<BGSOUND SRC="amazingrace.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welcome to  my Site
Welcome to my site.
I hope you enjoy some of what's included here.  I also hope that some of it stirs you, makes you think about the important things or brings to mind someone dear to you.  Remember that nothing is forever except our memories and regrets.
To Some Very Important People...
My Family
Thank you for being the family that you are
and showing what a family should be.
We're like a large puzzle and
losing even one piece of that puzzle makes it
workable but
forever incomplete.
We've all been truly blessed to have one another and
to be a family.
In memory of those we have lost. They are dearly loved and will be forever missed.
You will be in our hearts & thoughts, always...
Click on the roses below to enter...
Click on the award to check out a truly beautiful site.  I thank her for all her help.