and died in their stead (Ro 5:8). Love covers sin (1 Pe 4:15).

Jesus saves from sin. Christians are supposed to spread the word (Mk 16:15). That doesn't make them better than others. Spreading the Gospel has been called, "One beggar telling another beggar where the bread is." And this Bread, is Absolutely Free.


Proverbs 26:17 He that passeth by, and meddleth with strife belonging not to him, is like one that taketh a dog by the ears.


No. 26 Sept. 21, 1998 Absolutely Free

Teen Idol. Dion, Fabian, Elvis, the Fab Four, Donny Osmond. When these guys would take the stage, throngs of teenage girls would go into an emotional frenzy, waving their arms, jumping up and down, and fainting. It still happens today.

Girls adore them. They hang pinups of them in their bedrooms, and fantasize for hours about them. But they don't really love them. They don't really know them. They are infatuated with the fantasies they associate with their image. Pop-culture icons.

Each generation has had it's own signature, with the idols it has erected, through it's literature, poetry, music, art, architecture and philosophy. These are the hallmarks of it's culture. Think of the Sphinx, the Eifel Tower, the Mona Lisa, or Venus De Milo.

The exception to the rule, is the Jews. They're one of the oldest cultures we're aware of. They've been around since Abraham, and they've spoken the same language since before Moses. But they don't have a readily recognizable cultural heritage in the arts.

Why not? Because God told them not to build images, nor to worship them (Ex 20:4+5). That's exactly what God was trying to avoid. He didn't want people worshipping false idols (Zec 10:2). The fantasies they inspire are just that: fantasies. Not real.

It's not that God doesn't want us to get our hopes up, or even to worship. He wants us to worship something real. Him. So why doesn't He give us an image of Himself, so that we can focus our attention on it, and worship Him?

He has. He called it "Man", the living image of God (Ge 1:27). In fact, the Bible says that no man who hates his brother can love God (1Jn 4:20). But the worship inspired by teen-idols, or super-models, is not worship of the Creator, but of the creation (Ro 1:25).

Jesus said that the 2 most important commandments are: #1. Love God. #2. Love your neighbor (the image of God) (Mk 12:30+31). He went on to say that anything that you have done to the least of His brethren, you've done to Him (Mt 25:40). It is spelled out: do justly, love mercy, and walk with God (Mi 6:8).

Teenage girls grow up. They realize that fascination with idols is only a passing fancy. That's what we need to do. Grow up, and turn our attention from passing fancies, to the true God, Whom we can know, and Who can fulfill our real dreams, Absolutely Free.


1John 4:20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?


No. 27 Sept. 28, 1998 Absolutely Free

Out of the frying pan. About 1940, Michael Geldner, of Poland, was arrested by the Soviets, and sent to Poyma: a bitter cold gulag in Siberia; where he was forced to work 12 hours a day as a logger. He was given a little gruel or cabbage each day to live on. The summer was marked by mosquitoes, flies, lice and Typhus. He was always very, very tired.

At the end of W.W.II, the Soviets released many Polish prisoners. He was called into the commandant's office, after 5 years of hard labor, and told, "Go. You are free." He thought, "Go-you are free? What did he mean by that?" And returned to his barracks.

The next day, they opened the gate, and let him out. Free. 2000 miles away from Poland. No money. No ID. No friends. No transportation. His immediate impulse was to turn around and go back to camp. He didn't know what to do with himself.

This is common. Ex-cons who don't know what to do with themselves, often intentionally get arrested again, to return to a way of life they know. Isn't that tragic? People will prefer dependable misery, over unpredictable chance, out of fear of the unknown.

God understands this condition. When He freed the Israelites from Egypt, by parting the Red Sea, He led them into the wilderness. They promptly looked around and said, "Hmm, no food. No water. No shelter. Hey everybody, let's go back to Egypt (Nu 14:3+4).

So God gave them food and water (Ex 16:4-18, 17:6). This was their lesson: now that you're free from Egypt, stop looking to Pharaoh for help, and start relying on God. When they would return to their old ways, God would punish them (Ex 32:35).

This applies to us. When we submit to Jesus, He sets us free. Free from the rule of sin (Ro 8:2). But trials come that test our faith (1Pe 1:7, 4:12+13). Our instinct is to return to sin, because we don't know what to do with ourselves.

But Jesus does. So we are to follow Him (Mt 16:24). Scripture says that the just shall live by faith (Ham 2:4, Heb 10:38). That entails going where we don't know what to do with ourselves, and trusting Him to guide us. It's scary.

Dr. Geldner didn't turn back. He made it to Poland, finished his medical training, married, emigrated to the US, and settled in Wisconsin. His life is living testimony, that sometimes it's difficult to be Absolutely Free.


Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.


No. 28 Oct. 5, 1998 Absolutely Free

When Johnny comes marching home again. Esteem is the root word for estimate. So self-esteem, is how much one estimates themselves to be worth. And people gauge their sense of self-esteem, according to the recognition they get from others.

Young soldiers find comfort in day-dreaming about returning home, wearing their decorations. They anticipate that the folks back home will render respect toward their uniform, and be impressed by their ribbons, thus bolstering their self-esteem.

Why? GI's are typically surrounded by thousands of other GI's, so if a guy wanted to enhance his self-esteem, why wouldn't he simply vie for their recognition? Well, for one thing, a uniform doesn't stand out in the midst of a sea of uniforms.

But another, deeper reason, is that the GI knows that all of his acquaintances in the service are temporary friendships. He can gain all the respect they have, but he won't be able to sense that respect when he's gone home. You can't take it with you.

That's why they dream of home: permanent friendships. Lasting recognition. Security. Affirmation. People have an innate longing to be accepted and appreciated by others, and specifically others whom they care about and love.

God built that into us. After He created Adam, He said, "It is not good that man should be alone," (Ge 2:18). So God created all the animals. But none was an appropriate mate for man. So He created woman, out of man's own flesh (Ge 2:23).

This is the pretext for marriage (Ge 2:24, Mk 10:8). It was God's idea: to provide man with a permanent companion (Mt 19:5+6). Lasting. Security. Temporary affirmation doesn't fulfill. Or celebrities wouldn't need psychiatrists. They have their own fan clubs, who love and admire them; who they don't know from Adam.

Yet scripture tells us that marriage is intended to typify the relationship between Christ and His church (Ep 5:30-32). It was not good for man to be alone, because it is not good for God to be alone. He seeks companionship. So He made us (Re 4:11).

Oh God has the angels around. Adam had animals around. But Adam needed one like him. So does God. He created us in His image (Ge 1:27). And when we come to Christ, He gives us His Spirit. It's intended to be permanent, and it's Absolutely Free.


Revelation 4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.


No. 29 Oct. 12, 1998 Absolutely Free

Servants and masters. Those who hold public office are called "Public Servants", but they're really masters. They tax you, regulate you, and dictate your life. They'll sic the police on you if you're not mindful of them. Some servants.

But the advantage of democracy, is that if you don't like that person, you don't vote for them. It's that simple. So politicians run expensive campaigns, to get people to like them. They'll even do political favors for people while in office, to stay there.

