Rose-S.jpg (14628 bytes)usanne's
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Hi and welcome to my homepage; Glad you could join me. A little about me first; I am a 27yo SAHM of 1, my 4 yo little girl whos the joy of my life. I am also a paralegal student taking courses at home, I enjoy the law and wish to become part of it. I have been married happily for 5 yrs and a SAHM for 4 of that and as you see the page is dedicated to my family . Been on AOL almost 2 years now. During that time I have met many wonderful people, and made many friends. Michelle the other person to whom the page is dedicated to is my best friend, she's the greatest, always ready to listen to me grumble about everyday life and the adventures my daughter gets into, as well as share with her the adventures of her boys, my adopted nephews Brandon and Justin, cute kids that they are.  I am Editor of an ezine called The Den for now it is on hiatus due to the busy schedule I have.   I am also Co Editor of a Graphics newletter called Graphics R Us, we swap Graphics and have all kinds of fun I am also a part of the Editors Group Phoenix and another called Harmony and have found many more friends.  If you are interested in GRU please email I also can do web sets and tags for a small fee :) If you are interested please email me below.  Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoyed your stay, please sign my guest so I know you visited.


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Monks Madhouse
Portrait of a Friend
The Home Depot
Granny's Kitchen - The Recipe Box
y' - We cover the South like Kudzu

Only on AOL
Life - Parents R Us 1

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I would like to dedicate this page to my Hubby,
his name is Dan

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I want to dedicate the page also to my best friend
Michelle AKA Hommom2.

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Last Updated: Tuesday, August 03, 1999

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