What is Heaven?

How would you describe heaven? Streets of gold? Worshiping God forever? Mansions? Are you anxious to go there? Or does it honestly sound just a bit boring? Like an eternal church service? Do you sort of fell like it would be okay to go, but not today? You want to graduate, get married, have a career, have a few kids.
Never fear. those feelings are perfectly normal.

A hunger for heaven.

You may think you don't have a hunger for heaven, but have you ever wished for a life without conflict or trouble, a life of peace? That's a hunger for heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us that God has "set eternity in the hearts of men." We long for a perfect place because we were made to live in just such a place. We were created for eternity.

The presence of God.

So what is heaven all about? Will heaven be like going to church for eternity? Will we sit around playing harps? The Bible says that heaven is the place where God lives (Matthew 6:9). Even more than being a place, heaven is the very presence of God.

Heavenly citizens. We Christians need to remember that our true citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20-21). This world is just our temporary residence. Our real home is the place for which we long - Heaven!

Absolute fulfillment. Heaven will be the fulfillment of the deepest longings of our hearts. Once and for all, we will experience ultimate satisfaction and joy and peace in the presence of the one we were created to enjoy forever - our Father in heaven - GOD.

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