Wouldn't it be nice if that's how you elected your bosses at work too? In an effort to keep their job, they'd stop by your work station, and say things like, "Can I get you a cup of coffee or something, Pal? Wow! You're doing great work."

And if 2 or more people were trying to run for that position, they'd have to campaign like politicians. You'd have bosses, saying things like, "I'm all for 10 paid sick days a month," and "Oh, I agree that you deserve at least another 2 dollars an hour."

Wouldn't that be terrible: bosses trying to get people to like them? They would have to adapt their policies on discipline, seniority, and training, to please the workers. They would go so far as to do favors for people, as though their jobs depended on it.

That's how it works spiritually. God allows us to select our own spiritual leader. Each spirit has it's own will. Some, took it upon themselves to rise in rebellion against God, under satan (Isa 14:12-14, Eze 28:2, 6, 9). You elect who leads you.

God will never lie to you, even when if the truth may hurt (Tit 1:2, Heb 6:18). He gives us opportunities to advance (Lu 19:17). He became like us, and showed that He was willing to trade places with us (2Co 5:21). He won't ask us to do anything He wouldn't do (Heb 4:15). But what He would do, is die for us, because of His love for us (Ro 5:8).

Satan wouldn't do anything for you but hurt you (Jn 10:10). He will try to convince you that he wants to improve your life. He'll even tell you that he's not satan (2Co 11:14). But he's lying (Jn 8:44). You can follow him if you want, but that would be stupid.

Some say that you don't have a free will: no vote. But Jesus says, "If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink" (Jn 7:37). "And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely" (Re 22:17). It's your option, your vote, your will, Absolutely Free.


Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.


No. 30 Oct. 19, 1998 Absolutely Free

Watering-hole. One day you're sitting at your favorite watering-hole, with your favorite watering-buddies, discussing what you would do if you hit the lottery. Wally says he'd start-up a business, then hire all of you guys as executives.

The next time you guys get together, Wally's not there. But when the news comes on TV, there he is: he'd hit the lottery for $9 billion. He's not wearing his work pants, T-shirt and sneakers now. He's wearing an Italian suit, and has a staff of body-guards.

The reporters call him Mr., and Sir, as he boards his private jet, to go make a business transaction somewhere across the globe. Wow. You used to know that guy. But he was nothing like that. Time passes, and you don't hear anymore from good ol' Wally.

Until the day that the limo pulls up in front of your house, and 2 men identifying themselves as your body-guards, explain that they have come to escort you to your jet. They call you Mr., and Sir, and say that they were sent by your business partner: Wally.

When Jesus used to run with the 12 Apostles, He called them His friends (Jn 15:15). He was closest to John (Jn 21:20-24). After He was resurrected, He told them that He had to leave: He had business to take care of, and so He left (Ac 1:4-9).

Later, John had a vision. In it, He saw Jesus. But Jesus didn't look like He did before: He was riding a horse, wearing crowns, and wielding a sword. He bore the title: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. And armies followed Him (Re 19:11-16).

Before Jesus split, He told His followers, that He was coming back, and that He was sending His angels to round-up the "elect" to join Him (Mt 24:30+31). And those who had passed on, like John has, would rise again, and join as well (1Th 4:16+17).

Just like Jesus was transformed from some humble guy who walked everywhere He went, into a mighty King: so those who believe in Him will also be transformed when He returns, and we join Him (1Co 15:51-54), with an escort of angels.

How do you become one of the "elect"? By being Jesus' friend (Mt 7:21). He said, "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you," (Jn 15:14). Does that mean you're saved by obedience? No. You're saved by faith. It produces obedience. You don't obey something you don't believe in. Have faith first. It's Absolutely Free.


Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.


No. 31 Oct. 26, 1998 Absolutely Free

Grown-up things. Son: "Dad, I'm 16 now, and I was hoping I could get a car."

Dad: "Well Son, a car is a good thing. And it's a good thing for you to want one. Because a car is also a grown-up thing. Now that you want one, it shows that you're growing up. That's good. But before I'm going to help you get grown-up things, I want to see you start acting like a grown up. Then I'll know I can trust you with them."

"OK Dad. What do you want me to do?"

"Well, you're going to take on more responsibilities with the chores. And I want you to start going to church, and reading that Bible of yours. And you need to cut that hair. If you're going to start acting like a grown-up, you need to look like a grown-up."

"OK Dad. But Dad, I've been helping out, and going to church, and reading my Bible. And you know what I found out? Jesus had long hair. So I thought I could keep mine."

"That's very good Son. That shows that you're paying attention. Now if you go back and read some more, you'll find that Jesus also walked everywhere He went."

No car. Though this is not an original joke, it's theme is accurate: The Father will get His way. If we want things from Him, we have to start doing what He wants. It's not a matter of deserving our blessings. Blessings are a by-product of cooperation.

The Apostle Paul wrote: "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things" (1Co 13:11). So Christians are expected to grow-up too (He 5:12).

Blessings are good things. It's a good thing to want one. To ask God for one, shows a willingness to be righteous. That's good. Then you should act righteously (Ja 2:14-26).

Jesus preached, "Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Mt 4:17). That word "Repent" means to change the direction you're going. It means, "grow up" more than "straighten up." If you want to be treated as an adult, act like one (Pr 17:7).

People ask God for things, don't get them, and for the rest of their lives, say, "I tried religion: it's nonsense." But they didn't get what they wanted, because they were spiritually immature (Ja 4:1-8). You wouldn't give your 8-year old a car to drive would you? God wants to give us good things (Mt 7:11, Lu 11:13, Ro 6:23, Ja 1:17), Absolutely Free.


Matthew 7:11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?


No. 32 Nov. 2, 1998 Absolutely Free

Expiration date. In a movie, a child got sick, and died. After hearing the news, one of her playmates asked her father why she died. He told her that God needed another angel. And after searching the whole world for the most suitable person, He chose her friend.

Though that's a very touching and comforting thought, it is in no way true. It's a common misconception that people become angels after they die. But that's not what the Bible says. Yet it does offer words of comfort for those mourning an innocent death.

Isaiah 57:1 says, "THE righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come. 2 He shall enter into peace: they shall rest in their beds, each one walking in his uprightness." God spared them from something terrible to come, and gave them peace.

Jesus said that in the next world we will be like the angels (Mt 22:30), not be angels. Which raises the question: what are angels like? Well for one thing, they're spirit beings (Heb 1:14). For another thing, they possess super natural powers (Re 14:18, 16:8, 18:1).

Some have 4 wings, some have 6 (Is 6:2, Ezek 1:6). They can appear on earth as an angel, or man (Lu 1:11, 26, 2:9-15, Heb 13:2). So when we die, we become supernatural, and immortal, can change our appearance, and come back and haunt people, right?

No. We don't get to operate in the fullness of our supernatural abilities until Jesus returns (1Co 15:52). So if you die today, and Jesus doesn't return for 1000 years, you don't get to come back and torment your old boss. You'll have a place to go.

