Notice: Everything on this page is *Copyrighted*

My daughter never "titled" this writing, but I call it:


His deep hollow eyes look down at the white power on the cold rusty table. Very unsure of himself, he starts to shake. He thinks of all the good things he has going for him. He's captain of the football team, school president, and has a chance to get into a good college. "But now" he thinks silently "my dad is dead. I have no friend, he taught me everything I know. He was the best father anyone could have ever had - and now he's gone." Breaking out in a cold sweat, again... he looked at the white powder and he could still see the crash vividly in his mind.

He was standing on the street corner waiting for his father to return from work. He was rather an impatient boy so he began to worry. His father was never late. As he stood there waiting, a driver in a black corvette rounded the corner two blocks away, he started to swerve and hit a garbage can. He knew then it was a drunk driver. Just then his father came around the corner, smiling happily, and waived. The other driver began to speed up. He screamed. As the two cars collided and exploded with an incredible force, he began to cry and fell to the ground. His father's body flew away from the car, blood was everywhere. His father lie limp and lifeless on the street. He could hear the sirens screaming. He knew they were to late. His father was dead.

The more he thought about this - the more he thought about the white powder. His hand reached out, twitched a little and grabbed the tray. He began to slowly sniff. He didn't know it yet, but his life was not over also.

Jennifer Ballard

The candle is out
it's shinning brighter
The wind is howling
the trees are still
The door is locked
it stands wide open
Crying hard
there are no tears
Screaming loud
there is no sound
Silence rings out
for all to hear

by Jennifer Ballard

Kristina Rayne

She has touched my life like no other
She is pure joy and utter happiness
Her innocence know no bounds
Her light of love shines from within
The angles have blessed her and stay by her side
With one smile, touch, or glance
She will forever capture your heart
I often spy upon her while she sleeps
To feel the tears of love fall to my cheeks
A mother's love is forever cherished
Take one look at us and you will see
She is the greatest gift God has given to me.

-by Jennifer Stewart
copyrighted in 7/98


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