Not The End,
But The Beginning

by Eric Golden

The time has come, at last,
this mortal coil to remove.
Let us have no talk of mourning,
of doom
of gloom.
Let us talk instead, of rejoicing
singing a glad refrain.
Let us talk of sadness, for those
who must remain.
Let us talk of happiness
for the Master's face I will see,
and those,
who went home before me.
Through storms, through chaos
happier times tho few
I look to the glory, and the
mansion I knew,
promised by the Father
for me
and one, also for you,
weep not, remorse, a mournful
dirge of tears,
lament not, for I count the glory
of the fervent, fruitful years
of family, life, and no fears.
God, in His magnificence
now that I must leave,
Allows me a legacy.
So grieve not,
for strong ties, and a family
His goodness will not deny
is strengthened
friends and others
reverent, unbending, faithful,
and true
dedicated to a memory
I leave with you,
and tho I die!
Hope is forever!

I have been nursing for going on 18 years. Seldom, does a patient have such a profound impact on your soul, that an immediate connection is made. Mr. Golden, was one of those. . . I will remember him forever. He authored this poem and was gracious enough to provide a copy for me. Thank you, Mr. Golden, I am proud to display your work on my daughter's memorial site.

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