Jesus talked of people in paradise or hell immediately after death (Lu 16:23, 23:43). Either way, we can't roam the earth. We'll have limits until the judgment (Lu 16:26). So if you've met a ghost, it was either an angel, or a fallen angel, but not the ghost of a human.

So if humans are created lower than angels (Heb 1:4), why shouldn't we want to become angels? Because our purpose is to become better than angels. By submission to God through Jesus, we receive the Spirit of God within us (Jn 14:17, Ro 8:11, 1Co 3:16).

Angels don't get that (1Pe1:12). During the Judgment, those who have God's Spirit within them, will judge angels (1Co 6:3). So unlike food, Christians become better once they pass their expiration date. And Jesus offers us this opportunity, Absolutely Free.


Hebrews13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.


No. 33 Nov. 9, 1998 Absolutely Free

The President's Friend. Since the assassination of John F. Kennedy, enough books have been written about him to fill a library. Suppose a new one, written by his close friend, includes conversations with JFK, revealing never before known secrets.

It even claims to have inside information, about his assassination. The book is so popular, it's author is interviewed on all the major news media and talk programs from coast to coast. Soon everyone has heard of his book, and wants to read it.

But it turns out to be a hoax. The guy never even met Kennedy. The whole book is an elaborate lie. How many people would say, "But there's a lot of history in it, and it's very well written. We should read it for it's literary value"? Wouldn't that be stupid?

But that's exactly what many people say about the Bible. Over 1500 times, the Bible claims to be the Word of God (Ro 3:1+2), through phrases like: "God said" (Ex 4:22). And people scoff, "That's ridiculous," yet claim the Bible is a very important literary work.

Nonsense. If it's a fraud it's trash, with no more literary value than the nutritional information on a cereal box. God either wrote it, or He didn't. If someone believes not, but that it's an important book; stay away from them. They think dangerously.

The Bible is comprised of 66 books, penned by some 40 different men, from outcasts to kings, over a period of about 1600 years. Yet harmony flows through it, regarding several controversial and complex issues, that apply to us, today.

Try getting 40, or even 20 authors today, from diverse backgrounds, to agree on the nature of God, man, angels, good, evil, sin, virtue, and other things. The reason the Bible has one perspective, is because it was inspired by one Spirit (2Ti 3:16).

Historians and archeologists have confirmed many of the dates, places, and events in it's pages. The more we learn, the more accurate it becomes. 40 men over time could share the same insight, because they all knew the President of the universe: God (2Pe 1:20+21).

"Bully for them, but how can I know if the Bible is authentic or not?" By knowing God too. The reason they wrote was to let you know how (2Co 5:18-20, 1Th 1:5). The better you know Him, the more you will be in harmony with His word as well (Ro 12:2).

By checking it out yourself, you can be the President's Friend, Absolutely Free.


2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:


No. 34 Nov. 16, 1998 Absolutely Free

You can't win if you don't play. People who play the stock market understand that the maximum return you can receive on zero investment is zero. Risk is an essential element in producing profit. No potential risk = no potential profit.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. The only way to win a game, is to place yourself in a position where you could possibly lose as well. That describes all sporting events in a nutshell. Making one's self vulnerable is the key to advancement.

The Bible says that "the invisible things of Him (God) from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made" (Ro 1:20). This is one of those things. Invisible, but true. You've got to take chances to prosper.

In fact, the Apostle Paul had some physical problem, and he asked God to heal him of it. The third time he asked, The Lord said 2 things: 1. "My grace is sufficient for thee" and 2. "My strength is made perfect in weakness" (2Co 12:9).

Another way to say those things could have been 1. "I accepted the punishment on the cross for your sins: isn't that enough?" and 2. "I want to demonstrate my power through you, and this is the necessary condition for it to have impact."

And Paul's response was, "Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." We find ourselves in circumstances we don't enjoy, because that's where God wants to use us, to show His power (2Ch 16:9).

Christ said, "whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it" (Mt 16:25). "Will lose" or are "willing" to lose your life for His sake. Why? Because He lost His life for yours (1Pe 3:18). That's only fair.

It might not come to that, but that's the risk you take when you invest your life in Christ. Where would the glory be in winning, when it wasn't possible to lose?

It takes no courage to face certain victory. What makes the heroes of the Bible great is that they were willing to face certain defeat, because of their faith in God, and He demonstrated His power through them: David was a boy, Goliath was a giant (1Sa 17).

You can't win if you don't play. Take a chance: the biggest in your life. Give yourself to God, through Jesus Christ, and He will give Himself to you, Absolutely Free.


2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him...

No. 35 Nov. 23, 1998 Absolutely Free

Us and Them. "There are people like us, and then there are those other people. Don't be like them." Do you know who says this? Everyone. Church people tell their children not to be like bar people, and par people try hard not to be like church people.

Suppose some guy showed up today, performing miracles like Jesus did. People would ask the churches whether he was of God or not. But they wouldn't be able to answer, until they could scrutinize him to see if he was like them or not.

So while they're studying him, he starts yucking it up with a biker. The biker invites him into the local bar for a game of 8-ball. So miracle-boy starts hoisting a few brewskies with the bikers, and telling them stories. They become great buds.

What are the church people going to say about this turn of events? The same thing they said about Jesus. One of Jesus' Apostles was Matthew, a publican. Publicans were hated thugs who collected taxes, like the Sheriff of Knottingham's bullies.

After Jesus met Matthew, they went to Matthew's house, chowed-down, and hoisted a few. The church people challenged His disciples about His inappropriate conduct (Mt 11:19, Mk 2:14-17, Lu 5:29-35). But guess what: if Jesus does it, it's appropriate. Period.

Jesus didn't categorize people into the "us and them" classifications. He knew very well that the church people would be offended by His actions beforehand. It's entirely possible that this is why He did some things (Mk 2:23-3:5, Jn 9).

The 2 groups that Jesus recognized, were those who were with Him, and those against Him (Mt 12:30, Mk 9:40, Lu 11:23), not "like us or them". It didn't matter if you were a Jew, a Greek, a barbarian, a fool or a sage (Ro 1:14-16, 10:12).

The Jews, God's "chosen" people, were chosen for one reason: they were descendants of Abraham, God's friend (2Chr 20:7, Is 41:8, Ja 2:23). And what was it about Abraham, that made him special to God? The fact that He believed God (Ge 15:6, Ro 4:3).

All the rules, the rituals, the 10 Commandments; these were all passed down to Abraham's descendants through Moses, to help them be more like God. But what pleases God is faith (Heb 11:6). He wants people to believe in Him. Don't look for a God who is like you. Believe in Jesus, and He will make you like Him (Ro 12:2), Absolutely Free.


James 2:23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.

No. 36 Nov. 30, 1998 Absolutely Free

No offense intended. One day, you show up at work, and there's a note on your tool box. The owner has gone away, and left you in charge. Cool. You know the ropes.

Pretty soon, the other employees start seeing how much rope you'll give them. They bring their cars into the shop, to work on them. They have friends visiting them at work. You think, "I guess if it doesn't interfere with their work, that's OK."

