
Once upon a time divorce was a dirty word. Today some people change marriage partners like they change clothes. In fact, recent statistics show that one divorce occurs for every two marriages. Even Christian couples are breaking up. What in the world is happening?

Not God's Ideal:

The Bible condemns divorce in the strongest terms: "I hate divorce,' says the Lord God of Israel" (Malachi 2:16).
It has always been God's plan for married couples to stay together until death. Marriage binds a couple together in a unique way (Genesis 2:24). Jesus noted this and added, "What God has joined together, let man not separate" (Mathew 19:6).

Different Views:

Christians are divided over the divorce issue. Some, citing Jesus' words above, believe that divorce is wrong in all cases (Matthew 19:6). Others argue that divorce is allowable when sexual immorality is involved (Matthew 19:9). Still others offer less strict interpretations. And the argument goes on.

Steps to Take:

Divorce is a complicated and painful issue. Perhaps you live in a home that situation. Whatever the case, there are several things you can do.
Study what God has to say: Matthew 5:32; 1 Corinthians 7:10-15; Ephesians 5:22-33. Pray that he will help you determine if divorce is ever acceptable for a Christian.
Be reminded of God's faithfulness and love during painful family times (Psalm 30).
Do some reading about how to build strong relationships. Begin to pray today for your future partner. In a world that has forgotten what it means to be committed, ask God for his amazing grace, so that you and your future partner will stay married for life.

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