Bulletin Board Evangelism

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One day, a bunch of church guys of various denominations, who all worked at the same factory, got together, and said, "Hey; if the whole idea of church, is to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry (Eph 4:11+12); and we're all supposed to be saints, shouldn't we be doing something out here?"

So, agreeing that they were all missionaries, sharing a common mission field, they decided to join forces, and called themselves, "The Fairfield Christian Group."

Understanding that one of the fundamental priorities of anyone who considers themselves to be ministers, is the spreading of the gospel; they immediately began seeking a vehicle to present the gospel to oily, grimy, factory guys. Because even though everyone really needs to hear a good sermon frequently, most people don't go to church. And even though everyone needs to read the Bible, most people don't. But a lot of people who don't go to church, and don't read the Bible, do read the bulletin board.

And so the Fairfield Christian Group started publishing a concise micro-sermon each week, and posting it on the bulletin board. Before they knew it, people were asking for copies of it to take home, or to give to others. So they began printing several copies each week, and placing them in distribution boxes, and on lunch tables at various strategic locations throughout the factory (with the expressed permission of management of course).

Before they knew it church guys from other work places expressed a desire to do the same thing at their places of employment. So FCG started publishing their newsletter under different mastheads, for different work shops, as displayed on the FCG "Home Page". This has been going on for a few years now, and at a sermon a week, there are quite a few piled up. We've catagorized them on the FCG "Home Page", according to each year they were published, and in order, as Volumes 1, 2, 3, and 4.

If you think this is something you'd like to do, or you know someone who would be interested, please help yourself to our archives. You can pick and choose through the ones you like, or you can follow the order that they were written. They haven't been widely circulated (unless you consider this website global exposure), and they're all original.

A little more about the way we have presented them in our workplace follows:



At the factory that is home to the Fairfield Christian Group, we make gears. Crude castings, bar stock, iron, and steel come in one door, and go out the other; high quality precision machined products.

As the stock travels through the factory, going through its various stages of development, it is sent from department to department. To let the forklift operators know where they go next, a piece of paper is attatched to each pallette of parts, with the necessary information printed on it.

There is also a paragraph of information on it, which tells the machine operator exactly what needs to be done to these parts at their department.

This piece of paper is called a "routing." We in the Fairfield Christian Group, thought that this would be an appropriate name for our weekly newsletter, Intending to tell others where they need to go, and how to get there, on a spiritual level.

Not included with the text of each message, is the heading and border which is added to each edition before printing. It simply says: The Rouing, the "Good News" newsletter, from the Fairfield Christian Group.

Across the page from the number and date, are the words: Absolutely Free. This has a broader meaning than just the cost of the newsletter to the reader; and as you'll find out, it has become the motto of the publication.

It's not the motto of the Fairfield Christian Group however. Theirs is found at the very bottom of each edition:

FCG "In Gear For Christ!" FCG

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