But then the owner returns. He has a fit. One of the employees says, "Cool out man, no offense intended." The owner says, "Cool out? Get out! You're fired!" Then he starts tipping over tool boxes, smashing things, and throwing stuff, and people out.

But not you. He wants to talk to you, in his office. Apparently your buds out there were constructing a meth lab. The cars they were working on were being rigged to smuggle drugs. If it would have continued, you and the owner would have been arrested.

Offense was intended, just not by you. By those who you gave rope to. They had an intended purpose, and the owner had an intended purpose. You were the one who was supposed to see to it that the owner's intentions were tended to.

Jesus walked into the temple one day, to find people selling stuff, and cheating others. He started flipping over tables, scattering merchandise, and driving people out with a whip (Jn 2:15). He said, "It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves." (Mt 21:13).

Jesus used to drive demons out of people too (Mt 8:16, Mk 1:34). He talked of demons leaving people, and returning with more buddies (Mt 12:45).

If you know someone who has a behavioral trait that they can't control, or is schizoid, maybe you know someone with this problem. Maybe you don't intend to offend God by the personal sin you entertain, but the demons tempting you do (1Pe 5:8).

Your body was intended by God to be the temple of the Holy Spirit (Jn 2:21, 1Co 3:16+17, 6:19). He left you in charge (1Co 14:32). When you submit to Him, He comes in, overturns the demons tables, and their schemes, and drives your demons out.

You need to let Jesus into your temple (Re 3:20). The priests of Jesus day, had Him arrested, and crucified. He gives the authority to you to decide, Absolutely Free.


1Corinthians 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?


No. 37 Dec. 7, 1998 Absolutely Free

Elementary my dear Watson. Sherlock was a whiz at deductive reasoning: the art of eliminating the variables, i.e.; a knife doesn't cause a bullet hole. Scratch the knife. The process of elimination. It's how you break codes, fix breaks, and solve mysteries.

So a lot of people who consider themselves regular Sherlocks, are determined to solve the mysteries of the universe, by eliminating God as a variable. Still other geniuses are willing to accept a limited edition of God in their formula, but eliminate miracles.

Those who propose that there is no God, call themselves atheists, but the term imbecile fits. An imbecile named Voltaire once said, "God created man in His image, and man returned the favor," implying that God is a figment of man's imagination.

But anyone who looks around at the grandeur of creation, and refuses to recognize a power in the universe, greater than themselves, is "handicapped", not "liberated": handicapped by a feeble mind. They can't perform miracles, thus neither can God.

By using deductive reasoning, a guy named St. Thomas Aquinas reduced the formula to it's least common denominator, by saying that motion, in itself, verifies the existence of God. Motion is an effect not a cause. Every effect must stem from a cause.

Since nothing is capable of causing itself, and the universe is set in motion; the only logical conclusion to arrive at is that something apart from, and greater than the universe, created it. Non-imbeciles call this higher-power God.

God is not a variable (Ja 1:17). He is the only constant (Mal 3:6, Heb 13:8, Re 1:8, 22:13). Everything else is subject to change (Mt 24:35). Physicists refer to this basic truth as the "Laws of Thermodynamics." Everything in the universe is breaking down.

When Sherlock Holmes would solve a mystery, not only Dr. Watson, but millions of readers would marvel at his brilliant reasoning, and ability to scrutinize evidence. But guess what: Sherlock Holmes never existed. He's the figment of someone's imagination.

However, regarding evidence, more material evidence exists confirming the life and legacy of Jesus Christ (Ac 1:3, 1Co 15:6), than does to confirm the legacy of William Shakespeare. And nobody doubts that Shakespeare existed. So don't be an imbecile. God gave you a mind to understand with, and be saved (Mt 13:15, 1Ti 2:4), Absolutely Free.


James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.


No. 38 Dec. 14, 1998 Absolutely Free

If you've seen one, you've seen 'em all. Suppose the numbers on the TV match your lottery ticket. You're the rightful owner of $9,476,299,832.68. So you call the authorities, to claim the jackpot, and tell them that your name is Zippy Smith.

When you get there, they've already given the money away. "Yeah, some guy named Smith showed up, and that's supposedly the winner's name, so we gave it to him." When you argue, they say, "Look, you're a Smith, they're a Smith, what's the difference?"

Would you be a little upset? Well suppose you're the rightful owner of more than $9½ Billion. Suppose you own the universe. You created it. You contact people, and let them know that you're name is Jesus, and that you'll be stopping by.

But people don't give the you the honor that's due you. They say, "Look, you're God, right? So is Buddha, and Allah, Hari Krishna, Walt Disney, and who knows who else, so what's the difference? If you've seen one, you've seen 'em all."

When they asked Jesus if people should pay taxes or not, He asked them whose image was superscribed on a coin. They said Caesar's. So He told them to give to Caesar what belonged to Caesar, and to give to God what belonged to God (Mt 22:21).

People understood this as meaning that taxes rightfully belonged to Caesar (Ro 13:1-7). But in the same sentence, Jesus implied that something also belongs to God, and that we should give it to Him, as our duty, just as paying taxes is our duty (Mal 3:8+9).

And it matters who you give it to. If you give your tax money to phone company, the IRS isn't going to give you a receipt marked "paid in full." And if you give the reverence, obedience and honor due God to some other entity, He won't be happy about that, any more than you would be, if they gave your lottery winnings to someone else.

It's not enough to say that there is a God. There are myriad entities out there claiming to be God (1Jn 4:1). You need to look at the character of those entities, and of those who follow them, to see what is produced by their religion (Lu 6:43-45).

Islam causes people to be angry. Hinduism causes people to be self-absorbed. But the advent of Jesus Christ brought Peace on earth, and Good Will toward men (Lu 2:14). And women, and minority groups (Ga 3:28). For He is Love (1Jn 4:7-12), and Absolutely Free.


1John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. 8 He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.


No. 39 Dec. 21, 1998 Absolutely Free

You have the right to remain silent. A right is something that you are entitled to: the first car to arrive at a 4-way stop, is entitled to be the first to go through the intersection. That's called the "right of way." Being first qualifies you for the right.

Rights come with qualifications. The US Constitution lists freedoms in it's Bill of Rights. To qualify for them, you have to be a US citizen. But convicts have their freedoms taken away. Disqualified. What makes people think they deserve their rights?

Everyone, right or wrong, has a sense of what they do and don't deserve. They strive to justify their claims, by listing the qualifications, and how they apply to them. Some people think they deserve to get paid, just for showing up at work.

Christians claim a right to Heaven, without earning it (Ep 2:8+9), and that even a bad person can go to Heaven (Mt 22:10, Ro 4:4+5, 5:8). Does that seem fair?

It's not a matter of earning. It's a matter of grace. The distinction between mercy and grace, is that mercy means not getting what you deserve: punishment for wrong doing; and grace is getting what you don't deserve: unearned favor. God gives both mercy and grace.

If a man builds an empire, he earned it. If his son inherits it, he didn't earn it, but has a right to it. And if that son decides to share it with his friends, it becomes their right. They're qualified for that right by grace. The son extended his grace to them, as a gift.

