<BGSOUND SRC="/Heartland/Grove/3152/windbeneathmywings.mid" loop=infinite>

By wisdom a house is built,
and by understanding it is established;
and by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.
Proverbs 24:3,4

Welcome to my place! I am so glad you took the time to drop in.

I never saw myself as one to do a home page let alone even be on the "Net" but I felt that I needed my share of housespace. My Home" is one of love, filled with laughter, and encouragement. There is something for everyone! I don't apologise for my "home" being filled with God's love and teaching. It is the very foundation on which my "home" has been built - by his love, guidance and Greatness.

Go through the Garden Gate

A Garden sets the scene for a home! ! !

A Friend reflects the person they associate with! ! !

Just as a home needs a garden to make it complete just as a person needs Friendship to make their lives complete.

Click on the Gate & enter my Garden of Friendship and share in what makes our lives special and "whole" :o)

For those of you who have visited my home before you will see a huge change...free to look around and enjoy yourself as much as I did when moving all the furniture around :o)

The random verses that you see are ones that are very dear to me.
I pray that you will be blessed by them.

I am in the process of renovating and moving the furniture around my home so please BOOKMARK and comeback often. Keep an eye out for the .... and .... sections when you return.

You are number Click Here for God's Counter to visit since I have renovated my home (22 June 1999). I would love you to sign my guestbook & let me know what you think :o)

I would like to share some writing, poems & thoughts that have touched me over the years. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do :o)

My Treasures

I have had the privelege of being appointed in ministry to care for God's Church...
I have met some lovely people along the way and had some wonderful times sharing with them...
Here is just some of my talks, thoughts and tidbits that I have collated from over those years

Mary or Martha? Which one are you?

A Parents Teaching

The Beatitudes is a beautiful passage in the Bible.
It can be found in Matthew 5:1-12. Click on these links to see some great adaptations for Kids and Mums!
Beatitudes for
Beatitudes for

A Korner dedicated to ALL Mums!
Mum's Korner
I started to dedicate a page for Mums it ended up being more than that :o)

Poems &
"Heart Warmers"

You cannot push anyone up the ladder
unless he is willing to climb it himself.
Andrew Carnegie

From Australia Day to Christmas to Happy New Year
A room for every holiday & celebration!
I hope you enjoy it here and see that although some holidays can become very "commercialised" these days they do have a very SPECIAL & TRUE meaning as well.

My God will supply all
your needs according
to His glorious riches
in Christ Jesus.
Phil. 4:19

The Secret of Life....
Is in Your Dreams!!!

Want a Better Life?
Sick of the way things are at the moment?
Need something more in life?

It's as Easy as

Delight yourself in the Lord
and he will give you the
desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

Who is Jesus
to YOU?

Potential is "what might be or could be, but does not yet exist"

There is strength in conformity,
but we must know the wisdom to
know when to stand alone.

Please Visit Our Sponsors

Something for Everyone

There are lots of new and exciting rooms to explore here so sit back with a cup of coffee and relax and let your finger do the clicking :o)

My Family is the love of my life
Click on the links below to get to know them better

My Children

A man of destiny knows that beyond this hill lies another and another.
The journey is never complete.
FW DeKlerk

We have had many additions to the family this month and one to not miss is the MOUSES HOUSE. Why don't you sneak on in and meet our two girls Maddie & Cassie - the house should be tidy :o)


Mum's Kitchen

Send A Card

Tell someone that you care about them.

This has some great links to see some wonderful sites of Our wonderful Country.


Tuffy became a member of our family only recently when he was adopted by Joshua.
He is a loveable, playful pup who would love you to drop in and play with him...
maybe you can find his bone :o)

In searching the web for many hours I have come across some great links....
These pages are always being updated so Bookmark
Favourite Links
Without these people I would be in No Man's Land
These people are just the best
Make sure you check these out!
Graphics & wavs

Happy Birthday !!!
A great page to send anyone for their special day.

Another addition to our family is Sheridan's unicorn Enchantress.
She is inside waiting for her mane to be brushed....she loves visitors too.
You too can adopt one find out more here!

Calling all Kids

Kids Fun Room

There are lots of things to see and do here.
Great for the Big Kids too!

Here are some wonderful groups of people which I belong to

And WOW was I surprised when I started to get these:



I can then come to your "home" & visit you!
I would love to know what you think of my "home" & if you have any ideas of what else you would like to see!
Thanks :o)

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

Feel free to drop me a line :o)
I would love to hear from you!
I will reply as soon as I can
it gets busy with 4 kids at home)
Thanks for taking the time to say HI :o)

Cherry's Home
Use this icon to let me link to you
Add Your Link To Mine
By clicking HERE
There are some great links here too!

since my home originally opened on May 3, 1999.

My many thanks goes to the many who in some way or another has had a part to play in putting my home together.

The following people have supplied the graphics for this page. My gratitude to you all is huge as my home would be nothing without your talents. (if you see your graphic somewhere in my home and no credit please let me know)

Cottage Row Graphics
Designs by Janis
The Extreme Botanicals Collective
A Touch of Country

A very Special and HUGE THANK YOU goes to a wonderful friend who has encouraged and helped in any way she can (isn't the opening graphic just brilliant)- Daydreamer.
Also a new friend who helped heaps and you would not be seeing my home page as it is if it wasn't for - Abby's Dad.
THANKS GUYS You're Great

Another Friend who is an awesome lady, who is a very special and dear friend who is always my encourager, strength and confidant - Gregswife. THANKS BUDDY :o)

Put the thought for the day on your webpage
More motivational quotes - click here!