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I don't want to bore anyone, so I will be brief. I was born in Southern California, after Mom and Dad left Texas to find a better life.  They hated California so much, that they came back to Texas and Dad re-entered the Army, where he stayed over 20 years. I spent most of my childhood in San Antonio, except for one year in Eastern Kentucky, while Dad was in Viet Nam.  We were also stationed in Columbia, South Carolina for 2 1/2 years. 
After a year of college, we moved to Jacksonville, Alabama.  I really liked it there.  After about 6 months, I decided to attend Morehead State University in Kentucky, to participate in their Veterinary Technology Program.  I graduated in May, 1986.
After 6 months in Lexington, I went back to Texas breifly, and then my college sweetheart and I married in 1987.  We settled in Salyersville, my dad's hometown, as well as his.
I worked several odd jobs, until 1993, when I started working as a racing official at the local harness racing track.  I really enjoyed this job, but in 1995, I had the first of 2 sons, and so my career changed again, to Mom.
Once the boys were in school, I decided to give Morehead another try.  I am currently taking computer classes, and hope to be able to work as a web designer in the future.

I have included a copy of my current Resume

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