Know your rights. When you come to faith in Christ, you become a member of His body (Ro 12:4+5, 1Co 12:27), just as your finger is a member of your body. He has earned every blessing and honor through His total voluntary sacrifice. That's His qualification.

As a member of Him, you qualify by default. It's that simple. Scripture says, "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich" (2Co 8:9).

If we deserve poverty, He accepted it on our behalf, that we might possess His riches. We deserve punishment, and He accepted it, that we might escape (Is 53:4+5). In accepting Him as our Lord, we become in Him (Jn 14:20, Ro 6:11, 8:1).

In Him, are all the fulness of the blessings that He earned (Col 2:9). We deserve death, and He accepted it, that we might have life as a gift (Ro 6:23), Absolutely Free.


Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.


No. 40 Dec. 28, 1998 Absolutely Free

It's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. Suppose you had a gravy job, traveling from town to town, doing business with customers. The only hitch is, there's no such thing as a hotel or motel. That's how it used to be for centuries.

Before airlines and railways, there was no such thing as zipping from coast to coast in a few hours. Holiday Inns and HoJo's are a relatively new thing as well. So travelers used to journey from town to town, hoping to find hospitality in each place.

If no one was kind enough to put you up in their home, you'd be camping. No Showers. No Big Macs. No heat. There were perils on the road: highwaymen. There were perils in town: muggers. You would be a stranger in a strange land.

This is how it was in Bible days. Some cities had inns, but not the burbs. God told the Jews to be kind to strangers, remembering that they had once been strangers (Ex 22:21, 23:9, Le 19:34, De 10:19). It was customary to invite travelers into your home.

There are many occurrences of this custom in scripture (Ge 18:2-5, 19:1-3, Jud 19:15-21, 2Ki 4:8-10). The New Testament even encourages us to entertain strangers, because many people have entertained angels in doing so, and not known it (Heb 13:2).

When Jesus sent some of His disciples out to preach, He told them that this is how they were supposed to find room and board while they were on the road (Mt 10:11, Lu 9:4). And if someone wouldn't receive them, they should leave (Mt 10:14, Mk 6:11, Lu 9:5).

They weren't homeless. If you're looking for a place to stay in a strange town, it doesn't mean you don't have a home. It means you're not at your home right now. Jesus Himself said that He wasn't from around here (Jn 8:23, 16:28, 17:14, 16, 18:36).

He didn't have a place to lay His head (Mt 8:20). That's still the case. Jesus still wants to get around, and do His thing here, but His body is in Heaven. So He's looking for a place to stay here: another body to occupy. Yours (Jn 14:17, Ro 8:9, 1Co 6:19).

Bodies are dwelling places for spirits (Mt 12:43-45, 1Co 3:16). Jesus would like for you to open up and receive Him, so His Spirit can dwell there with you, socialize, eat and drink with you there (Re 3:20). That way He can do His thing, through you, and you can be a firsthand witness of the reality of His presence and goodness, Absolutely Free.


John 14:17 "the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.


No. 41 Jan. 4, 1999 Absolutely Free

Serious as a heart attack. If you were to walk into an average fire station, on an average day, you'd find guys lounging around, sleeping, or watching TV. Ambulance drivers park in the shade, and read magazines. What's a cop without a donut?

But when the sirens start screaming, the adrenaline rushes, and these guys act without thought for personal safety. No fire - No rush. Only when there's an emergency. It takes a sudden dose of urgency to jolt most people from their rut.

Some people believe in God. Some don't. Some are terrified of Him. Some act like He's they're His best friend, all cozy and snuggly. And though He wants us to love Him (De 6:5), that love should be coupled with a sort of holy fear (Pr 9:10).

Some very intelligent, rational, compassionate people, refuse to accept the version of God in the Bible, because when He gets angry, people die (Nu 16:31-35). Often times, those people are innocent of the offense that angered Him (Nu 16:49, 2Sa 12:14, 24:15).

But God doesn't enjoy killing people (Eze 18:32, 33:11). He'd rather they were all saved (Mt 18:14, 1Ti 2:3+4). His mercy is unlimited (Ps 136, Mt 18:22). When an evil man turns to God from evil, his sins are forgiven (Je 36:3, Eze 18:30, Ro 4:5, 5:8).

But wait: this means that Hitler could possibly be in Heaven. And murderers, rapists, liars and thieves - no way! Where is the justice? Where is the reward for evil?

So some people refuse to believe in God, because He's too harsh, and some refuse to believe in Him because he's too tolerant. And all He wants, is for people to believe in Him (Ge 15:6, Ro 4:3, He 11:6). And we are the genies who can grant that wish for Him.

But how does that justify His killing the innocent? 1. He created them, they owe Him their existence. 2. If it seems that they got gypped in this life, He has all of eternity to compensate them for it. Compared to eternity, this life is a blip (Is 40:6-8). He's the one who's going to settle all debts at the end of the show. So it'll be done fairly. You'll see.

He is merciful. But when people get too cozy, they tend to take Him for granted, and get lazy. Then when He gets steamed, people die. Most people get real serious when people die. Serious as a heart attack. Don't wait for some emergency to get your attention.

You have His attention (Lu 12:6+7), all the time, Absolutely Free.


Ezekiel 18:32 "For I have no pleasure in the death of one who dies," says the Lord God. "Therefore turn and live!"


No. 42 Jan. 11, 1999 Absolutely Free

What's love got to do with it? Ever since time immemorial, young men and women have met, fallen in love, demonstrated their commitment to one another by getting married, and consummating the marriage by merging biologically. You know what that means.

And ever since time immemorial, armies of young men have invaded neighboring countries and villages, engaged in mortal combat with the local young men, then abused the local young women, by merging with them biologically. Not in the spirit of love.

Both sets of men merged: went through basically the same motions; yet one was expressing love, the other contempt. So merging doesn't equal love.

Many people don't feel comfortable thinking about merging, and church at the same time. They think churches teach that merging is only intended to produce children, and if you've enjoyed it, then you did something evil. But that's not what the Bible teaches.

One book is devoted to a young couple's desire for one another (SS). Another book instructs a man about his wife: "Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished alway with her love" (Pr 5:19).

Ravished with love. An expression of worship - and getting about as involved in that worship as you can get. But when one person is just using the other, it's not love. In many frustrated relationships, one person wants to feel worshipped, and appreciated, but the other person is just getting their jollies, and it leaves their partner feeling cheap.

Worship, means "worth-ship". It's an expression of appreciation, that indicates how much you feel the other party is worth. So it's not coincidental, that in our relationship with God, we are called to worship Him (Ph 3:3). Not just go through the motions.

When we commit to God, by accepting Him as our Savior, He consummates that relationship by merging with us spiritually (Jn 17:21-23). There are those who go through the motions of worship, whom He is going to tell to get lost, because they didn't mean it (Mt 7:23). He can tell when worshippers actually hold Him in contempt (Is 29:13).

