Respect Your Elders

Do you know?



Elder abuse can take a number of forms and may be defined in various ways. It is most often defined as an action by a person in a position of trust which causes harm to an elder. Harmful actions by strangers are usually not considered elder abuse.

The exact incidence of elder abuse is unknown. One estimate for the United States places the number of seniors abused or mistreated at 1.5 million per year. The figure may be much higher since elder abuse is often not reported. In any event, with a rapidly growing elderly population, the numbers can be expected to rise.



The first and most important thing that can be done to prevent Elder Abuse is to make sure it is reported. Those being abused are the ones who should take the action to report it. Unfortunately there is reluctance or fear on the part of the elder to report abuse. They may have been threatened with placement in a nursing home or, in the case of a family member as the abuser, may be too embarrassed for others to know of it. However, if you, as a neighbor, family member or friend, suspect abuse, you should immediately report it.

According to the Adult Protective Services, "Elder abuse in domestic settings is a widespread problem, affecting hundreds of thousands of elderly people across the country. However, because it is still largely hidden under the shroud of family secrecy, elder abuse is grossly underreported. Some experts estimate that only 1 out of 14 domestic elder abuse incidents (excluding the incidents of self-neglect) come to the attention of authorities. If this estimate is accurate, then domestic elder abuse cases reported to state adult protective service or aging agencies represent only the tip of the iceberg.

In 1981, researchers estimated that 10 percent of the U.S. elderly population, or 2.5 million people, were victims of various forms of elder abuse. In 1996, it was estimated that there were between 820,000 and 1,860,000 abused elders in the country. Yet because it is most often not reported, a true nationwide picture of elder abuse cannot be accurately drawn."

To learn more about this abhorrent crime to our Senior Citizens, follow the links below. The more we know what is happening, the signs to look for, and how to prevent it, the less these despicable acts will occur. We can help put these abusers behind bars or in therapy where they belong.


The following poem was written by Patti Filbert
and was taken from the true story of her grandfather.

I'm not sure when it started.
For you see, I'm quite old.
But things have been going wrong here.
And this story must be told.

These nice people came to my home.
I needed some help you see.
I couldn't cook or bathe myself.
They came to look after me.

First they were quite nice.
They took me here and there.
They cooked these wonderful meals.
They'd wash and comb my hair.

But after awhile these people changed.
My money was flying out the door!
They needed a car to get me around.
They wanted it all and more!

There was groceries, bills and other things,
And when my money started running thin,
I wasn't allowed to go outside no more.
My life turned very dark and dim.

One time I told that nice nurse
Who would come once every week,
But then she didn't come no more.
I felt so tired and very meak.

They didn't feed me for a week
And they'd pushed me to the floor.
I prayed to God they'd go away.
I couldn't take much more.

They sold my medals from the war
And the couch where I would snooze.
Then they'd get all liquored up.
My house would smell like booze.

It started getting worse and worse...
More bruises and scrapes and bumps.
I knew not to say a word.
For that would get more thumps.

I'm quite ashamed for where I am.
My dignity, I do miss.
Just because I'm not so young,
I still deserve better than this.

Protect our History...Stop Elder Abuse --- Age is only a number



If you would like to link this site to your homepage,you may use this graphic and URL:
Link to Elder Abuse Project

Quilt Square
This quilt square has been added to the
Random Acts of Kindness Quilt For The Cause


Avoid Abuse
Victim Services
Elder Abuse Law
What Is Elder Abuse?
Nursing Home Abuse
Elder Abuse Incidents
MINCAVA: Elder abuse
Elder Abuse and Neglect
Kansas Elder Law Network
Elder Abuse- A Bibliography
Elder Abuse & Mistreatment
The NY Elder Abuse Coalition
Taking Action on Elder Abuse
Elder Abuse Within the Family
Elder Abuse:The Hidden Crime
Selected Sources on Elder Abuse
The National Center on Elder Abuse
Elder Abuse and Victimization Statistics
Nursing Home Abuse Information Center
Elder Abuse Recognition and Prevention
Elderly Caregiving: What is Elder Abuse?
The National Elder Abuse Incidence Study
Elder Abuse Rises as People Live Longer
Depression, dementia common in abused elderly
Reporting Elder Abuse State Listing 1-800 numbers


Web page by Shirley
Background set by SueCat
URL/Link Research by:
Lil' Sis
Linda B.
Angelkisses Lisa
Graphics by:
Penguin Angel
Ideas/Contributions by:
Lil' Sis
Linda B.
Angelkisses Lisa
Poetry by: Patti

Quilt square by: Lori

Link Back graphic by: zack

Special thanks to:

TLC Committee Leader, Kind Soul
TLC Assistant Committee Leader, Nick

Another RAOK TLC Committee project

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