The Real Simpsons
The GeoCities Website for Dan Simpson and Family

Welcome to Dan's GeoCities website. If you're looking for graphics, icons, midi files, and other such fan items from the hit Fox TV show The Simpsons, you'll not find it here. Nope. This website is about Real Simpsons. Yes, I realize that including references to The Simpsons and listing such names as Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie in the text of this web page will draw some hits from search engine users. But even when I don't make reference to the notorious cartoon family from Springfield, I get lots of hits because my name is Simpson. It just happens.

So who are The Real Simpsons? Well, it's Dan Simpson, Dena Simpson, Micah Simpson, Anna Simpson, and Christa Simpson. We're a real family who lives in Azusa, Calif. Our main family website is found at

Dan's Coke Gallery
Dan's Globe Collection
SR-71 Blackbird Page
Dan's Cybermaze
Battleship Game
Canoe Clobber Game
Web Building Helps

ENTER The Real Simpson's Home Page

Dan's House 

Dan's House Collection

Contact Dan Simpson.
Entire contents © 1999-2004 Daniel E. Simpson

This page was last updated March 12, 2004


Some the things you will find on The Real Simpsons GeoCities website are free graphics, houses, house clipart, home images, globe clip art, icons, animated gifs, collections including a house collection and a globe collection, globes, a cyber maze, Coke bottles, games, and fun stuff.

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