So when someone honestly asked Him exactly how we are supposed to express our worship, He said, "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth" (Jn 4:24). Be true to Jesus, and be Absolutely Free.


John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.


No. 43 Jan. 18, 1999 Absolutely Free

Deliberate Ignorance. 6 + 4 - 2 = __. Johnny says, "It's 10!" Teacher says, "That's not correct." Johnny says, "Yes it is, 6 + 4 = 10. Are you saying 6 + 4 isn't 10?" Teacher: "You're leaving out part of the formula." Johnny: "then no one can really know the answer."

There's a body, a puddle, and a man jumping up and down, waving his arms, shouting, "I did it! I stabbed him with an icicle, and it melted! I did it!" The cops say, "There's a hole in the body, but no weapon. No one can really know what happened here."

Is that true? Why would Johnny refuse to recognize the "- 2" portion of the formula? Why would the detectives not detect the shouting man? Are they retarded? It seems so.

All the ancient cultures dating back about 4000 years had legends of a great flood, just like the Bible describes (Ge 7:11-24). Historians wrote about the "Lost City of Atlantis" which was lost in a flood. There are aquatic fossils on mountain tops.

A mammoth was preserved in a glacier, with tropical vegetation in it's tummy: a sign of a great cataclysm, hurling a tropical animal into cryonics: not a gradual "ice age".

With all this evidence, ask a modern school teacher, why all the dinosaurs suddenly went extinct. They'll tell you that there's no way to know. If wind and erosion smooth the surfaces of rock, and mountains took millions or years to form, why are the rocks jagged?

There's no way to know. If man evolved from monkeys over millions of years, why aren't there any skeletons or fossils of sub-species between monkey and man? After all, dinosaurs were supposed to be extinct millions of years earlier, and we find their bones.

There's just no way to know. Is there? Or could it be, that like Johnny and the cops, someone, somewhere is intentionally ignoring factors - leaving out part of the formula? Leaving out, oh, say, God for example? Why would they do that? Are they retarded?

God doesn't blame us for not knowing things that we can't possibly know (Lu 12:48, Jn 9:41, Ro 2:12). But the evidence in creation, is like God jumping up and down, shouting, "I did it! I did it!" (Jb 37:5, Ps 139:14). There's no excuse for not seeing it (Ro 1:20).

So the answer is yes: they're retarded. The trendy scholars who insist on leaving God out of the formula are fools (Ps 14:1, 53:1, Ro 1:22). How much education does it take, to begin ignoring obvious truth? Don't get that far. Think, believe, and be Absolutely Free.


Ps.139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.


44 Jan. 25, 1999 Absolutely Free

A panic attack on your part, doesn't constitute an emergency on my part. One day you step into quicksand. As you sink, a couple passes by and sees you. She's too frail to pull you out of the quicksand, but he is able, and he approaches to help.

Then she says, "Don't you go near that mud, Howard - you'll simply ruin your trousers." So he looks at you, and tosses up his hands in a gesture of, "Sorry, I guess there's nothing I can do." So you plead with him. But she glares at him. He can't decide.

After you go under, you meet St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. He says, "Hey pal, I'm going on break. Could you watch the gate for a few minutes? Don't let any bad people in." As soon as he vanishes, two people approach, hoping to gain access to Heaven. It's none other than Howard and the missus. Now it's your turn to decide their fate.

There's a Character in the Bible named Pilate. When the Jewish officials arrested Jesus, they turned Him over to Pilate to kill Him. They weren't able to crucify Jesus, but Pilate was (Jn 18:31). He could also let Jesus go if he so chose (Jn 19:10).

Poor ol' Pilate couldn't make up his mind. He wanted to release Jesus, but the Jews were hollering at him (Jn 9:15). So washing his hands in a gesture of, "I guess there's nothing I can do," he let Jesus be killed (Mt 27:24).

That was a long time ago, and Pilate is dead now. But on Judgment Day, when he comes forward, either to be condemned or excused (Ro 2:15), do you know who's going to be making the decision? That's right, Jesus (Jn 5:22). Kind of poetic, huh?

But wait, that's not all. Now that Jesus has been resurrected, He wants to continue to live and function on earth, by pouring out His spirit upon those who believe in Him (Ac 2;17+18), and living in their hearts, operating through them (Jn 17:26).

It's the job of those who preach to tell you, that He wants to live in your heart. You get to make the decision, Pilate, whether Jesus will live or not, in your heart. It's up to you, Howard, to either help Him, or let Him die. If you hear Him, help Him (Heb 4:7).

The spirit of this world hates Jesus (Jn 7:7). It will try to discourage you from helping Him. Don't listen to it. This is the most important decision a person makes in their life. Don't wrestle with it. Let Jesus live in you, and let Him be Absolutely Free.


John 19:10 Then saith Pilate unto him, Speakest thou not unto me? knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and have power to release thee?


No. 45 Feb. 1, 1999 Absolutely Free

Passbook savings account. Suppose your parents wanted to teach you financial responsibility, so ol' Dad gets you a savings account at the local bank with $5 in it, and gets you a job. He tells you to put away some money each week for a rainy day.

But each week, you spend all your money. You get a better job. Get married. Buy a house on a farm. You don't plant any seed. You borrow money to buy a tractor to harvest your crops. But when the harvest comes, there's no crop. Hmm, that's odd.

Then it rains, and washes your house, and all your belongings into the river. Your spouse says, "What do we do now?" Your face lights up: "It's OK, honey. I just remembered that I've got a savings account at the bank!" So you 2 walk to the bank.

Balance = $14.73. With that much money, you can take a cab back home to where your house used to be. How much sympathy do you think you're going to get from others when you tell them that you went bankrupt, because you didn't invest seed and savings?

Is this a complex concept: that you reap what you sow (Ga 6:7)? If you sow nothing, you reap nothing? If you sow corn, you get corn (Ge 1:11+12)? God designed the world we live in for a reason: so we would understand justice. Justice? How so?

When Jesus said, "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge ye shall be judged..." (Mt 7:1+2), He was saying that you reap what you sow. So says, "And as you would that men should do to you, do also to them likewise" (Lu 6:31), Because Matthew 7:2 says it will be done to you likewise.

You made your bed, your going to have to sleep in it. You get what you pay for. It's going to rain someday, and you're going to come face to face with God (Re 20:12). When you do, you're going to receive one of two things: judgment, or mercy (Ps 89:14).

God gave us natural law, i.e.: plant beans/get beans; So we would understand His process. He Gave us the Old Testament, the Jewish Law, so we would understand the rules of His Judgment. He gave us Jesus Christ, so we could understand His mercy (Jn 1:17).

If you want mercy, you need to appeal to the grace of God through Jesus Christ: that's opening an account. But then you need to make deposits in that account, by being merciful to others (Mt 18:33-35, Ja 2:13), and you'll be Absolutely Free.


James 2:13 For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment.


No. 46 Feb. 8, 1999 Absolutely Free

Look out your window. As two people watch TV, an amber ray of sunshine beams in the window. One person gets up, goes to the window, and peering out, says, "Hey, check out this gorgeous sunset!" The other person, without looking, says, "Uh huh. Beautiful."

