I dannati della terra   

for actor, soprano, flute in C and G, percussion (marimbaphon, 3 cymbals, 3 toms, bass drum), stereo tape and images (Microsoft PowerPoint (tm)). Images by Emiliano Tolve. Voice on tape: Giorgio Bandiera


Approx. duration: 30:00

Based on texts by Frantz Fanon (Les damnées de la terre), Jean Paul Sartre (introduction to Les damnées de la terre), Marcel Péjou (Mourir pour De Gaulle?), Aimée Césaire (Les armes miraculouses), Pablo Neruda (Canto general) and Eduardo Galeano (Úselo y tírelo, Memoria del fuego, Las cáras y las mascaras, Días y noches de amor y guerra), I dannati della terra is a metatheatrical piece, involved with the concept of colonialism (past and present). Rereading Frantz Fanon's book after 30 years, I noticed, with disappoint, that nothing was changed: simply, the colonialism had changed from rough conquer to a financial art of the great multinational groups.

Formally, I dannati della terra is articulated in a series of panels exploited by images, soprano and instrumentalists, while the actor serves as a "master of ceremony" as well as a "Greek choir" and a teacher.

The tape part of I dannati della terra was composed in the composer's private studio with a 486-DX4 PC, Csound and WCShell.

I dannati della terra was first performed in Rome, on Nov 17 1996, during Musica Verticale Festival, by Daniele Fracassi, actor, Maria Chiara Pavoni, soprano, Gianni Trovalusci, flutes, Alessandro Tomassetti, percussion.