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On this page. . .

  • Things Ellen Likes to Do for Fun (Age 27 Months)
  • Activities Sent in by Other Parents
  • Links to Other Sites

    (Note: Some of the activities mentioned on this page and mentioned at the websites linked to below may not be appropriate for your child's age or stage of development; use discretion. For instance, if your child trys to eat the playdough or crayons, etc., then he's probably not ready for those activities yet. :-))

    Things Ellen Likes to Do for Fun

    (Age 27+ Months... she has been doing many of these for a long time)

      [Ellen swinging]
    1. "Fish" in a mud puddle using a stick.
    2. Take a bath (she loves bubble baths) or shower.
    3. Play hide and go seek. We need more practice (lol), but she is learning!
    4. Mother her little baby dolls. She rocks and sings to them. Sometimes she says, "Baby's crying. Baby needs 'nur-nur.'" :-)
    5. Go for a walk in the park. She likes to pick up sticks, little stones, and leaves. I suggest bringing a basket in which to carry the treasures your child picks up. (Be careful, though; Ellen once picked up a dead mouse that looked like a leaf!)
    6. Play on the big toys in the park... and the swings, slides, etc. While at the park, I've noticed that some toddlers are a little afraid to climb by themselves, so don't worry if yours isn't ready yet.
    7. Go see the ducks.
    8. Blow bubbles or chase bubbles that I blow for her.
    9. Play with her ball. We're learning to push the ball back and forth while sitting on the ground. Kicking it back and forth is fun, too.
    10. Color on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk. You can also let them use water to "paint" the sidewalk.
    11. Have a picnic. You can even have one indoors if it is raining outside.
    12. Play with cups in a sink filled with water and bubbles (this can help keep her occupied while I wash the dishes or do something else in the kitchen). If your child isn't big enough to stand on a chair at the sink (or you'd rather he didn't), you could put a dishpan filled with water on a towel on the floor.
    [Ellen on a yellow slide]13. Paint... either with finger paint or with watercolors. Q-tips work well as paint "brushes." (When she paints with watercolors, I've found that watercolor paper works best since she uses lots and lots of water!) For something less messy, try letting your child "paint with water" (darker paper--off-white or darker--would be best).
    14. Draw with color crayons. (Crayola makes some nice big, fat, washable crayons.)
    15. Put stickers on paper (she likes star stickers a lot).
    16. Read a book (either someone can read to her, or she "reads" the book herself).
    17. Look at a catalogue or magazine with lots of neat pictures. She especially likes to look at catalogues with baby items in them and parenting magazines. She also likes Avon catalogues.
    18. Play "ring around the rosies" or "London bridges falling down."
    19. Dance and jump up and down and go in circles.
    20. Play with uncooked large macaroni noddles... she likes to pour them into cups and other containers. You can use rice instead.
    21. She likes to "help" me do whatever I am doing. :) Take advantage of their willingness to help. Try to find some way they can "help."

    What does are your toddler's favorite things to do? I'd love to know! Let me know at, and I'll post it on this page.

    Activities Sent in by Other Parents

    My son, Alastair, is 21 months old and is doing new things every day! It's all very exciting to see. He has been walking since 10 months so he's had plenty of time to learn how to run, climb, and hop. He loves to climb on the playground equipment (especially slides and ladders). My husband got his a mini lacrosse set which he handles pretty well. Indoors he loves to draw and paint. We use watercolors, finger paint, and poster paint. He is now learning the joys of glue and scissors (safety ones of course). We let him cut magazine pictures and fabric or felt scraps. He then glues them together or to a piece of paper.
    -Kimberly G.

    My 29 month old son loves to play kitchen on the deck with a bucket of water (supervised). He measures, cooks, drinks, serves splashes and offers me some tea. This treasure of a kitchen I found at a yard sale and we love it. I add bubbles for extra fun. I clean it up and bring it in in the winter.


    Links to Other Sites

    Global Children's Art Gallery Global Children's Art Gallery Take a look at beautiful art work created by children ages 1 to 12. You can submit your toddler's art work, too!

    [*] The Toddler Activity Pages

    [*] 101 Activities to Do With Your Toddler This site contains activities, songs, fingerplays, and more for children aged 1-3 years.

    [*] Kididdles: Musical Mouseum--a place where you can find the lyrics to your favorite kids' songs.

    [*] Children's Books with Positive Images of Breastfeeding

    [*] Build an inexpensive playhouse for your toddler

    [*] And They Played All Day By Naomi Aldort; an article on The Natural Child Project website.

    [*] Craft Recipes on the Alphabet Soup website. This page has many playdough and paint recipes (including edible ones).

    [*] Kids Craft Recipes Learn how to make play dough, model clay, finger paints, bubble blowing mix. On this website there are also lots of recipes for making fudge, candy, and cookies so beware! :)

    [*] Ask the Activities and Education Expert Archive from Parent Soup; includes activities for all ages, activities for rainy days and long trips, and more!

    [*] The Idea Box: Early Childhood Education & Activity Resources

    [*] 365 TV-Free Activities from Family.Com

    [*] Games Kids Play This site has the directions for many games including "Duck Duck Goose," "Kick The Can," and "Mother May I?"

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