"No, no; come here: you've got to see this to believe it!"

"I see it. It's great. Gilligan's on. Leave me alone."

You can see a sunbeam, but you can't see the sun unless you're in it's rays.

It never rained before the flood of Noah's Ark fame (Ge 2:5+6). No one had ever seen rain or a rainbow (Ge 9:12-17). In fact, none of the people who died in the flood ever saw a rainbow. Only those who were saved.

"Saved" is the term used to describe those who are going to make it to heaven, because of their faith in Jesus Christ (Ro 10:13). "Rainbow" is the term used to describe the glory around the throne of God in heaven (Re 4:3).

Hebrews 1:3 says Jesus is "the brightness of his [God's] glory, and express image of his person..." Another translation of that word "brightness" is "radiance": having the same root word as "ray", as in ray of light. God is the source of the light ray: Jesus.

Only those who are saved get to see kingdom of heaven (Jn 3:3-7). When you're saved, That's called being "in Christ". You have to stand in the Son to see the glory of the Father, just as you have to stand in the rays of the sun, to see the sun.

Other people can see the beam: the effects of Jesus on the world (Jn 3:8). When you stand in the beam; in Jesus, others can see the way the beam lights you up, by the changes that occur in you when you stand in Him (Mt 5:14-16). But you can't make them join you.

Jesus described them by saying, "For this peoples heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them" (Mt 13:15).

The message of salvation in the Bible glorious to behold. But unlike a rainbow, or a sunset, you don't have to see it to believe it: you have to believe it to see it. But like sunsets and rainbows, and all good things, it's Absolutely Free.


Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.


No. 47 Feb. 15, 1999 Absolutely Free

Till Death Us Do Part. Two cave men live in a cave: A big tough ape-like guy, and a little scrawny guy. The big guy goes out and kills woolly mammoths for supper and brings them back to the cave. But when the scrawny guy reaches for a piece, the big guy slaps his hand, and says, "Don't touch. Not yours. Get own. My rules."

The big guy goes out and conquers neighboring cave man villages, bringing treasure and women back to the cave. He tells the scrawny guy, "Don't touch. My rules."

But one day, a huge gnarly dinosaur grabs the big guy, and eats him like a candy bar. No more big guy. Suddenly the scrawny guy, finds himself in charge of a spacious cave, furnished with cool stuff, and a harem of women, and no rules. Now he can touch.

It still works that way. If a wife sleeps with some guy other than her husband, that's called adultery: grounds for divorce. But if the husband dies, the wife can marry that same other guy, and nothing's wrong with that (Ro 7:2). She still keeps her late husband's stuff.

The Israelites developed a relationship with the Big Guy, God. He gave them all sorts of rules that start with, "Thou shalt not..." (Ex 20:1-17). And He did all sorts of cool things that the scrawny people were incapable of doing.

Then He visited the world in the form of a man: Jesus (Jn 1:14). And then He died. What happened to the scrawny caveman when the big caveman died? What happened to the wife when the husband died? What happened to the people when Jesus died?

His stuff became theirs. Now suppose the scrawny caveman refused to believe that the big caveman had died. Every time he thinks about touching his stuff, he's afraid the big guy will come in with a club, and pummel him. He wouldn't enjoy the stuff.

In order to enjoy the stuff, you have to believe in Jesus (Jn 3:16). You have to believe that He died (Ro 6:3-10), and left His stuff to you as an inheritance (Heb 6:12, 1Pe 3;9, Re 21:7). You have to believe that the Big Guy isn't going to club you for enjoying His stuff (Heb 4:16). You can only believe these things, by developing a relationship with Him (1Jn 1:3). The cavemen had a relationship. So did the husband and wife.

The Bible equates our relationship with God, to marriage. And because of that relationship, all that is His, is ours (1 Co 3:21+22, Col 1:16, Re 4:11, 1), Absolutely Free.


Romans 6:3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?


No. 48 Feb. 22, 1999 Absolutely Free

The Cookie Jar. "Mommy, you're the best mommy in the whole world." These words of praise usually come right before, or after, "Mommy, can I have a cookie?" Isn't it amazing how much people appreciate you when they want something from you?

If you want to see a dog get real excited, and wag it's tail a lot; make him think you're going to feed him. Cats are like that too. They'll purr and rub on you, and meow. Then after you feed them, they look bored, and go lay in a sunspot.

Why aren't we offended when this happens? When a car dealer whom we've never met before, acts like he's suddenly our best friend, we get defensive because we know he's just trying to sweet-talk us into making a deal that he'll profit from.

Most of us like being sucked-up to by our kids or pets. We like being the source of their providence, and well-being. When kids get older, and more independent, that gratitude and affection seems to diminish. You've got to get it while you can.

You know before you buy a dog, that you're going to have to take care of it. You know before you have a baby, that you're going to be up in the middle of the night feeding it, pacing around with it, trying to get it to sleep; changing it's diapers.

And yet people buy pets anyway. They have kids anyway. In fact they look foreword to investing their time and energy in someone who is basically self-centered.

God is like that. He knows that most of the time, when most people pray; even though they're showering Him with praise and honor: they're really only approaching Him because they want something from Him. He knew that before He made you.

God likes being our source. He wanted to be beforehand. That's why he created us (Re 4:11). And He is jealous if we look to someone else as our source (Ex 34:14). He wants to bless us with good things (Mt 7:11). Even when we're ungrateful (Lu 6:35).

He wants our affection (De 6:5), even as He sees us giving that same affection to other things: like a cat who purrs as it rubs on you, and when it rubs on the toilet. We have the same nurturing instincts, because we are created in His image (Ge 1:26+27).

He is the source of every good thing (Ja 1:17). And to those who submit to His Lordship, through Jesus Christ, every good thing is Absolutely Free.


Matthew 7:11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?


No. 49 March 1, 1999 Absolutely Free

Cure the headache by cutting off the head. In the classic television show, "Star Trek," the starship's surgeon was Dr. McCoy, but the ship's captain always called him "Bones:" short for "Sawbones," a nickname given to Civil War field surgeons.

During the Civil War, supplies became scarce. Often, a soldier had been wounded for days, before reaching the field hospital. If blood stopped circulating in an area, the flesh there would die. Mortise would set in. Gangrene is the decaying of the dead flesh.

It affects the flesh near it, which begins to rot as well. So the gangrene spreads, eating away flesh. The only way to stop this process, is to carve the affected area out. If it's an arm or a leg, you saw it off. Saw bones. Civil War hospitals were ghastly places.

About 1830 years earlier, Jesus said, "if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell" (Mt 5:30).

In His day, His nation was occupied by the Romans, just like Poland was occupied by the Nazis, during W.W.II. Multitudes followed Jesus because of His miracles. Many hoped that He would proclaim Himself King, and lead the rebellion against the Romans.

That would have caused the destruction of the Jewish nation. The high priest knew this, and plotted to kill Jesus, saying, "it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not" (Jn 11:50).

Viewing the whole nation as a body, the high priest determined that it was better for one member to perish, than the whole body. He didn't know it, but it was actually God who actually came up with this idea (Jn 11:51, Re 13:8), to save the people.

The gangrene that affects the body of people in this world is sin. Until man sinned, there was no death on earth. Man brought sin, sin brought death. Death has affected all men since (Rom 5:12). Enter Jesus. He became sin for us (Ro 8:3, Col 2:14).

He accepted death for sin, on our behalf, that we might live, by faith in Him (2 Co 5:21). Scripture tells us that all believers are individual members of one body, the body of Christ (1 Co 12:27). and that Christ is the head of the body (Ep 4:15+16). So our headache: death, was actually cured, by the cutting off of the head, that we might be Absolutely Free.


Romans 8:3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:


No. 50 March 8, 1999 Absolutely Free

No-longer-common-sense. Generations ago, most people lived on a farm. It was a good idea to have a whole flock of kids, because eventually they could help with the chores: many hands make a big job small. But they didn't all do exactly the same amount of work.

In fact, the very young and helpless, and the old and feeble, required work to care for, rather than did work. But a youngster you would take on a little work. Then an adult, would accept the brunt of the work. And as you passed your prime, you started to chill.

The load was distributed respectively according to ability. It only made sense. But now it doesn't seem to make much sense to have a bunch of kids: many mouths make a paycheck small. And it's more expedient to shuffle old folks off to nursing homes.

So some of the concepts that used to be common sense, are not so common anymore. Now, in a workplace, a 20 year old will look at a 50 year old doing the same job, and say, "He makes more than me, so I'm not going to do any more than he does."

Or, "I do more than him. I should make more than he does." Hey, kid: he used to be 20. He did his time. Jesus said, "Judge not that ye be not judged" (Mt 7:1). Did He mean that we're not allowed to judge what someone else does?

No. It means not to compare yourself to other people, and assume that you are a more worthy, or worthless person then they are, by outward appearances (1 Sam 16:7). Yes, you can determine that someone's behavior is wrong. But everyone is subject to temptation. You don't know what temptations that person has been subjected to.

You don't know how you would have turned out in their place. You can't walk a mile in their shoes. Jesus can. He endured every temptation known to man, but didn't yield (Heb 4:15). And He doesn't want to condemn people who have (Jn 3:17, 8:11, 15).

Jesus told a story of a church guy, and a sinner, both praying at the temple. The sinner prayed for mercy. The church guy prayed a prayer of thanks, that he was not like the sinner. Jesus said the sinner was more justified by his prayer (Lu 18:14).

It's unwise to rate others, and assume yourself to be more righteous than them (2 Co 10:12). Instructing us to do likewise, Jesus assumed the role of the least worthy (Jn 13:15), that through His poverty, we might be rich (2 Co 8:9), Absolutely Free.


2 Corinthians 8:9 For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.


No. 51 March 15, 1999 Absolutely Free

Tie a yellow ribbon 'round the old fig tree. Suppose you buy a house with a fig tree in the back yard, because you just love figs. But when the very few figs that appear on it do ripen, you pick them, and they don't taste all that good.

So you plant another fig tree. When it matures, and bears fruit, they're the sweetest, most delicious figs you've ever tasted. You're so happy.

But then one day, Libyan terrorists decide to attack your house, and shoot a bazooka at you. And it would have killed you too, except that the rocket strikes your new fig tree, blowing-up the trunk. It chopped-down your tree, but saved you.

Oh joy - you're alive! Oh no, your fig tree - it's dying. But that had the best figs of all. So you look at your old tree, with hardly any fruit, and you get a ladder, and you start sawing off the limbs that don't produce fruit, at an angle.

As you do, you also saw off the limbs from the top of your new tree, that now lays in your yard, and graft them onto the old tree. So your old tree, now bears sweet fruit.

Now suppose you're God. Your old tree is the nation of Israel (Ps 1:3). You had intended for them to bear fruit, but they weren't very faithful in so doing (Mt 21:19).

So you planted a new tree: Jesus. He is the trunk, and those who follow Him are branches of Him (Jn 15:5). And He bore satisfying fruit unto you (Jn 8:29). But those who were jealous of Him, killed Him on a cross-zooka.

And there all of His followers laid, in your yard, with no trunk.

God decided that He was going to reveal Himself to the world, that the world might better understand Him. He chose a man named Abraham, and called Him his friend (Ja 2:23). All Abraham did that made God like Him, was believe the things God said (Ge 15:6).

And so God gave a promise to Abraham, that his descendants (the Jews, the nation of Israel) would inherit a fruitful land, and in Abraham's seed, all the nations of the earth would be blessed (Ge 22:18). And that seed was Jesus (Ga 3:16), a Jew.

Believing in Jesus, you will be considered Abraham's seed because of your faith (Ro 4:13, 16, 21-25, Ga 3:7-9); just like Abraham. And God will graft you into the old tree (Ro 11:16-24), to receive the eternal blessing, Absolutely Free.


Romans 4:13 For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.


No. 52 March 22, 1999 Absolutely Free

The rules. It's 1825. You're a farmer. You sell grain. The more grain you sell, the more money you make. As you look across your barnyard, what do you see? Your animals eating grain. So you think, "Look at all the profit those beasts eat up!"

So you stop feeding them. Pretty soon, your chickens are laying fewer and smaller eggs. Your cow puts out less and less milk. Your ox can't plow. The chickens you eat are scrawny. Your meals become lean. Your animals are sick and starving to death.

So you start feeding them again, but only enough to keep them alive, and squirting out product: milk, eggs, work. But your weak, and malnourished ox can't pull that plow as hard as it used to, so it tills less acreage. And you harvest less grain than before.

Wasn't the original plan, to increase the amount of grain you were able to sell? Did the plan work? No, but it seems to make sense on paper.

In corporate America, at the end of the 1980's, and into the 90's, the buzz word was "Downsize." It became popular in executive circles to increase profits, by reducing pay, inventory, benefits, and workforce. "The Japs have been doing this for 30 years."

At the same time, bonuses and salaries for executives skyrocketed. Also, the Japanese economy collapsed. Where do you think the fat should be trimmed?

By making their budgetary cuts at the workers' expense, companies sought to starve the profit-eating beasts. But in fact the they have bitten the hands that feed them. Employee loyalty is now all but non-existent. They've shot themselves in the foot.

Scripture says: Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn (De 25:4). On the surface, this seems to say, "Be nice - let your animal eat." But in practice, it really means, "You will profit more, by feeding your animals liberally" (Pr 11:25).

Like so many of the instructions in the Bible, it seems to hinder you, but turns out to encourage your prosperity (Pr 14:4). If people simply obeyed instructions regarding sex (Ex 20:14, Le 18, Ac 15:29), there would be no VD epidemics, or genetic mutations due to incest; and considerably less divorce, single parents, and child support payments.

God has no ambition to rule us like a dictator (Mk 10:42-45), but wants to nurture us like a mother (Is 66:13, Mt 23:37). So the rules are to help us be Absolutely Free.


Proverbs 11:25 The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.


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